TER General Board

I'm going to cry now that some anonymous, judgmental misanthrope flings insults. HA!
cocktail-party 712 reads

Either you feel shame for engaging in P4P, or you're trying to shame those who do. Fling away, buddy, I don't care - I'm having a blast in this realm, and I know quite well that I'm not the only one.  

P.S. You really come across as one of the dipshits Alexandra has referenced. Lighten up!

I would guess that any man who would have to pay a working woman to go on a vacation trip with him is very needy.

I see why most of the working women here want to get paid these ridiculous sums to be with such men.

Why doesn't the guy just take a friend?  I guess they don't have any friends?  

I'm glad some of the working women tell the guys here that they really can't stand being with the guys.  Why can't those guys see that?

Granted, I don't get the guys who will take someone they just met (or worse, haven't met!). But if they have a well-established and mutually enjoyable relationship, then I don't see why not. Sure, one can always try to set up dates at the destination, but that can sometimes be a pain, those dates can fall through, and sometimes you want to be with someone you're fully comfortable with.  

The point is that you're paying to get someone at their best.

I can't imagine anyone can be on 24/7 days on end.  

You see how many women here bash their johns.  Why anyone thinks it's different on a paid trip is silly.

I can see being nice and pretending to like the paying john for an hour or two, but how or why would any guy think she's going to be sane the entire trip?

I still think that guys who go that route are horribly needy and have no friends.

...but I wouldn't make a categorical statement about all clients who go this route. The guys who would make her work for every penny and need around the clock attention are indeed losers. But are you really incapable of imagining how this could also be a mutually enjoyable engagement? For example, I can go boating in the Caribbean with my brother/buddy, or I can bring along that hot lady I've been having crazy fun with for the last six months. Makes sense to me.  

P4P doesn't always have to be so transactional, and I feel sorry for those who can't enjoy it beyond that.

How is paying a working woman to go somewhere not transactional?  

You sound like one of the guys I'm talking about.  You should find some friends and not have to pay a working woman to pretend to be your friend.

Join some clubs or Church organizations.  Friends there don't charge friends to be their friends.

I'm sorry for you.

How is paying a working woman for an hour any less transactional? The money exchange is always transactional, doesn't mean the experience has to be.

Wow, you've been seeing the WRONG women. I'm sorry for you!

Why don't you go find some friends for the hour only you seek? Jesus Tits with Applesauce Christ I've never seen a john so judgemental all of other johns...or perhaps jealous??? It must be exhausting comparing...

This is a JOB for which I get paid for. Doesn't in any way mean that I can't or don't enjoy it

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
.......Jesus Tits with Applesauce Christ.....
I LOVE that one! Cuz if you're gonna blaspheme, do it with STYLE!

Have you already trademarked that phrase, or may I borrow it??  :-)

ahaha! Who wouldn't LOVE tits with applesauce? I'm guessing Lee wouldn't, if he had to pay for it, lmao!!!

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Posted By: Alexandra Kole
.......Jesus Tits with Applesauce Christ.....  
 I LOVE that one! Cuz if you're gonna blaspheme, do it with STYLE!  
 Have you already trademarked that phrase, or may I borrow it??  :-)

Maybe you have some friends that pay you to eat as well?

Are they dipshits too?

Wow...talk about pot>kettle>black

Maybe you can explain to cocktail-waitress about paying a working woman being transactional?

Or are you also going to pretend that you're his friend?  Except you want to get paid to be his friend.

So is this just loneliness or a guy who is so low on self-esteem that he thinks a paid friend is a real friend?

So the women that you pay...are pretending to like you too??? Wow, so you're repeat visits to them when you know they must think of you as a dipshit must be excruciating. Why do you continue to pay? Why don't you get a friend with benefits, bahahaha?

When anyone has to pay for a friend why should they be surprised that the payee is pretending?

But some guys are so delusional that they believe that the paid friend really likes them.  

All I asked in my post was what type of guy is this?

I still maintain it's a guy who's very needy.  And has very low self-esteem.

What makes you think I pay anyone to be my friend?  I would take it from my posts here that I do not.  My friends don't charge me to be a friend, that's why they aren't faking it.

I read a few of your reviews, they're boring and repetitive.  I guess you have your fake routine down pat.

Did you ever consider it's more about us, than about them? Now, I am with you if a guy IS truly deluded and thinks I would ever fk his ass for free lol, but what is so wrong going into this thing knowing full well she's a hooker and paying to go have some laughs and a good time with someone you get along with? He knows she has bills and respects that. He also knows she is not looking to fall in love, nor is he. I know full well the men you are talking about and agree, they are out there. Every time I see another "I fell for a hooker" thread, I nearly piss my pants, but those guys are not the majorty ha ha. They sure as hell don't see me. I make no bones about what this is, and I am not going to sit here and blow smoke up your ass. I don't need to downplay my role here, because it is not my only job nor who I am as a person. London Rayne is a character, nothing more.

Funny thing is she feel for me too. Of course I was never her client and she fucked me for only the low cost of loving her. (Sex is never free for us guys.)

Now did you pee your pants? ;) or just come close? LOL. :D

They would be boring to a guy that doesn't know what any of it means ; )

U.S. Grant. You're his bitch boy

You pay for a pretend girlfriend, how is that different than someone paying just for the company? Loneliness, horniness...both are paying for that woman to be there. And neither are real.

As I occasionally enjoy paying ladies to eat sleep and tan by the pool.

