TER General Board

providers…would you be offended?
janetjkapp 1236 reads

would you be offended if one of your former regulars reached out to you to ask what kind of condoms you use?

No.....why would this offend anyone?

I have a wide variety of condoms that I utilize. I use several different brand’s depending on the purpose. Condoms for my personal pleasure, condoms for toys for boys, condoms for his pleasure, XL, mutual pleasure & female condom options. I hope I’m not the only professional who is well prepared with several options. I don’t offend easily. lol Smile for me!

says the provider who claims to have half the guys on this board on ignore.  I hope you see how this is the height of irony.  Lol

There are MANY reasons to put someone on ignore. "Being offended" is one reason but there are many other reasons to do so.
1. "Their posts offend me." is only one of many possible reasons.
2. Their posts are a waste of my time.
3. Their posts are [pick any descriptor other than "offensive"]
- too stupid
- too long (uh oh!)
- never on topic  
- a waste my time
- are so beautiful and emotive that they remind me of a long, lost love and it is too painful for me to read that person's posts and be constantly reminded of that time in my life  
- etc.
4. Etc.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: "I don’t offend easily" . . . .
says the provider who claims to have half the guys on this board on ignore.  I hope you see how this is the height of irony.  Lol

jimmyjive16 reads

Male chauvinists? That's fucking hilarious coming from a woman who rents out her body for a living. I have all the respect in the world for the kindly providers i see, but you are a piece of work. The women I see have no time for interacting with kooks like you, Ms Kitty, Scarlett, etc. I still can't figure out how the older ladies get 8-10 in looks. Yeah just what I want to pay for sex with a woman with grandkids.
Just remember CDL, myself and a few others are just laughing at you because you are so easy to make fun of with your pointless questions and your alias RespectfulRobert.  

Oh, one quick question, "Are you an amazing single mom?" You may have mentioned it 10,000 times but I'm not totally certain. Also I remember about a year ago you posted you were 46 then recently you said you were 45...??? Next year I suppose you'll be 44.

Now smile for me

Posted By: jimmyjive
Also I remember about a year ago you posted you were 46 then recently you said you were 45...??? Next year I suppose you'll be 44.

reasons, but I'm talking about the one she has stated on multiple occasions.  She says people are "mean" to her.  Isn't that a form of being offended.  

On a side note, I'm surprised you would go anywhere near "too long."  Lol

here’s what i was getting at. i spent a lot of money on this provider but i no longer see her. now i’m going to contact her out of the blue to ask what kind of condoms she used during our sessions so i can go buy them and use them with another provider.

Posted By: janetjkapp
Re: No. Why would that be offensive?
here’s what i was getting at. i spent a lot of money on this provider but i no longer see her. now i’m going to contact her out of the blue to ask what kind of condoms she used during our sessions so i can go buy them and use them with another provider.
If she doesn't tell you to go fly a kite, expect her to want some sort of compensation for answering your question.  

Will the other provider agree to use condoms that you bring because most providers will not use them?

i thought about that. the plan is to tell the other provider to buy them and i’ll add the cost to my donation.

Steve_Trevor23 reads

a cover charge?

Posted By: eastside70
… If she doesn't tell you to go fly a kite, expect her to want some sort of compensation for answering your question. …

“a cover charge?” that’s f*ckin hilarious. lmfao

-- Modified on 6/26/2024 10:29:00 PM

Oh boy....so you are going to contact her out of the blue so you can pour salt into her wounds that you plan on seeing another provider that you are going to spend a lot of money on that you will not be spending on her?  Now it makes sense....
You are being small and petty. You know it does not matter what brand of condoms she used. Be a big boy and move on.

So let me get this straight.

If you ask about what condom a provider uses while spending money on her services = completely fine, no problem. Not offensive at all.  

If you ask about what condom a provider uses while not seeing her anymore = the client is "being small and petty"

Whats the difference here exactly?

Does this mean if I switch my dentist I can't call my old one and ask him what material was used for my fillings? Would that be petty and small?  

Or is it some social construct, an unwritten/unspoken rule that is only used in this line of business?

In some (all?) states, your medical (and dental) records belong to YOU and you have a right to a copy (you might have to pay a reasonable copying fee in some cases).  I don't think the law guarantees you access to your "condom records" with a prior hostess.
Directed more to the OP: Although implied in some other posts, if you are seeing someone new and the hostess you are asking for info takes it the wrong way, you might not get the answer you want. Anything from "fuck off" to ['Hmmm ... so he thinks it was the condoms? The expensive ones I buy from Japan? Ok ...'] "I use a couple of kinds: (a) razor wire wrapped around your dick (b) rolled up sandpaper held together with staples. Don't use glue! Pussy juice will weaken the glue and the sandpaper condom will rip open! (c) Condoms are too expensive. I just buy balloons from the party supplies section at the local dollar store. Nice and snug, huh!?" [ ... 1 month later ...] "What's that? It wasn't a good experience for you? She complained about your condom choices? You'd like to see me again? Maybe."

