TER General Board

Selective wеbsite censоring on TER
team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 795 reads

I apologize if this topic has been made before.

But I noticed some websites are allowed to be talked about on the forums, such as Trуst or Erоs or p411

However, some others are disallowed. Ie if you mention them their name will be filtered and your posts will be flаgged for moderatjon. Even if their names are obfuscated to bypass the filters, posts will be often delеted manually by the аdmins here later.  

Is it just the competitor websites that have reviews that are disallowed? What exactly is the criteria for such sites and which ones are allowed and which ones are not? Is there a comprehensive list?


-- Modified on 6/18/2024 2:18:25 PM

If it's an ad site or a screening site, it can be mentioned by name.

Using that criteria why are links to Adultlook allowed ?
To me it is a review site .  
Is there an affiliation between TER and that site?

If they are, then TER can rightly regard them as competitors, and prevent them from being mentioned as they probably don't like to see their competition get free advertising on their own site.

EROS, and the other sites you mention are escort posting sites and don't have reviews.

Bingo. And I'm pretty sure I've seen a policy statement in the various FAQs stating exactly that. No mention of other review sites allowed.

As is sometimes the case, it's not always considtently enforced but we're all human so erring is expected.

John_Laroche26 reads

Of sites that can't be mentioned by name can be an be found in FAQ.

Which FAQ?

I've looked through all the three FAQs (general, review and white list) and haven't found anything.

Am I missing something?

It's not really comprehensive either, just says review sites and gives couple of examples.

But... Good enough for me.
Thanks everyone!

-- Modified on 6/19/2024 2:22:25 AM

Under "Other", there are Discussion Board Guidelines.
That goes to:
Guidelines for Posting Messages on TER Discussion Boards
Scroll down to "Linking to a site which meets any of the following criteria in a post is prohibited:"
It's more of a partial list.

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty
Re: A comprehensive list
Which FAQ?  
 I've looked through all the three FAQs (general, review and white list) and haven't found anything.  
 Am I missing something?

So I guess "linking to a site" includes a mere mention of it.

John_Laroche29 reads

Just a joke.  
Obviously you can't have a comprehensive list of something that can't be mentioned.

Given that they specifically mentioned some sites that couldn't be mentioned, I don't think that's the issue.

John_Laroche24 reads

Damn, I hate making shit up and it ends up half true.

The days of getting real info from reviews is pretty much over. One of the bigger review sites that TER blocks posts is an absolute farce. Picture run the gamut of plastic surgery freaks to utterly fake, and of course many morbidly obese gals that and almost every review is 5 stars, and when I say almost I mean 95%; get perfect reviews.  
Plus from reading this goofy board it's clear wokeism has infiltrated TER and out of the 10 regular mongers and a half dozen or so elderly ladies loiter here.
If you are a hot 20-30 something provider you want nothing to do with this shit show because not only are you making bank but you have real live friends that you hang with a party. And it's not because of smart asses like me it's because boring lonely peeps like Bia and wispectfulwobby virtually (literally if you get the pun) live here and may not leave there house much. Even with Bia shilling everyday she averages about 3 reviews a year and probably some are fake. No doubt she has another form of income and I assume Ms Kitty is on Welfare or SSI.  
Now Frown for me!!!

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