How is paying a woman to pretend to like you not transactional?

You have confirmed that you're a horribly needy guy.  I hope you find some friends that don't charge you to be your friend soon.

I don't believe you'll find them here however.  

I guess delusional souls like yourself just have to hold on to anything that might make them feel good?

So then if all the women here suck and all the men are dumb, WTF are you doing here Mr. Holier Than Thou?!

And when the working women like you post how much they dislike their customers I can pass that information on to those who actually care about it.

You've provided much entertainment.

Okay, I get your density by now, however, let's re-visit my actual words...

"Have I had some bad apples in my time? Absolutely. Some real dipshits. But these are the dipshits I would never choose to see again, much less accept a vacation invitation from. I've always had a genuinely amazing time.  We don't hate all of the men we see. In fact, it's quite the opposite for most of us."

Please enlighten me on how that in any way, shape or form broadcasts that I dislike my customers?

I would expect any prudent person to extrapolate that I am either a pathetically horrible businessperson that despises my customers.

I hope you don't dislike your non-paid friends as much.

Precisely why once a dipshit is uncovered, said dipshit is never seen again, therefore, they aren't a customer. It's really that simple. Not understanding why it's so hard for you to comprehend that the dipshits have comprised a very small pool in my otherwise fabulous clientele. That goes for every lady here. No one has had all A+ experiences.

They certainly were customers.  Unless you are capable of knowing this in advance and you are also clairvoyant?  And if so, then you would never have seen said dipshit to start with.  Hence, he would never have been a customer.

I have no objections to your discussing who you see, but to suggest that ALL women here have had similar experiences is quite erroneous.   Therefore, speak only for yourself since you certainly don't know more than a few dozen/hundred women out of literally hundreds of thousands here.  I doubt you know many well enough to even speak on their behalf

You don't know me, yet you claim to...

Dipshit=saw once. Not a repeat CUSTOMER. My call. A fraction of the whole picture.

Yes, we have ALL had a dipshit. There isn't one girl that would say they haven't. I do know a lot of the other ladies, yet never claimed to speak on their behalf. We've all had a dipshit. We will all have a future dipshit. Simple.

Either you feel shame for engaging in P4P, or you're trying to shame those who do. Fling away, buddy, I don't care - I'm having a blast in this realm, and I know quite well that I'm not the only one.  

P.S. You really come across as one of the dipshits Alexandra has referenced. Lighten up!

Once again...WORD!!!

Posted By: cocktail-party
Either you feel shame for engaging in P4P, or you're trying to shame those who do. Fling away, buddy, I don't care - I'm having a blast in this realm, and I know quite well that I'm not the only one.  
 P.S. You really come across as one of the dipshits Alexandra has referenced. Lighten up!

Answer the question already!

How is paying for the woman not a transactional event?

As for those dipshits Alex is discussing, I'm clearly afraid you are one of them.  I know Alex and she despises spineless souls like you.  Isn't it time for a knee pad change?

If you want to discuss semantics, I'm using "transactional" in the rote, mechanistic sense, not the literal "process of exchange." But I get that the use of metaphor is over your head.  

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 12:11:05 PM

We've already covered this ground. The payment is always transactional, but the experience shouldn't be. DERP!!!

Hey dipshit, you don't know me. I don't want to know you, but I do know you're a dipshit ; )

That I am or was a customer of yours that you didn't want to tell me I'm a dipshit to my face?

This is such a small world.

Also you were replying to my post to cocktail-waitress.  He doesn't want to recognize this is a transactional business.  You and I know better!

See, I don't have to see someone to know they are a dipshit, thank you for proving what you said I couldn't do. I've never seen you, yet I know you're a dipshit.  

But since you hide behind no reviews/alias, you don't want anyone you've really seen to know what an incognito dipshit you are.

Did I mention how small a world this is?  Yes I did!

I also prefer if you'd stop calling me a dipshit.  At least till we are face to face again.

I won't pay extra for that either!

CP is actually young, handsome and hella cool. If he can afford to take a hot chick on vacation instead of going to church, why wouldn't he?

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
How is paying a working woman to go somewhere not transactional?    
 You sound like one of the guys I'm talking about.  You should find some friends and not have to pay a working woman to pretend to be your friend.  
 Join some clubs or Church organizations.  Friends there don't charge friends to be their friends.  
 I'm sorry for you.

If I can't stand someone, I am not going to see them period. I've struggled financially before, and trust me.. it builds character. I would rather eat Ramen Noodles for a week than have to look at myself after being with someone I truly despised, unless it was revenge sex with an ex lol.  

Just because we run a business like it's a business, does not mean anything. This is not match.com and you guys know this coming in so don't act all shocked when OMG a hooker expects to be paid for being a... HOOKER!  

I find it funny that it's perfectly ok to admit that most guys see us as nothing but holes to fill and could give two shits about us on their off time but when we dare expect to be paid for our JOB, the damn sky is falling. Get crucial lol. There are no delusions here... everyone should get what this is.

I know that the women are working here.  I said so in my post.

Why would any man pay a virtual stranger to go with him?  I guess that most do because they are lonely and have no friends they can go with.

It can't be a sex thing, as I don't see many working women fucking some guy all that much on a trip.  The women say they have to know what the guy is expecting.  

These guys are so lonely that do that.  It's a shame.  They should buy a dog, name her Lassie.  Lassie would be a much better companion too.  She never has PMS.

