TER General Board

I just answered your question, . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 33 reads

but you don't like the answer, so you lie and say I didn't answer.  What a tool.  We don't get may jerk-off kings and premature ejaculators here, so I'm trying to pretend you mean something here, since few others will even engage with you, but you're making it difficult.  

I just read an article discussing the topic of rage, including on-line anger.  It made me about some of the behavior I see here: Arguments that continue until the thread is down to one-word columns; bitter personal attacks; hypertrollism and an overweening desire to be "right" and have the last word; bitterness.  

I'm sure I've been guilty of some bad behavior here and there, and I realize that people are gonna do what they're gonna do, but I often find myself scratching my head: Hot women are willing to fuck us for the exchange of a few pieces of paper. Men are willing to part with those hard-earned pieces of paper in exchange for the company of women. And I realize we all have jobs and families that drive us crazy and we live in a world that hands out a new ass whooping every day.  

With all that, I hope we can find some common ground around the fact that we're gathered here to have a little fun, make a little money, and maybe put the real world behind us for a moment or two. I consider each of you a comrade in arms against the real world. And I'm thankful to get to play in this fantasy world. God bless P4P America.

It's the big fish in a small pond syndrome. The worst offenders have been on this forum for years. They've annointed themselves the forum overlords.

over the years, I can say with confidence that it's the guys that come here and take this business too seriously that suck the fun out of being here, which as you note, leads to some heated debate.  If everyone was light-hearted, willing to chuckle at things they and others often say which is often unintendedly humorous, everyone would get along fine.  I start each day with a clean slate, then someone launches an ad hominem attack or some petty past grievance, and I will often mock them for my own amusement.  I don't take myself seriously and look for humor wherever I can find it.  Unfortunately, there are some here who are so fucking serious about everything, I wouldn't be surprised if they are on blood-pressure meds.  Lol

Fortunately, there are posters like Lester and Fisher who know how to enjoy this board with humor and a light touch.   I don't get an ass-whooping everyday because the humorous take on life I have here diffuses most stressful situations in real life, too, unless, like here, the uber-serious who have no sense of humor haven't learned the value of funny comments. Say something funny in a crowded elevator and you can feel the stress emanating from people just fade away, even if only a few of them laugh.  Try it, you'll thank me later.  

This post was directed at YOU. Read the room, pal. And no, adding "LOL" to a post does not magically make it funny or lighthearted. Do us all a favor and take your own advice.

to know that when someone begins with, "I'm sure I've been guilty of some bad behavior here and there . . . ", it is classic passive-aggression.  He sets a false narrative that minimizes and discounts his own bad behavior as justified because he contends others are far worse than him, when in reality, he makes more ad hominem attacks against other people he disagrees with than anyone else here, and not just to me.  Go through and count them.  I'm surprised a provider with your experience would fall for this bullshit.    Yesterday, he jumped on Drebin out of the blue just because Drebin disagreed with him.  Attacking THOUGHTS or IDEAS is called debate.  Making the attack personal is assholery.  I know the difference, so I reserve assholery for those that personally attack me first.  

When you say something funny, not everyone gets it (there are IQ's here all the way from mildly retarded to genius), so the "Lol" will hopefully give pause to those that have a narrower view of humor to consider their response before they post a knee-jerk reaction that will just make them look bad.  

Right on.  
No LOL from me on this one.

so everyone knows exactly what you are referring to.  When you make a general statement without any context, you will only get a few likes from the retards because they don't know any better.  If you want to claim there are lies in my post, then point them out and let's debate it.  

you got nothing.  Smart to quit while you are behind.  It could only get worse.  Lol

RespectfulRobert17 reads

I think we may need a new board bully. CDL is too easy to best lately. Hopefully someone else will step up, who actually has game while not having an uncomfortable relationship with the truth. :)

Your passive-aggression has been exposed, so you are trying to show up as the bully that you claim others are, thinking it will make you look more manly.  Talk about a complete fail!!!  Are you just disgusted that your claim to fame is being the board simp, so now you want to TRY to be a man at this late stage of your life?  That's why your white-knighting for Zeel is so awkward, but I can't fault you for recognizing a guy who is way out of his league.  Give him a reach-around and there is no telling how he will reciprocate.  If you think you are besting anyone, you are sorely mistaken, but I have to smile at your misplaced chutzpah.  Your testicles are finally descending.  Lol

Zeel can't spell grade-school words?      If you go back to continuation school, they will teach you the difference between white-knighting and white-nighting.  Have you ever heard of anyone jousting with the Black Night?  You have a unique gift to make yourself look stupid without any help from me.  Lol


-- Modified on 5/14/2024 3:15:56 PM

-- Modified on 5/14/2024 3:16:47 PM

FlaNoName25 reads

When I called you out on your spelling & grammar for your post below on another thread, you didn't respond to your offense.  You knew it was indefensible so didn't respond.  So, is there a double standard here?  You can lay into someone for a typo or misspelling but of course you are guilty of the same "grade-school words" that you accuse others of.  You are such a hypocrite. lol  

Re: Projecting your insecurity . . .
on others again?  Very transparent of you.  Come up with some knew so we know you are more than a one-trick pony.   Lol

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Can I get a count on how many times . . . .
Zeel can't spell grade-school words?      If you go back to continuation school, they will teach you the difference between white-knighting and white-nighting.  Have you ever heard of anyone jousting with the Black Night?  You have a unique gift to make yourself look stupid without any help from me.  Lol  
 -- Modified on 5/14/2024 3:15:56 PM

