TER General Board

If you hobbied . . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 84 reads

More than three times a year, you would probably have enough knowledge about the industry by now to answer your own questions.  Photoshopping, and the reasons they do it, have been discussed here before,.  The search function is your friend.  

One of the worst experiences a client can have in this hobby is for him to get all excited over meeting the girl in the ad pics only for the rude awakening that the girl at the door is not the same as her pics. It's quite the let down, and it totally kills the vibes to the point that some guys don't even want to be bothered after that. Regardless of her reasons, it looks dishonest, and indicates a tendency to lie (as was the case with girl#2 below). I've had photo bait and switch happen to me a few times, three of the most notable cases are as follows;

1. Girl advertises herself as being eastern european, but actually turns out to be black. Now don't get me wrong, I love my beautiful black women, but on that evening in question, I was in the mood for something different and her ad was appealing to me. When asked, she totally ignores the question.

2. Girl in the pic is my coworker's doppelganger, but the girl at the door looks more like an older, heavier version of Mariah Carey. When asked, she tries to change the subject by saying I can leave if I want to because she has someone else waiting on her, then she tries to rush the encounter.

3. Girl at the door is actually hotter than the girl in her pics. Without being asked, she volunteers that the reason why she used a different pic is to protect her identity, but at least she used a similar looking pic, unlike other girls who turn out to be older and heavier than the girl in the pic.

Number 3 actually has a very valid point (although it doesn't speak for everyone) which is grounds for forgiveness, but still, she could have always used her real pic and blurred out her identifiable facial features, or she could have cropped out her upper face leaving only her mouth, or she could have taken the pic from the neck down. In that way I wouldn't even be able to tell if it was her, unless she has a unique tattoo or piercing somewhere on her body that could help verify that it was her.  

All three girls were visually appealing otherwise I would have just walked out the door, but the second girl was particularly fine because she was tall, thick and had quite the booty on her. I even repeated a week later where I had a threesome with she and her friend. She was offering an upscale service at a downscale price. So what she did was totally unnecessary because I would have still accepted her if she used her real pics, but now she basically just ruined the whole experience for me because of that bad surprise, and her obvious tendency to be dishonest. She also made it bad for herself because now I have to write a review about it, and she's going to get a bad rap over it which could keep the clients away. But as bad as bait and switch encounters were, at least it wasn't a tranny standing at the door.

So now I want the females to chime in on the topic; have you ever pulled a bait and switch stunt with your ad pics and what are some of your reasons for doing so? I also want to hear from the gentlemen, would you forgive a bait and switcher, and what are some of the grounds for which you would do so? On the flip side, what are some of the things about a bait and switcher that would make you absolutely walk out the door without a second thought? What are some of the suggestions you can offer the providers to help them figure out how to use their real pics without having to worry about facial recognition? Who are the girls in the pics, and how would they feel to know that someone is using their photos to advertise an escort service? For what it's worth, I hope the escorts are at least paying the models to use their pics.

More than three times a year, you would probably have enough knowledge about the industry by now to answer your own questions.  Photoshopping, and the reasons they do it, have been discussed here before,.  The search function is your friend.  

Photoshopping is the process of altering one's own pics. I'm talking about using someone else's pics entirely.

John_Laroche45 reads

other than the unethical use of someone else's image, they are both frauds perpetrated upon clients.

Photoshopping that goes beyond distorting facial features is virtually the same as using"fake" pics. A decent photoshop artist can slim a girl by +10 lbs, make her appear taller and leaner, enhance chest and butt, etc...

... and I'm fine with that, I'd also add that old pictures is also fraudulent.  

Along with fake reviews.

Can lopaw  and CDL, sound more like uptight hookers?

at trying to bait someone!  Maybe you should go to the Newbie board for awhile until you up your game a little.  

John_Laroche68 reads

the search function is EXTREMELY limited.  

Sorry, but my biggest TER Board pet peeve is referring an OP to the search function.

You know the pics are fake, but it's still an unattractive woman in the pics. I can see not wanting to reveal one's identity,  but what are you trying to say.

Also the prettiest young lady had fake pics, she was probably with some kind of agency.

Also met a girl who was on here a while back,met her before she was on here. She was attractive, but not the girl in the ad. Her agency ran both real and fake ads.  

She was modestly tall and thin, not shorter and sporting a bubble like the ad portrayed.

I don't want to waste time setting something up, and spending money on someone I don't want to really see. You have to present me a reason to open my wallet, just having a pussy isn't going to do it.

2 categories of bait & switch: 1) fake photo; 2) promised service/fail to deliver.  I grudgingly forgive fake photo, it's par for the course sadly.  The promised service/fail to deliver I have a real problem with, but man that's tough.  I have better things to do than get into a spat with an escort, and find out if there's some nasty gunman around the corner.

coeur-de-lion & lopaw: seriously?  I'm worried this hobby is playing a dominant role in your lives.  Relax, it's a hobby fellas...

real pics, but really really OLD pics.  Called a lady for out call to my residence and her pics were fairly nice.  When she got here I actually started just to give her the money and ask her to leave, but the little head prevailed.  

GaGambler163 reads

The reason women attempt B&S in the first place is because guys like you accept it as part of the game, and even worse, go ahead with the appointment no matter how badly you have been misled.