You would be surprised at 'what kind of men do this." Start with CEOs, Doctors, or any other man who is away from his wife over 100 days out of the year and she is busy taking care of the children so she can't travel with him. Why do you pay for it at all? My guess is for no drama and no strings attached, then the bitch leaves afterwards. Well, that's the very same reason a guy would pay to take a provider on vacation vs. a friend. Friends come with baggage and he's not guaranteed sex when he wants it, either.

I don't care what the guy does for a living.

What type of guy pays for a working woman to accompany him for money (and based on prior comments lots of it is expected from some women).

I think these are lonely men with low self-esteem.

Friends don't charge friends to be friends.

Would you go in a Church and ask why there is praise and worship? So, do you see how idiotic it is to ask an escort audience why men pay them to travel? Nuff said.  

You're right... I do not charge my friends to be friends, but I am also not expected to FK THEM! You don't think guys take us places just for kicks, do you? He is still paying to get fked. I can't tell you how many guys I have gone to dinner with off the clock here, but the list is endless. Those are guys who do not pay escorts to eat, so I lost nothing by going and gained a great time, a free drunk and a meal lol. Now, I am not going to turn down the gents who will pay for a dinner date, but it's only 100 more and I usually cook for them.  

Should all providers do that? No, and I respect them just as I do the guys who will not pay for a dinner date. I don't have to call them insecure or needy... same can be said about you. Why don't you go fk a chick for free

what type of guy pays a working woman to go on vacation.  Especially on a board like this I would think that someone took a working woman on a trip.  At least some claim to have done so.

I take it that it's such an outlier that women like Alex find this type so distasteful to be called dipshits.  I know that most women like men with backbones.  

You seem like a nice woman London.  Maybe one day we can get together (again) for dinner?  I won't pay you to eat, but I do have some great stories to tell  ;)

Harry said he's looking forward to it.

I love the way you phrase it, as if me being a "working woman" somehow makes me unfit to travel, lol!

I've been on a few vacays with gentlemen, and they are very successful, sweet, smart men. They do a vacation for the same reason you choose to have your hour: no-strings fun. How does the fact that they enjoy an extended date mean they have no friends or they're needy or you're any superior of a john because you prefer an hour only experience?

Their "friends" aren't going away with them to treat them like a gentlemen. A friend goes with you to drink, chat, the end. My guys are looking for someone to share much more with. It makes them needy in no way. They simply have the financial means and the desire to have a very long, extended time, therefore they choose to indulge. It's been like a mini-honeymoon without the commitment.

Have I had some bad apples in my time? Absolutely. Some real dipshits. But these are the dipshits I would never choose to see again, much less accept a vacation invitation from. I've always had a genuinely amazing time.  We don't hate all of the men we see. In fact, it's quite the opposite for most of us.

You have even confirmed this with your own post.  

How bad tasting were those apples?  And then you call them dipshits.

You are the very reason for this post.  Working women like you are so two-faced.  Why any man would spend a nickle of his money or a minute of his time with a woman like you is the reason for my post.

I think any man that has seen or will see you is very insecure in himself.  And has no friends either.

How do my bad apples constitute your post about someone having no friends?! My God you are ill...

Let me see if I can break it down for you...NOT all of the guys I've seen are dipshits, but yes, all of us ladies have had our share of them. Dipshits are NOT guys we would go on vacation with. Dipshits are NOT guys we would ever see again. Not sure what part about that you didn't get the first time around. It seemed pretty elementary to me...

Two-faced in what way? I like the guys I see again, and the ones I don't know they fouled up. I make no beans about it. That is a part of every business.  

A woman like me??? Honest??? You must just not like women, or the men that can afford to spend an extended time with them. There are male escorts you know, may be a bit more up your alley, no pun intended ; )

I think you don't know me, or my friends. Only an insecure guy would start a post like yours...it's far more telling of you than me or any of the wonderful guys on here. Do you know what a friend is? With your attitude, having any is an impossibility.

I do know you...and you know me...and a bunch of my friends.

Thanks for confirming what many of the boys thought about you.

Good luck.

Those dipshits you refer to appreciate your honesty.

Yea, sure, Lee, nice try though ; )

BTW...my handful of dipshits weren't in the dark before today. So, sorry, no big archeological find for you.

Difference being I don't insult people & then pretend to know who they are...now you're an idiot and a liar. Bravo!

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 1:41:28 PM

I'll bet you don't say those nasty things to the johns that see you.  At least not to their face.

But now you have posted it for all of them to see.


What?! That I've seen dipshits? Sure I tell them, why not?

Earlier you posted that you don't see a dipshit twice.

Do you tell them that they're dipshits as they are leaving?  And I presume you make sure you've gotten paid first

Couldn't the same be said about you posting of a fk board? Hate to break it to ya, but all of my guy friends say the same shit about hobbyists... that you are all desperate, ugly and insecure. Is that true of yourself? Then, it's not always true about other guys. Project much? Heh.

do you just feel like being insulting, putting down said gentlemen the way you did?

Hoping it is the former, I will respond to your assumptions and statements from my own personal experience.  