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty
Re: No. Why would that be offensive?
So let me get this straight.  

If you ask about what condom a provider uses while spending money on her services = completely fine, no problem. Not offensive at all.  

If you ask about what condom a provider uses while not seeing her anymore = the client is "being small and petty"  

Whats the difference here exactly?  

Does this mean if I switch my dentist I can't call my old one and ask him what material was used for my fillings? Would that be petty and small?

Or is it some social construct, an unwritten/unspoken rule that is only used in this line of business?

I didnt say I wanted to see medical records. I said if I called and asked something about a job they have done previously for me, would this be considered petty and small?  

You don't want to use dentist as an example, let's use an auto mechanic instead. So you think a mechanic think I'm petty if I call him (or her) and ask him about some tools  

You're acting as these businesses would only reply because they have to.

Thats the whole point of my question. As a consumer, I don't hold any allegiance to a particular shop or business. It's unreasonable for any service provider in any industry to think they're the only ones I might hire.  

So why is asking a business seller about a business accessory choice so frowned upon? It's not like he said hey I'm seeing another provider right now with my dick in hand. Why is a question about a condom type so ill-received? How is it so different from asking a service provider what tools and materials they used for their services?  


If this were an actual romantic relationship it'd make a little more sense. But it isn't.

Really must be the stigma of sex, I personally don't have another explanation.

Hitting up someone "out of the blue" as he put it, to ask what condoms she used is very weird.  This business is so different than all the rest. There is so much paranoia in it, as you must know. The question would be innocuous if he asked her later that night or the next day, but waiting all this time, the question would come off to many as odd or creepy to many providers.  
Do I think it would be the worst faux pas in world history? Certainly not. But it is a question I would not ask, unless I was very close to her and it doesn't sound like the OP is.

I mean sure. There are some reasonable limits. If you hit up a provider you haven't seen in a decade, a reasonable response could be "who the eff are you" "it was so long ago I have no clue" or even no response. After all provider isn't obligated to answer.

What I dont get is the quick assumption that the client is somehow trying to show up a provider by asking which condom brand was used.  

Im sorry, this is some scorned ex logic, not a business owner logic. It's a horrible assumption. Unlike a typical relationship, this biz isn't monogamous.

the reason i’m going to all this trouble is because i rarely do full service due to my struggles with maintaining an erection with condoms. i’ve even tried female condoms with a few providers still no luck. however on a few occasions with the provider that i used to see…i didn’t have any struggles using whatever brand of condoms she used for our sessions.

Obviously the answer lies in why you don't see the original provider anymore. The fact that you felt the need to add that you "spent a lot of money on this provider" and then felt the need to post the question on here tells the whole story.  You may be able to weave a web for a few of the knuckle draggers that post on this boards, but anyone with half a brain knows the game you are playing. Also you clearly are still a bit miffed as to the reason as to why you are no longer seeing the previous provider. Also it has nothing to do with the condoms she used and you know that. Men have issues with erections because of physical reasons or psychological reasons. If you were able to obtain and maintain an erection with this previous provider it would then the latter and not the former. Your problem is in your big head and not your little head and a specific brand of condom is not going to change that.  

“…on a few occasions with the provider that i used to see…” meaning i still had struggles with her as well but on a few occasions i was able to maintain my erection. i believe it was a non-lubricated condom but we’ll see if she confirms.

Here is your solution in a nutshell:  

Suck it up and apologize to the provider in question. This is obviously the provider you want to see and has nothing to do with the condoms being used. This has nothing to do with the brand of condom or if it is lubricated or not. You are trying to find an excuse to contact the provider again. She is either going to see you again or tell you to fuck off. These question and answer posts would be a lot easier if you guys would just be honest from the get go what the issue is!!  

So now it's an assumption that it's an excuse to contact the provider again?

Huh? Why do you think customers need an "excuse" to contact any provider? What is this, jail? I can contact any business I feel like contacting. This isn't a past relationship.  

I find it disturbing how many assumptions you make about a person you've never seen before, simply because he USED to see a provider.

Do you take it personally when a client stops seeing you but then asks something? This is so weird and bizarre.

I have a very fine tuned bull shit detector and it comes in very handy in my line of work. If you are full of bull shit then yes, I would assume you would find it disturbing. It come with the territory my friend.