It's really a shame when lopaw has bigger balls than most of the guys around here, when the woman has lied to you, WALK OUT THE FUCKING DOOR. There is no need for a "spat" you don't have to explain yourself, she already knows she's a liar, she just expects you to be a pussy and pay her anyhow and THAT is why she does it.

If you aren't part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. Every time I read a review that starts off with "She wasn't the girl in the picture, she was much older and much heavier, but I went ahead with the appointment anyhow" I want to reach through the screen and bitch slap the reviewer across his bitch ass face.  

First you come on the newbie board preaching to the rest of us about how we should NOT act like you and now you are trying us that we should just accept B&S as "par for the course" and you wonder why you get no respect here, for fucks sake man, either grow a fucking pair or just STFU. You are a fucking embarrassment.

wow GaGambler, are you so passionate about all things in life?  Or does this hobby just mean that much to you?

    Great point you make, if you get a B&S, walk away.  Chances are probably 1 in a million you're gonna get assaulted or something.  
    Thanks to my discovery of the TER community, the B&S problem is no longer an issue: I'm able to get reputable providers and feel confident going in to the appointment.

on getting providers to admit they use fake photos here?  This isn't a confessional booth. It is an advertising venue for these ladies.  

But that's why I'm trying to advise them on how to use their real pics without fear of being recognized. Perhaps a more feasible question would have been, "Do the providers agree that censoring identifiable features in their real pics is a smarter alternative to using fake pics?"

...they shouldn't be in the business. Concealing who is you are is lesson 101.
99% if providers using fake pics are not doing it because they are concerned about being recognised.  
They are doing it for nefarious reasons. Plain and simple. I've seen enough fake photo exposes in my time and heard enough stories from the gents to be pretty damn certain of this...

Posted By: ElTorro
Re: Fair enough
But that's why I'm trying to advise them on how to use their real pics without fear of being recognized. Perhaps a more feasible question would have been, "Do the providers agree that censoring identifiable features in their real pics is a smarter alternative to using fake pics?"

There is an agency in my area that always uses fake pictures. Freely admitted and mentioned in the ads. In the reviews and in my experience the pictures do not do them justice. So is it bait and switch if you know what they are doing upfront.? If the pictures are a good representation but the lady always looks better are you still disappointed?

John_Laroche131 reads

Asiancies are famous/infamous for fake pics, usually of younger, less worn versions of their products.

and for some reason they too seem to get a free pass for doing so.

I guess it might have been that the girl who actually did answer the door, might not have been the one in the pic, but rarely did you get a "dud" at one of those places.

I guess the AMP are the absolute worst, there is ZERO resemblance between the hot girls in the pics and the mainly "old women" who actually work there, with some notable exceptions of course. I can think of several AMPs, ones in Atlanta, Houston, and Dallas that jump out at me who had some surprisingly hot women working there. But yeah, in general the Asian Agencies are famous/infamous for fake pics.

Never heard them described that way before, but its YMMV with Asian girls.  There are SOME that should have retired at some point, but didn't.  

Posted By: ElTorro
One of the worst experiences a client can have in this hobby is for him to get all excited over meeting the girl in the ad pics only for the rude awakening that the girl at the door is not the same as her pics.
It can be the things you mentioned and other changes, as well. For a long time, you've been seeing ad pics with long blond hair, you finally make a connection, show up, and she has switched to a black pixie hair do. As cute or wonderful as things may be, it is still off putting.  
Follow the ads (some will announce changes in their appearance from the photos, from airbrushed tattoos to hair). Read the reviews where our compadres are SUPPOSED to warn of discrepancies. And the Profiles themselves have a key piece of info under "Photo Accurate." You can't always believe a "Yes" but a "No" or "No - pshopped" or "Another person" should warn you to expect something different behind the door.

When I first started posting ADs , I was working from a city where I attended college . I started out using my real photos (thinking classmates wouldn't find out) but they surely did. I would receive all kind of black mail messages and stalker Ish behavior .At the time that was scary and being in the nursing program , I could be banned.  

I then used "fake" photos of someone with similar looks, nothing far fetched. With the fake photos , I wouldn't see AA because of the possibility of seeing someone from my school (I attended a HBCU) And didn't want the awkward conversation about my photos to pop up. I looked better in person than the "fake photos" so I never got turned away and gained my first regulars.

.Fast forward to now , I use my real photos because I'm attractive (atleast I think so) and it's an uncomfortable feeling being a B&S thinking "what if he doesn't want to see me because I'm not the girl in the photos". I'd rather not deal with that.

I have received advice from providers to use fake photos to conceal my identity or to post two different ads , one with real and one with fake photos. It generates more money but once again .. I'm not comfortable .

As a provider , I live and learn . Hope this gives you insight.

I have heard this a lot with clients that have stated that it was a total bait and switch and was awful. I have no idea why a provider would even do something like this. I think what happens is the provider that is not 100% comfortable with herself puts up fake pictures in hope of one of the clients saying screw it and follows through which I have been told never really happens. What this does is only hurts the other providers are there as clients become more skeptical of meeting any new girls. I would say for all clients is to always read reviews and go based on that at times.

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