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I would guess that any man who would have to pay a working woman to go on a vacation trip with him is very needy.
Not at all.  Most hobbyists who engage an escort to be his travel companion have very hectic schedules, and limited play-time when in their home city.   They also usually have a S.O. who may be keeping track of his time & whereabouts when he is at home.   So bringing someone along on a trip (whether it's a business trip or actual vacation) means that he has the opportunity to play whenever the mood strikes and/or time permits, without the need for cloak-and-dagger subterfuge.
Posted By: TheGeneralLee

Why doesn't the guy just take a friend?
Do you mean a friend with benefits?  Because that is exactly what he IS doing.  Taking a friend with benefits... for which she is compensated.  Therefore, they BOTH "benefit" from the engagement. :-)
The reasons for hiring a travel companion are no different than the reasons for contacting a provider for a 1-hour date, versus attempting to pick up, or hook-up, with a non-paid individual.   Less time spent trolling for a willing partner, less likelihood of emotional strings attached and the ensuing drama that are frequently associated with such encounters.
Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I guess they don't have any friends?    
Was that intended to be snide?  Because that is how it reads.   Which is not a good way to get a reasonable response to your query.  
Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I'm glad some of the working women tell the guys here that they really can't stand being with the guys.  Why can't those guys see that?
Now, I no longer "do" the overnight or travel thing but when I did.... I certainly wouldn't have agreed to accompany someone whose presence I couldn't stand.  That would wear very thin over the course of a prolonged engagement and I'm not that good of an actress.  Sooner or later, my distaste would show through.   Which is why I would not agree to either travel to a new client for an extended visit,  or travel together with one for such.  And I see many ladies who write the same thing: they want to get to know the client a bit to make sure they "click" before a committing to multiple days of constant companionship.  

In my personal experience, you just don't really know someone until you travel with them.

Very few gentlemen would invite, and pay, a lady to be his travel companion if he knew she couldn't stand him to begin with.  There are some escorts who ARE excellent actresses, you know.  

So if ladies are travelling with gentlemen they already "can't stand", then it's likely the client will be able to see that over the course of the trip.  And would likely not ask that particular lady to accompany him again.  

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 11:32:36 AM

but those are friends who don't expect, nor would fathom getting paid.  Why you feel the need to place prostitutes as equals to friends with benefits says a lot about your lack of self-esteem.

Same as any guy who would pretend to actually have to pay a working woman to go with him on a trip.  She is not a fwb...she is a prostitute pretending to like her paying friend for a few days or week.

I guess you and I see life very differently.

Ask any john why they do what they do...friends with benefits (no pay) DOESN'T WORK. Over time, sometimes even after the first time, one side ends up wanting more, it always ends poorly. Guys are paying for no-strings fun. How am I lesser than some ho that's going to give it away for free and then whine & cry that she wants him to leave his family for her?! Bahahaha! You're funny, Lee!!!

I don't think we working ladies have any lack of self-esteem. It takes balls of steel to publicly broadcast semi-nude photos of yourself and create marketable ads. To be confident is key to success in this business, which I have no shortage of.

How am I pretending to like this guy??? I really do enjoy the company of the gentleman that I choose, I CHOOSE, to see again. Wow, dude, just wow!!!

Isn't that the purpose of my thread?

As for pretending to like any guy, that's what you women do.

Say hi to all your dipshit friends just one more time for posterity sake.  And put that fake smile up as well?

No, the purpose of your thread was to insult guys that have the financial means and desire to do what you can't.

I don't have to pretend to do shit. I know when you look in the mirror you see crass and unwanted, which is why you would think we all think all men are like that, but they aren't. I met my best friend doing this. I met a man I was engaged to. Neither have any dip-shitty qualities.

"You women"...please seek help. Please???

I don't talk to the dipshits, remember?! Dipshits get ditched and don't have the privilege of my acquaintance.  

I don't smile in many of my photos...; )

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 1:29:01 PM

No...you can't

I just was curious as to what type of guy would pay a virtual stranger on a vacation.

I still say they're lonely with low self-esteem.

Plenty of high rollers who fit that description.

How do you know if he's a dipshit till you've met him and determine the dipshit status?  I give most an opportunity to prove me wrong.  You're not doing a very good job Alex.

Care to define what type of guy we are now discussing?

I simply asked that in my post what type of guy pays a working woman to go on vacation.  You went off on means, and I don't care about his wallet.  What type of spineless guy has to pay a woman here to accompany him on a vacation.  Seems that all anyone here is alleging is that money is the issue.  Clearly not in many cases here, as many are paying for sex at whatever the prices are.

So again my dear, please explain what type of guy is so lonely that he is compelled to hire a working woman to accompany him on vacation.

The same guy as you are. One that can. Period. What makes you any different than he? You both pay for companionship. Whether an hour or a week.

For an hour or so it's easy to just do what I came for.  Same for you.

But to pay you to eat, or sleep or whine as you are doing here, I'm curious what type of guy would pay for that?  

I have to assume a guy with no backbone who would just listen to you whine on endlessly.  As well as no self-esteem.  At least here I can just read a post and move on.  If you and I are on vacation where would I hide to get away from your narcissism?

I guess that I have friends is the difference between me and the guy who would pay you to go on vacation.  And I certainly am not lacking in self-esteem

and your mind is so closed to the many possibilities and nuances of the friendships and relationships that can be formed in this little hobby world.

Just because these arrangements don't suit you, is no reason to be unkind about it.

A travel companion escort is indeed someone who will act and behave as a friend (with benefits) for the period of the engagement.   And yes, she is being paid for it.  For many clients, this is just far simpler, cleaner, and more expedient than trying to find a suitable amateur to fill that role.    

It has nothing to do with self-esteem ,or the lack thereof, on either person's side of the equation; it's just pure unemotional logic.    

