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Ideas for new TV reality shows...
Littlebasterd 4629 reads

Anyone else getting sick of the plethora of TV reality shows spreading on the airwaves.. Yes I too confess that I watched the average Joe and became outraged by the final results...

I have given it some thought and have come up with a few ideas for the next reality shows.. Would love to hear from you out there what your ideas might be...


I think we could simplify our entire election process and save the taxpayers needless amounts of boring commercials and shorten the entire length of time if we invite Melana back and have her go on dates with the candidates running for president... and let her pick who should lead the nation.. It would make the selection process more interesting... and hell I trust her judgement..

My next idea was to come up with the average John show... 16 average shmo's vie for the affections of a porn star... maybe not..

How about using the death row population to star in a revival of the Roman Gladiator games??? Sick idea, sure, and you know what...people would watch it..

That's my rant for the day... Time to take my Thorizine..


I started off watching the show, and then I kept forgetting to turn the damn thing on..Did she pick the millionaire or the cutie???

Mel :)

if they will get around to doing the average gal show LOL I would sign up for that ;)

Mel ;)

She picked the good looking guy.  That just goes to show you, women think with their boxes instead of their head sometimes too.  Men have always been chastized for thinking with their little head, now here is an example of a woman doing the same thing.

I would have picked the millionaire LOL Besides, the millionaire wasn't bad looking at all infact... So this is the way I look at it: he was also attractive in a way, and a millionaire=great catch to me! ;)

Mel ;)

anicon3843 reads

..imagine 6 or 7 studs picking 1 woman from a lineup of several women they'd like to date, and the 1 woman they all pick is a tranny, except they don't know that "she" is!!  Then imagine they are all doing their best romancing, fondling, and kissing her so "she" will pick one of them, still not knowing she is a tranny; read on..

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