TER General Board

If you aren't the father why would you help like that?
Bob_Sugar 1045 reads
1 / 59

She knows I'm a very rich and powerful executive.  She wants me to pay her now for getting pregnant.

I told her I'm not the father.  I think she is desperate now.

Why do women expect a stranger they've only met for sex to be responsible for their lack of protection?

Therapists 534 reads
2 / 59
GaGambler 553 reads
3 / 59

Just send ten grand to my pay pal account and I will take care of everything for you.

Oh yeah, I suppose you could tell me who she is as well. I almost forgot that part, just send the money right away, these things can't wait you know.

Bob_Sugar 528 reads
4 / 59

How would you take care of this for me?

I doubt you know the woman.  She is classy.  Not like you at all.

Dr Who revived 438 reads
5 / 59

I'm sure it wasn't his fault at all.  

Another moron playing the victim card.

GaGambler 427 reads
6 / 59

Do you want class? or do you want results.

Send the money now, or the price will go up.

Bob_Sugar 168 reads
7 / 59

Maybe you have never had a person try and extort from you like I am having happen.

Why would I pay extortion?

She should have worn protection.  It's not my fault.

GaGambler 155 reads
8 / 59

Is that when you turned into a stalker?

Bob_Sugar 559 reads
9 / 59

Extortion is not acceptable.

I have many resources to fight you and her.  Why are you so angry?

dakine18 331 reads
10 / 59
JohnyComeAlready 242 reads
11 / 59

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
She knows I'm a very rich and powerful executive.  She wants me to pay her now for getting pregnant.  
 I told her I'm not the father.  I think she is desperate now.  
 Why do women expect a stranger they've only met for sex to be responsible for their lack of protection?

GaGambler 430 reads
12 / 59

You don't seem like a very nice person, so I am doubling my rate. Or I suppose I could work for her instead. I am sure she would welcome my help, for a small percentage of course.

BTW, just how rich are you?

Bob_Sugar 410 reads
13 / 59

It's not my fault here.  Why make it sound like I am the bad man here

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 556 reads
14 / 59

He sounds like a "classy" extortionist?! It's good you have resources, hopefully one of them has a brain!  

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
Extortion is not acceptable.  
 I have many resources to fight you and her.  Why are you so angry?

Bob_Sugar 395 reads
15 / 59

My firm has many good attorney's on retainer.  

I will not be a victim here.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 245 reads
16 / 59
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 82 reads
17 / 59

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 12:27:44 PM

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 12:29:26 PM

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 439 reads
18 / 59

You paused to run your fingers through your hair while typing this.

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
My firm has many good attorney's on retainer.    
 I will not be a victim here.

Dr Who revived 154 reads
19 / 59

Here...play this.  I see that you and Rod have something in common.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 396 reads
20 / 59

You trusted her for that? Ah, A fool and his money are soon parted.   Pssssss There are 3 holes to unload your spermies in, and you picked the only one that will get her pregnant? You had 2/3 of a chance of getting it right and failed.  

Better fork over that 20k to get rid of your problem before the price doubles again.

You responsible for the crappy playing the Brewers have been doing this year, Mr Sports Agent? I'd be more concerned if those were your clients. :D
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
She knows I'm a very rich and powerful executive.  She wants me to pay her now for getting pregnant.  
 I told her I'm not the father.  I think she is desperate now.  
 Why do women expect a stranger they've only met for sex to be responsible for their lack of protection?

Bob_Sugar 169 reads
21 / 59

You make good points my friend.

I just don't like it when someone accuses me of something that isn't true.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 122 reads
22 / 59

I know of no BL site that allows it to be taken down once posted. You sure you were truly BL'd? If she did BL you, then she didn't take it down. Like I said, and I could be wrong, but I know of no site that allows retraction. Things like that are meant to be taken seriously and not posted and then took down.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 108 reads
23 / 59

I'm confused Bob...you said she should've worn protection??? Did you wear protection???

If you had sex with her, protected or not, there is a chance it's your child. Just get a simple DNA test and be done with it.

Extortion is wrong. Very wrong. But equally as wrong as running from responsibility IF the child is yours.

Just keeping it real ; )
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
Maybe you have never had a person try and extort from you like I am having happen.  
 Why would I pay extortion?  
 She should have worn protection.  It's not my fault.