Why ARE you being so insulting about it??  I'm curious.  ;-

batmanbegins506 reads

You sound like an idiot.

With FWB you got to be kidding if a hot girl is expecting nothing in return. Either they want to be wined and dined or they want to gasp shocking get invited on some trip or excursion.  

With hot girls nothing is ever free. With fat ones you go for, well a burger is all they need and you can afford

I'm never paying anyone to spend time with me...I don't even understand why people do overnights either. I pay to fuck and that is where it ends.

I'd rather get a puppy and take it on vacation. I don't understand why someone would pay for "companionship"

Even in your "fucking" hour, you're paying them for your time. I will agree that not all guys have the financial means, or even the desire to take a girl on vacay, and that's alright, but for the OP to insult those that do and call them needy and having no friends is too far and not the same as you simply just not being interested in a vacation trip with a girl...

You are not the type of guy I would see, as I'm not interested in anyone that just wants to "fuck", but that doesn't mean I think you're any less of a person, like the OP suggested. It's a mere difference in preference.

I could, I would!!   You know, some of us have the means AND the desire to take a girl on vacay, but due to a SO it's impossible.  I can say, having spent time with Miss Kole, that it would be a complete blast to travel with her. For some of us, the 'non-fucking' time is equally as important......and.....she's not a dipshit!!!

She has stated on a number of posts that some of her johns are indeed dipshits.

I'm sure you're not one of them however.  Hopefully you concur?

Posted By: superD8
I could, I would!!   You know, some of us have the means AND the desire to take a girl on vacay, but due to a SO it's impossible.  I can say, having spent time with Miss Kole, that it would be a complete blast to travel with her. For some of us, the 'non-fucking' time is equally as important......and.....she's not a dipshit!!!  

SuperD8=FANTASTIC gentleman I cannot wait to see again upon my return to his fair city!!!

I told you in previous posts, Lee, those I regard as dipshits know exactly who they are, I don't hide or disguise it. Why does everything have to be spelled out so kindergarten-like for you?!

Just the same way you now are kissing up to SuperD8.  It's a business, that's OK.

I wish I didn't have to keep posting the obvious here my dear.  I thought you were smarter than this.

As for SuperD8 thinking he's also a dipshit...I'm sure you can email or Pm him and explain that he's not one.  He may believe you.

The fact that I would see SuperD8 again confirms he's not a dipshit. I don't have to kiss anybody's ass. There are dipshits I've had no problem telling to fuck off.  My fuck off=You're a dipshit.

I haven't disguised a thing. I've had no problem telling you to fuck off, dipshit ; )

I happen to know SuperD8 and know he's a good guy.

I think you're starting to like me.  You can't seem to stop telling me off  ;

Or you better ask TER to remove your reviews.

Can you even read?

Why are you so obsessed with financial means.  Very few on TER don't have the means.  However most are somewhat selective on who they choose to pay for fun.  You continue to exhibit a narcissism that some may find appealing, while others find it nauseating.

Uh, duh, financial means is why I started doing it. Enjoyment is why I continue to do it. Dipshit!

Narcissism in what way? That I don't and won't see dipshits? Damn skippy!!!

Posted By: barcafan
I don't understand why someone would pay for "companionship"
That is a reasonable view and statement to have and make.  You don't understand it.  That's ok.  
There are lots of people who don't understand why you would pay to fuck.  

No one is wrong for simply failing to understand someone else's actions and desires.  
I could wish that everyone would at least attempt to do so, but I may as well wish for world peace while I'm at it.  (Not that I've ever been in a pageant, mind you!)  Neither things are gonna happen.  

But not only does the OP not understand, he chooses to insult those who do pay for companionship, in addition to the sexual component, of an overnight or travel provider.  And that is not ok with me.

Although the following is rife with hypocrisy: I do not tolerate intolerance.  


Would it be less offensive if I ask What type of women are prostitutes?

There are many reasons why you have become a prostitute.  

I'm just curious as to what type of guy pays a stranger who happens to be a prostitute to go on vacation with him.

Care to reply to my question?

You asked two.  Well, technically three.  LOL.

So let's address each one in the order in which you posed them.  

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
Would it be less offensive if I ask What type of women are prostitutes?  
I did not find your original question offensive at all, so the question, "What type of women are prostitutes?" is neither more nor less offensive to me.
Posted By: TheGeneralLee

 I'm just curious as to what type of guy pays a stranger who happens to be a prostitute to go on vacation with him.  
I've already answered you on that one. But to sum up my previous response: The type of person who finds it far more expedient and less problematic to hire a professional to accompany him than to go to the trouble and potential risk of having an amateur companion.  Oh, and in many cases the lady is someone he has met repeatedly, and not a complete stranger.  
Posted By: TheGeneralLee
Care to reply to my question?
As I have now done just that, the answer is yes.  ;-

Looks like you paid for companionship at least 12 times. So you like short dates with no frills. You still paid for the lady to spend time with you. Some guys enjoy more than just a quickie. They are willing to pay for a greater amount of time. People pay for all types of entertainment. Some you will understand. Some you will not.  
There are things that i do not find entertaining so I don't understand why someone would pay to be entertained in that way. But i don't have any anger toward them and feel the need to blast them on a public form. I don't understand why people will pay money to watch someone else play golf. But they do, and that just makes me feel great for the golfers that they can do what they love and someone is willing to pay them to do it.  