Theres no other way to explain the heel turn of you going oh no big deal to assuming the dumbest shit, just off a mere detail that he's not currently seeing her.

Maybe you're projecting? Maybe because many providers treat former clients like a used cоndom or an empty moneybag, you now think that everyone who contacts businesses even if they are not using them, are trying to shit on them?  

Well, you are wrong. I just contacted a mechаnic who did some work for me a couple years ago and he was happy to tell me what parts he used and what tools he used.  

Please stop making stupid assumptions and especially I implore you to stop doing them before you put that degree to work.  

To quote a famous show,  
"Slipping Jimmy with a lаw degree is like a mоnkey with a mаchine g.un"

-- Modified on 6/28/2024 6:20:03 PM

You are correct, everything I said was wrong. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this to me.

your solution…should help all the guys on this board under how providers think in general. here’s an everyday analogy to your solution…i travel a lot and when i’m trying to screen with a new provider…i get all kinds of headaches when i ask providers i’ve seen recently for a reference. these same providers that i’m asking for a reference don’t realize i’m traveling and not in proximity to see them for a session. so while they’re wasting my time and not providing a reference and at the same time letting me know they’re available to see me…it makes me consider never seeing them again. for the record…the provider in question started misrepresenting herself…her pictures are no longer a close representation of her appearance yet see continues to advertise with those pictures so i stopped seeing her.

Here is a very, very simple solution to your traveling situation. Feel free to copy and paste:  

Hi _____________(insert provider's name)  

I saw you on (insert date/time/location) and right now I am traveling for work. Would you be able to be a reference for me? The provider's name is ___________(insert provider's name)  here is her number/email to contact her. I appreciate you taking the time to do this for me.  

your name  

They are either going to do the reference or not. No need to over complicate a very simple situation.  

As to your other provider condom situation you still seem to be leaving out a ton of details, but that is neither here nor there at this point. You mentioned several times that you spent a lot of money on her and now seemed miffed that she changed her appearance and looks different in her pics (?).  MOVE ON....  
I want to be helpful with the questions you guys post but good grief, sometimes it seems all of you bring on WAY more drama than there needs to be.  I am still working on my doctorate in psychology boys but you all are for sure keeping me on my toes!!  

your reading comprehension is off. “her pictures are no longer a close representation of her appearance”…i was trying to be politically correct and not comment on the fact that she put on 40 pounds in a two month span including 10 pounds in her face.

why are providers so entitled? i don’t have to tell anybody i’m traveling or my personal business. providers should do the entire hobby a favor…if you’ve seen someone and they ask for a reference…if you feel they were safe…no issues with the donation or hygiene then give them a reference.

I hope not. Lol. This is a lost cause if every provider thinks a client who used to see them but doesn't anymore, cannot contact them and if he does then it must mean he's doing it because of some hidden ulterior motive.  

I hope that most provider businesses understand customers shop at all kind of other businesses. Just like restaurants can't expect someone will always eat at that restaurant and that restaurant only.  

I hope that most provider businesses understand that a buyer/seller relationship isn't the same as a bf/gf relationship and they can't cherry pick between those two relationships. A client can stop seeing a provider any time, for any reason. And it's just business, nothing personal. If a customer felt like having fish fillet yesterday but not today who's gonna blame him? Lol

just because he hasn't seen her in a while doesn't automatically mean he won't see her again. For all she knows, he might. Or he might recommend her to someone else.
Any reasonable and intelligent provider would know that.

struggling to maintain an erection, remember the old Monsanto slogan . . . "Better living through chemistry" . . . and ask your doc for a prescription.   Otherwise, you're like a guy driving on a flat tire thinking it will inflate again on its own.

I think Scarlet is on to something here. It may be the provider, and NOT the condom, that allowed you to perform better. IOW, you felt more at ease with her, had less performance anxiety issues, and that is the reason you performed well.  
You are looking at it like the condom was the reason, when it is more likely your connection with that particular provider made you feel more comfortable with her than all the others, and thus reduced your anxiety to the point where you could function normally, sexually speaking.

Tbh you appear to be wasting time here posting asking for advice. If you’re not being petty send the provider a giftcard via email & simply ask what condoms she uses. Kiss 💋 = keep it super simple.  

If you honestly have issues I doubt it’s the brand of condoms. Go see other providers using that brand & if it does not work? Maybe 🤔 the provider has skills, or talent you’re not grasping. Idk I’m just girl who has unmatched expertise. lol

Ok so more stats. Bubbie Bia used the KISS acronym for the 700th time but of course incorrectly. The proper definition is "Keep it simple stupid" but the word stupid is so offensive that if WispectfulWooby saw it he would be so mortified by such a disgusting word that she'd probably breakdown in tears and would miss out on replying to every single comment on this board. Plus she might miss her job of cleaning up her mother's bathroom.