JamesDeenXXX 31 Reviews 296 reads
24 / 59

If this little story of yours is even true. Since you say you're a "rich" and "powerful executive", I don't really feel sorry for your ass. Next time think before you act.

Cardinal_Richelieu 2 Reviews 506 reads
25 / 59

Ignore the bullshit answers here.

If your post is legit, and you're truly rich and powerful, you should already know what to do.  Get the best paternity counsel money can buy.  Got a SO you need to keep this a secret from?  Same advice, just tell counsel to handle it discretely.

The usual way these things are handled is you pay for yourself and the lady to both get a DNA test.  If she refuses to get tested and insists she just wants cash to go away, counsel can draft a mutual release and settlement with an NDA.  (It wouldn't block potential child support, but in that scenario she was probably lying about being pregnant anyway.)  What if she disregards the settlement and comes back later with more threats?   What can I tell you, life ain't perfect.

If she won't get tested or settle, and she's on TER, out her.


His Eminenc

Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 156 reads
26 / 59

 "Why would I pay extortion?  
She should have worn protection.  It's not my fault."

Sorry, but you are the one that needs to wear the protection, not her. It sounds like you are not debating that you may have actually sown your seed.  
There is no reason to be extorted. If you made a baby then share in the responsibility. If you are sure that you covered up and there is no way that you could be the father then wish her well. Either way you should get a paternity test. They can do them when she is only 9 weeks pregnant.  

Guys beg for BBFS and then want to run and hide when they make a baby. Simple biology mister.

GaGambler 376 reads
27 / 59

They are part of the reason I raised my rate to $20,000. I had the Cubs -2 1/2 parlayed with the over last night. I looked golden on my bet in the ninth inning up 7-3, that three run shot in the bottom of the ninth wasn't enough for you to win, but it was enough to kill my bet.

Fuck it, the price just went up to forty grand!!!

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 259 reads
28 / 59
PussyLipGloss 359 reads
29 / 59
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 88 reads
30 / 59

I seriously doubt Angel would do that Sir Rodless. Where is this post please?

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 400 reads
31 / 59

I did away with my all my little spermies years ago. Funding the "Stripper Retirement Plan" is no longer a worry ... just other stuff.

Posted By: MuddytheMudskipper
You don't even have to check in with them the next day and make sure they take it.  You can bet your little spermies on it they will!  

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 64 reads
33 / 59

Posted By: MuddytheMudskipper
That sucks.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 400 reads
34 / 59

Sure ... might as well go for the "Death Shot" if you're going BBFS

GaGambler 96 reads
35 / 59

I call bullshit, just one more example of why nobody believes the little boy who cried wolf.

If I recall correctly, you were the one looking for her address, not the other way around. Now put up or shut up.

Therapists 115 reads
37 / 59
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 91 reads
38 / 59

Who had no clue you were blacklisted now do. Well played Sir Rodless.

Gonad-the-Contrarian 385 reads
39 / 59

If you are so f--ing rich how can you be to effing stupid?  

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
It's not my fault here.  Why make it sound like I am the bad man here?  

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 116 reads
40 / 59

AND...wait for it...wait...ANOTHER POST HIJACKED!!!

Rod: you can't remove a blacklisting. If it's not there, it never was. If you really don't care what people think, then just ignore the comments about it. It won't blow over until then.

Good grief, can we stay on topic just once. I really want to know if Bob wrapped up his tallywacker, why it couldn't possibly be his child if he screwed the chick, how much she wants, etc.

Therapists 86 reads
41 / 59

And do we believe them?  No.
My group has treated many people with similar delusions as yours, sir.  We strongly suggest you seek help immediately, and stop publicizing what you claim you did not do.  It is truly unwise.

Tabu See my TER Reviews 540 reads
42 / 59

would ever say "I'm a rich and powerful executive."