 I am responding to you and not General Lee because he is just a troll on this board. He has no reviews and he is just trying to ruffle feathers. You on the other hand are in denial that you too have had to pay ladies to be nice to you because in your RL they are not giving up for free

lol, you do not know me to be able to make that conclusion.  

I have no problem finding women who'd like to spend time with me but I don't want that and I'm not about to lead anyone on just for a cheap thrill. I don't like using women so I pay to fuck because it's a fair business transaction and there are no strings attached.

I will proudly admit to paying a lot more times than my reviews will suggest.

Again, I don't pay for your time or for you to be nice to me.

I am all for a guy who only wants sex but he's going to pay a premium for that service. Ever notice that most providers will drop their rates for dinner dates? There is a reason for that. I am not putting down anyone who only wants sex, and I get many of you have to keep things on a purely physical level because it makes you feel less invested or guilty... those who are married, I mean. Many men just can't fathom being that invested in a P4P date, and I totally get and respect that. OTOH, I would never offer some quickie. If they want just sex, there is a premium tag that goes with it.

I like you London, you are a reasonable hooker :P

Oh, and in all honesty, your meal plan sounds really cool and unique. If I am to pay for companionship some day, that would be the ideal. :)

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 11:18:50 AM

Posted By: barcafan

   Again, I don't pay for your time or for you to be nice to me.
A quick scan a few of your reviews revealed that you have in fact, found at least one provider to be a "sweet girl", and that you did "enjoy a good conversation"  with another.  

Were you just trying to be nice?  Because those words seem to say that those encounters were not just about straight-up sex.

I meant every word. Just because I'm paying for sex doesn't mean I don't enjoy talking to them or can't think they are sweet people. The conversation and the sweetness are just not what I'm there for

Posted By: barcafan
I meant every word. Just because I'm paying for sex doesn't mean I don't enjoy talking to them or can't think they are sweet people. The conversation and the sweetness are just not what I'm there for.  
So anything beyond the physical interaction is icing on the cake?  I get that.  And I like that you are not the type I originally thought you to be: those who get in, get off, and get out with very little preliminary or post-climactic conversation and time spent with the provider.  

Here's what gave me that idea:  

Posted By: barcafan
I pay to fuck and that is where it ends.  
Posted By: barcafan
I don't understand why someone would pay for "companionship"
From both of those sentences, I inferred that you not only did not wish for conversation but that you also choose to avoid it and not only get right down to the sex part very quickly, but also leave as quickly as possible once you're done.  

It would seem that I took you too literally.     :-)

Yes, exactly, icing on the cake is a good way to phrase it.

I had a 90 minute date with a provider and we seemed to hit it off...When my time was up we went out to eat and hung out for the rest of the night and I ended up staying overnight, but I did not pay a dime more for any of those activities.

I'm not opposed to hanging out with an escort, but there is just no way I will pay for it.

for her thoughts is a waste of money.

We pay for pussy, have some fun and leave.

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 1:37:31 PM

She might be fucking in that time BUT she is still there and it still takes time.

Senator.Blutarsky743 reads

Come on, General... I think you're painting with a pretty large brush there and being a little judgmental. We all have our reasons, likes and dislikes for how we play. No one way is any better or worse than any other. You can play the way you like, and the rest of us will play the way we want ...and if that includes taking a lady along for a vacation, then that's our prerogative. SMDH.  

Have a nice day!

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 1:09:37 PM

The answer is the same kind of man who sees women in any P4P setting and time frame.   Two questions:

1)  Does a man who sees a lady for 1 hour or 2 hours also not have any friends, is he also a loser?
2)  Does a man who sees a lady for 1 hour or 2 hours fuck every single moment of the 1 hour or the 2 hours?

Coming from you that means a lot to me

fartsonhigher1599 reads

wants a sure thing with no worries on the trip. And maybe he want a woman who is out of his league in civie life.

Most important that type of man is one who can afford it.  Don't let the envy consume you.

But since you and a few others are so focused on means it surely tells me about you.

How about what type of many pays a working woman to go on vacation?

I don't think I can simplify the question much more.

fartsonhigher1508 reads

You shouldn't substitute imagination for rational thinking here.

batmanbegins455 reads

While Lee is an idiot, there is no such things as leagues or even civie life. Women are all the same. It is a matter of methods

is that one makes you feel good and the other helps you to grow. Perhaps you might consider more what you'd like to learn than just what you want to say.

I love it at the end of a Chinese dinner when I get to read one of your sayings

Care to reply to the question?  It really isn't that tough a question either.

Or are you one of those dipshits Alex knows and you haven't learned yet?

A rhetorical question demands no response.

You prefaced, asked and answered your own questions in your OP.  

Faced with many alternative points of view and experiences (answers) you stick to your singular opinion as if it were fact, and not merely your own opinion.  

I thus conclude that you are preaching only to gain adherents to your own opinion, and are not truly interested in hearing different views and opinions as a means to learn and grow... the simple answer is that you don't genuinely want replies, you want sycophants.

So with this response, I'll disengage. Feel free to respond on point, or just to throw more ad hominems. I know you'll need the last word

when a simple FU would have sufficed.

Do you get paid by the word?

He's a nice fella.  But be forewarned, he's one of those that is very needy.

And quite the emotional type.  Don't call him a dipshit as it does get him a bit unstable.  

I'm being serious now.

He'll give you a 10/10 too.  But then he gives anyone breathing a 10/10.

didn't someone say that once on the internet?  