Offended or not, she could reply politely something like, "That was a while back. I use so many products I don't remember which ones we used." Even if the truth is that she uses expensive, Japanese, super-thin, feels like no condom at all, special ordered via Canada because they aren't FDA approved and legal in the US, condoms that she wants to keep from spreading the word about. "I'm sorry. I don't remember. I think they might have been regular Trojans."

Posted By: janetjkapp
Re: No. Why would that be offensive?
here’s what i was getting at. i spent a lot of money on this provider but i no longer see her. now i’m going to contact her out of the blue to ask what kind of condoms she used during our sessions so i can go buy them and use them with another provider.
EDIT: Typos

-- Modified on 6/27/2024 9:13:36 PM

How can a person on TER (Provider or "Civilian/Poster") know that someone else has them on "Iggy"....ignored?

Speaking of Iggy.... (Pop that is...)  His song from 1990, "Candy" (with Kate Pierson of the B-52s) is one of my favorites, and the lyrics hearken to a type of forlorn relationship between a lonely guy and a "provider" type woman (arguably a prostitute but I prefer escort/paid companion/provider)....the feelings between the two are mutual.   Of course, that is simply MY interpretation of the song....The artist himself, Iggy Pop stated the song is about an old teenage girlfriend named ...."Betsy"....?   go figure...

Send them a PM.  TER will reply to you telling you that your PM was not received because the person has you on “Ignore.”

But how would you feel if she told you she uses some cheap ass Durex condoms she bought at 7/11??

I continue to be offended that I have to keep reminding myself that you're a guy because you gave yourself a female name.


Whoa, ok now I'm "Corn-fused"....the poster Janetjkapp is a guy....you mean a trans individual?   I am accepting of all people (how could someone like me NOT be accepting, that would be the ultimate in Hypocrisy....), but I guess I am a little behind in awareness here on TER.....I better be more circumspect in what I say to whom from now on.....

country song, "A boy named Sue.?"   Maybe that applies here.  Lol

I'm not sure if he ever explained why he uses a female name.

" Janet? I assumed that it was a Scandinavian or Icelandic Jan Etjkapp. "Jan" pronounced "yon" = John.  I think that Etjkapp is some kind of Arctic moose = "John, hung like moose." "

Posted By: Gus_n_MollyPugs
Re: Wait, is "Janet" a guy....or Trans?
Whoa, ok now I'm "Corn-fused"....the poster Janetjkapp is a guy....you mean a trans individual?   I am accepting of all people (how could someone like me NOT be accepting, that would be the ultimate in Hypocrisy....), but I guess I am a little behind in awareness here on TER.....I better be more circumspect in what I say to whom from now on.....

TLDR:  Go for it!

I get that you maybe don't want to offend anyone.  I don't want to offend either.

But, from a practical standpoint, if you don't plan on going back to her, then there is no harm in asking.  She can answer you, or ghost you.  If she answers, all the best.  If she ghosts you, what have you lost?

And, the door swings both ways.  She may be cordial to you, with the hopes that you engage her again.  It would be professionally unproductive for her to ghost you.  Of course, she may anyway.  But, if she's smart, she'll foster what is left of the relationship, with an eye to the future.

The provider I saw last week. I let her know I like magnums, they are more comfortable for me.  She was fine with it. She had them on hand when I arrived. She also was one of the best providers I have ever seen.

I wouldn't be offended in the least. Just because he is my 'regular' doesn't mean he's only required to see me. I'm really open minded though and I really love it when my dates share sexy stories about other hot encounters they have had. Turns me on!

this has to be the strangest most non sequitur post thread in a long time.    and obviously some people have issues they needed to vent about .    

i enjoy reading the boards here , and throwing in my 2 cents after 20+ years of hobbying  but my days with TER women are mostly in the past ,...  been more a sugar baby type ..  i.e. amateurs looking for some  extra cash for an occasional playful romp with someone with chemistry .    and they tend to be open to getting tested so no condoms ... which this old man appreciates  lol  

not at all. Maybe you have an allergy (I'm allergic to latex) your trying to avoid. All brands fit different and depending on the style. Maybe you don't like the lack of feeling from the thicker ones and prefer thin or fear the thin and prefer thicker. Whatever the reason, I'm never offended.    

speaking of brands ...   this old guy, who apparently like others has performance issues, recently tried RAW ..  it was wonderful ..  truly barely noticed i was wearing one ..   much better than even the so called  "ultra thin" ones.   so if sensitivity is your issue, give those a try, it might be ..... life saving  :)

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