Smmh on the whole story.
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
She knows I'm a very rich and powerful executive.  She wants me to pay her now for getting pregnant.  
 I told her I'm not the father.  I think she is desperate now.  
 Why do women expect a stranger they've only met for sex to be responsible for their lack of protection?
edited for typo

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 3:01:56 PM

mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 95 reads
43 / 59

Posted By: Therapists
Are you aware that every convict claims they didn't do it?
And we believe them?  No.  
My group has treated many people with similar delusions as yours, sir.  We strongly suggest you seek help immediately, and stop publicizing what you claim you did not do.  It is truly unwise.
Nuff said!!!!!

mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 536 reads
44 / 59

Posted By: Tabu
It's funny--I've known some actual rich and powerful executives.  Not a one of them would ever say "I'm a rich and powerful executive."  
 Smmh on the whole story.  
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
She knows I'm a very rich and powerful executive.  She wants me to pay her now for getting pregnant.  
  I told her I'm not the father.  I think she is desperate now.  
  Why do women expect a stranger they've only met for sex to be responsible for their lack of protection?
 edited for typo

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 3:01:56 PM
-- Modified on 5/9/2015 2:20:59 PM

russbbj 89 Reviews 361 reads
45 / 59

What is your Attorney's name? And how many Attorneys do you have?

Hmmm, grammar isn't your strength is it "rich and powerful executive"?  

Actually you are the victim here, you set yourself up with the situation you described with the woman (if in fact you are telling the truth about the situation). And then your subsequent posts (or post's as you might put it).

I came on the board this afternoon to check up on a train wreck that started earlier, and you rewarded me with a better one of your own. Thank you.

I hope that you are threatening to not post anymore, because I sure hope you stick around. I enjoy a good train wreck.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 271 reads
46 / 59

sure thing BS..

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
She knows I'm a very rich and powerful executive.  She wants me to pay her now for getting pregnant.  
 I told her I'm not the father.  I think she is desperate now.  
 Why do women expect a stranger they've only met for sex to be responsible for their lack of protection?

russbbj 89 Reviews 118 reads
47 / 59

He'll fix everything for you. I'll vouch for him, he helped me, and he only charged me 25K. Since I'm a wealthy CEO, it was a drop in my proverbial bucket, lol.

russbbj 89 Reviews 66 reads
48 / 59
Calvin88 84 reads
49 / 59

Part of the reason I come to his defense, is because he seems like a good guy. He ran across a crazy hooker and took heat for it, it happens. He wants to be cleared/vindicated which will not happen. He either frustrated, confused, or hurt. I feel bad for him, Rod: drinks on me, buddy.

redhot See my TER Reviews 524 reads
50 / 59

and two to decide to not take proper precautions... If you were doing BB, you are equally responsible for the outcome, no matter how long you knew her.

(*no pms please)
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
She knows I'm a very rich and powerful executive.  She wants me to pay her now for getting pregnant.  
 I told her I'm not the father.  I think she is desperate now.  
 Why do women expect a stranger they've only met for sex to be responsible for their lack of protection?

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 247 reads
51 / 59

It appears you haven't been taking your medication.

russbbj 89 Reviews 245 reads
52 / 59

I'm not a rich and powerful executive, but I play one on TV, lol.

He's a legend in his own mind.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 282 reads
53 / 59

You sound neither rich nor powerful.  I presume this is a caricature of someone else?

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 384 reads
55 / 59

See if I ever help you pee! When we go "shopping" I get first pick ha!

I would have taken your bet line too. Damn fuckers just want to play suddenly when we got money out there. PFFFF. Counsel sure gets my respect for staying with Milwaukee all these years, He's got a free BJ for his loyalty whenever he wants :D

He sure can't help them though. Brewers are dying like McDreamy. Still got hope for Calzona, but time's a ticking for my patience :D

Whatever will I do on my Thursdays nights if I go on strike from Grey's Anatomy??? I am sure RT will go on strike with me, but I don't watch the trailer park trash shows he does.

Bob, I warned ya... now it is too late! 40k now.
Posted By: GaGambler
They are part of the reason I raised my rate to $20,000. I had the Cubs -2 1/2 parlayed with the over last night. I looked golden on my bet in the ninth inning up 7-3, that three run shot in the bottom of the ninth wasn't enough for you to win, but it was enough to kill my bet.  

Fuck it, the price just went up to forty grand!!!

Therapists 94 reads
56 / 59

It is difficult to understand that site. We are not fans.  This is a good example of why NBL is not credible.

hbyist+truth=;( 259 reads
57 / 59

Are YOU not responsible for your dick and what comes out of it? You should be...all PEOPLE should be responsible for their OWN protection/birth control. No point having a prehistoric thought process about who is responsible for birth control...if this is true, see where that got you...yep an idiot!

Get a DNA test and prove you are NOT the father.

Register Now!