FU, Dipshit!!

PS: Please show me that 10/10 review I wrote. I'd love to learn and correct that obvious mistake.

You pay too. You are in the same boat. Who cares if a guy pays a gal for a vacation? So you must think guys who do overnights are lame too? It's his money to do what he wishes.

Want to know why a guy pays for a vacation? Because he can. Did you ever stop to think that maybe his friends or family aren't able to go? People have work and family, they can't just drop everything to go sometimes. Perhaps they don't want to go to said vacation place? Maybe he just wants to make sure he has a good time with the gal he brings vs someone else that he pays for of his friends. One gets almost for sure good time, the other is a crap shoot. Maybe he wants to pretend to have a girlfriend, I don't know.

Did you ever think that perhaps the people in his life can't pay their own way? I have friends who don't make much money, if I want to do something with them I will likely be paying. I am going to pick whoever I will have the best time with.  

I only go on vacations with ANYONE that I know I will enjoy my time with.  

*******You ass, starting a ruckus on here. Pfffff. Took me 3/4 of the way through the thread to figure out who you were. lol.

FYI Just because a gal says a few things about bad guys we have seen, that is only a very small percent. I don't know how every lady is and I am sure some really hate their job... but most of us do enjoy it 98% of the time. I like the hobby. I may say somethings on here.... which is always playing/giving shit to that specific poster (who isn't even a client of mine) but I do like my job, well minus dealing with Flakes.

-- Modified on 5/5/2015 3:38:30 PM

ValuedCustomer597 reads

I think you are making some assumptions that may not be true.  For example, you may be assuming that the money is an issue.  You may be assuming that getting the time for a vacation is an issue.    That isn't necessarily the case....  The guy might be able to go with his buddies to Gstaad for a week of skiing.   A few rounds of golf in Scotland in the summer.  Then turn around and get a weekend with his mistress/provider in Key West...  And, honestly, providers are a LOT cheaper than mistresses... or wives....as Tiger Woods would tell you.  

As the late, great John Paul Getty once said - Buy that which appreciates and lease that which depreciates

I would guess that any man who would have to pay a working woman to go on a vacation trip with him is very needy.  
Yes, that is a "guess."
You don't KNOW all the men here, there-for, you GUESS.
Some men would rather not take a whiny GF/demanding wife type with them.
He is not NEEDY, he simply needs what HE needs.  
It MAY just be companionship and/or sex, without the extra B.S.

 I see why most of the working women here want to get paid these ridiculous sums to be with such men.  
Sadly, some are "ridiculous" with the prices, then again, some actually use a pay structure to do their hooker math.... Again, calculating dealing with being on call entertaining the client at all hours.
And some of these clients... Yeah, charging them an obscene amount actually does make it "worth it."
Otherwise..... not so much.
Not every Client is Mr. Dreamy.

 Why doesn't the guy just take a friend?  I guess they don't have any friends?    
Is this imaginary friend gonna suck/fuck/when/where how Mr Client likes? Cause most of my sessions haven't been about how *I* like it. Just sayin.... Most "friends" are at least gonna want it to be equal, tit for tat.
Maybe Mr. Client wants it HIS WAY, like he wants it, so HE can be the boss (or sub, or what have you.)
 I'm glad some of the working women tell the guys here that they really can't stand being with the guys.  Why can't those guys see that?
I'm pretty sure when a provider talks about a certain client, it isn't some kind of umbrella statement that covers ALL of her clients.
Then again, some guys like that bitchy streak lol Makes em feel like they can "tame a bitch." haha.

And you.... What's your deal?
You mad?
You cramping? Need a midol?
You need Foxy to get your panties out of your ass? They sure do seem to be in a bunch.

(By the way nice way to try to side with the hookers, then side with the Johns at the end! BRAVO!!!!
Nice play there!)



Yet another confused fucked up individual on TER.... smh....

Next time, try harder, mkkkay?


I thought I seen a ...

I don't think the guys who take hookers on vacation can be summed up by their actions any more than the hookers who charge a shitload for it can. Yeah maybe some of those guys have no friends, and maybe some of them just want a hot chick to be at their disposal for a few days and can afford to dish out the dough. There's no one-size-fits-all rationale for it.  

Rarely do I think chicks are charging so much because they "can't stand" being with the guys. Personally, I get really stressed out by traveling (fear of flying and what not) and find it difficult to sleep without my nighttime routine (which includes a REALLY cold room, cocooning in multiple comforters, a night light, and Beavis & Butthead reruns playing on my laptop). Plus I can't poop if there's another human within shouting distance. So yeah, I personally need a few extra bucks to be sexy whilst dealing with the anxiety, sleep deprivation and constipation that is likely to plague me during such an excursion.  

And after that explanation, I doubt anyone would even want to take my ass on vacation for free, but I keep shit 100. Enjoy.  

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I would guess that any man who would have to pay a working woman to go on a vacation trip with him is very needy.  
 I see why most of the working women here want to get paid these ridiculous sums to be with such men.  
 Why doesn't the guy just take a friend?  I guess they don't have any friends?    
 I'm glad some of the working women tell the guys here that they really can't stand being with the guys.  Why can't those guys see that?

LMAO... I can't poop with a dude there either ha ha ha. I do not know how anyone can live in a one bedroom/one bath place with another person. I would be dead in a week.

You up for June's Woman of the Month? Got my vote.

On the plus side, I think all of us gals should line up and have the General crawl passed us, while getting his spankings, naked of course!!!    :D

Too funny. I give the thread a 6 of 10 on producing a thread for arguments. Not saying I could do better, because I don't think I ever have been able to hit higher than a 2 on a controversial thread posting I've started. Just not as smart as Mr Lee here. Although most of his responses have been weak like a limp noodle. Got to give him credit for responding to every argument. His ass has been laughing all day on us. Can't even call him a fktard. lol

I really just want to know why RT didn't get in on the topic.  

PS No need to be pissy on AlexandraKole just because she looks better in a skirt. :D

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I don't think the guys who take hookers on vacation can be summed up by their actions any more than the hookers who charge a shitload for it can. Yeah maybe some of those guys have no friends, and maybe some of them just want a hot chick to be at their disposal for a few days and can afford to dish out the dough. There's no one-size-fits-all rationale for it.  
 Rarely do I think chicks are charging so much because they "can't stand" being with the guys. Personally, I get really stressed out by traveling (fear of flying and what not) and find it difficult to sleep without my nighttime routine (which includes a REALLY cold room, cocooning in multiple comforters, a night light, and Beavis & Butthead reruns playing on my laptop). Plus I can't poop if there's another human within shouting distance. So yeah, I personally need a few extra bucks to be sexy whilst dealing with the anxiety, sleep deprivation and constipation that is likely to plague me during such an excursion.  
 And after that explanation, I doubt anyone would even want to take my ass on vacation for free, but I keep shit 100. Enjoy.  
Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I would guess that any man who would have to pay a working woman to go on a vacation trip with him is very needy.  
  I see why most of the working women here want to get paid these ridiculous sums to be with such men.  
  Why doesn't the guy just take a friend?  I guess they don't have any friends?    
  I'm glad some of the working women tell the guys here that they really can't stand being with the guys.  Why can't those guys see that?
-- Modified on 5/5/2015 6:55:50 PM

MLCSolved535 reads

I am going on an 8-day trip with my favorite provider soon and I am really looking forward to it.  

And I would characterize myself as successful and lucky. I am successful enough to afford an experience of a lifetime - hopefully more than once in my lifetime. I am lucky to have met an exceptional woman who is currently working as  a provider.

But, we are hardly strangers. I have known her for over a year and she is without a doubt one of the most considerate, honest, politest, and above all - most fun person I have ever met. Incidentally,  I have quite a few friends, but none that come even remotely close to her in terms of being a desirable traveling companion.

As hard for you to believe, what I am most looking forward to is new experiences with her that are not sexual (but, that won't be neglected either - it just isn't my priority).

I do not mind paying her for her time for this trip - after all she is taking time away from other business opportunities for an extended period.  The last thing I would ask her to do is harm her financial situation on my behalf.

Whether you understand or approve is of no consequence to me. I do feel sorry for you, though. You are probably missing out on a lot of great things by failing to recognize them.



-- Modified on 5/5/2015 8:06:30 PM

Capt.Cunnilingist819 reads

I do not care what someone else does with their cash and how they spend it.
    It is not my business but it sure seems to be yours.

Here_I_Go677 reads

Posted By: Capt.Cunnilingist
I do not care what someone else does with their cash and how they spend it.  
     It is not my business but it sure seems to be yours.  

You're glad that some of the women here state that they can't stand being with the guys?  Why would you be glad?  No hobbyist would be glad with that.

What type of man takes a working woman on vacation?  Simple: the same type of many who sees her for an hour.  
 Or put another way, no one seems to question whether or not this is a great restaurant to dine at.  The question is do we order appetizers or a full course dinner?   But believe me, if you pay for an hour you're no different than someone who pays for a week in terms of neediness.    

We all need what the other has or we wouldn't be here, but there's a difference between needing something and being needy.   Kind of like the difference between being lonely and being alone.

-- Modified on 5/6/2015 7:52:39 AM

very very needy.  I would love to take one of my ATFs on a vacation....if only I could afford it.  and yes, I have no friends-especially friends with benefits.

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I would guess that any man who would have to pay a working woman to go on a vacation trip with him is very needy.  
 I see why most of the working women here want to get paid these ridiculous sums to be with such men.  
 Why doesn't the guy just take a friend?  I guess they don't have any friends?    
 I'm glad some of the working women tell the guys here that they really can't stand being with the guys.  Why can't those guys see that?

I would venture out and guess the kind that enjoys my company and is able to see that our relationship extends past a traditional hooker and trick role. I personally wouldn't spend any amount of time with someone who views me as just another hooker. If we are able to have enough trust and patience with each other to plan a vacation together there has to be mutual respect and understanding. Whether they have friends, kids, a wife is all arbitrary because if they are setting up a vacation get-a-way with me there must be a spark there and a reason beyond my sexual appeal to keep me around. If I couldn't stand some one the last thing I'd do is go on a vacation with them. I have turned down vacation request from people because the connection was not there for me. There's more to it than "You're paying so I'm going.". Every guy that solicits a provider is NOT just a trick just as every girl who provides a service is not just a desperate  hooker!

Posted By: TheGeneralLee
I would guess that any man who would have to pay a working woman to go on a vacation trip with him is very needy.  
 I see why most of the working women here want to get paid these ridiculous sums to be with such men.  
 Why doesn't the guy just take a friend?  I guess they don't have any friends?    
 I'm glad some of the working women tell the guys here that they really can't stand being with the guys.  Why can't those guys see that?

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