-- Modified on 5/14/2024 3:16:47 PM

You seem obsessed with me.  Seven out of your eleven posts on this board for 2024 are about me or addressed to me.  I recognize your alias as one with no reviews (although I think you once claimed to have 50) and your big claim to fame is that you were the jerk-off king of the over-60 board.  Am I right?  Although, when I re-read it and saw that you jack off BEFORE you go see a provider, I figured out you were a premature ejaculator.  I would think providers would be standing in line to see you.   You're very patriotic . . . . a Minuteman.  Lol

FlaNoName22 reads

Once again you deflect from the point of the post and don't address it.  What are you afraid of?  Don't like showing your weakness?  Well, it is obvious to see from all that you are weak. lol

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Who are you again? . . . .
You seem obsessed with me.  Seven out of your eleven posts on this board for 2024 are about me or addressed to me.  I recognize your alias as one with no reviews (although I think you once claimed to have 50) and your big claim to fame is that you were the jerk-off king of the over-60 board.  Am I right?  Although, when I re-read it and saw that you jack off BEFORE you go see a provider, I figured out you were a premature ejaculator.  I would think providers would be standing in line to see you.   You're very patriotic . . . . a Minuteman.  Lol

Do you see the irony in not responding to any of MY points and then calling me out for not responding to yours.  I think mine are much more interesting.  At least you don't make any attempt to claim you are NOT a premature ejaculator, or that you are the self-proclaimed jerk-off king on the over-60 board, so I will accept your complete surrender on those two points. You do realize that with each successive obsessive post to me, you are increasing the percentage of posts that prove your obsession with me, right?   Is it because no one else will talk to you because you have little to say of any value to anyone else?  (Another thing I noticed on the other boards you post on . . . .  very few TER members will engage with you.)

FlaNoName31 reads

Why do you always answer a question with a question???  lol

that you don't have any answers.   You have 50 reviews that no one has ever seen, and you're ad admitted premature ejaculator.  What else do you know about in the P4P scene from your own experience, not what you have read here from real mongers who know what they are talking about.  

FlaNoName27 reads

There you go obfuscating again!  Talk about a man with no answers.   In ad nauseum you keep on repeating the same damn thing about what you think about me but just cannot stay on topic.  

but you don't like the answer, so you lie and say I didn't answer.  What a tool.  We don't get may jerk-off kings and premature ejaculators here, so I'm trying to pretend you mean something here, since few others will even engage with you, but you're making it difficult.  

FlaNoName27 reads

You're the only one making it difficult.  If you would only read the posts indicating so.  I've had one person tell me I'm difficult.... you.  You'd need a supercomputer to calculate the amount of people who find you difficult.  

If you're going to criticize someone at least get it right.
Now cue up your shattering defense.

spell white-nighting correctly.  A hyphenated word appears in place of a single word, so you can't remove one of the two words and then say, "part of the word was spelled correctly, so it's not wrong."    I would ask you to describe the meaning of the hyphenated word "white-nighting," and use it in a sentence.  (A KKK rally?  Lol)  Ask Conan to explain it to you, since he was obviously still asleep when you posted this.  The funny part is that Zeel is so stupid he bought into your explanation.  If you are going to criticize someone, at least get it right.  Lol

420Smoka4Eva26 reads

When I went down south to visit my friends I got drunk on white-lightning

With an intense UV lamp, you can bleach colored stains from your laundry. It's called light whitening ... or, in this instance, light-whitening.

Posted By: 420Smoka4Eva
Re: Easy to do
When I went down south to visit my friends I got drunk on white-lightning

Your argument is quite simply wrong. But Conan has more important things to do at the moment and won’t bother to explain it to you.
Please stay away from grammar

whether it is open, closed or hyphenated, it is still a compound word, which is two words that mean something else combined to mean something entirely different.  For example, double and play are unrelated, but put them together, and you have double-play, an intended baseball term that most people know.  When you put white and nighting together, it's nonsensical.  In fact, when I just wrote "nighting", spellcheck wanted to change it to "knighting."  Tell Conan he should not double-down without knowing what he's talking about.  Does he need links to English language authorities?  

Here's a link to just one of them but there are plenty more. Conan says shut up.
Also man up and take the L.

RespectfulRobert34 reads

Does this happen often? lol
And of course you have to resort to your totally predictable form with the "I'm not the bully, you are" tirade, just I have predicted many times. I guess the hope you will ever move off your 12 year old posting style is gone. Ok, recess is almost over. Get back to class son as I have schooled you enough for one day. ;)

No providers here has said they have seen them.  Maybe you should reach down there and see if you have a pair.   I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that they might finally be descending like they do for most guys during puberty.  Late to the party is better than not showing up at all.  Sorry, but when you tee it up like this, I'm going to swing.  Lol

I was actually celebrating you becoming a bully.  Going through life as a passive-aggressive milquetoast is both stressful and emasculating, . . . . . but I don't have to tell you that, do I.  

RespectfulRobert27 reads

To me, p4p is one of the greatest innovations, especially in the internet age where we can get so much more info about a provider. It is a lifestyle that brings me incredible joy and uplifts me. Having sex with hot, young women is a total fantasy at my age and I have been so fortunate with the women I meet in a year in and year out basis.
That said, for the life of me, I cant understand why guys here come looking for the slightest defect in a provider and mock her over it. Why do some obsessively mention a providers rules or etiquette? Why do some nit pick every little thing they don't like? Is it mental illness maybe? Were they raised poorly? Misogyny? Are they just mean individuals? Is it insecurity, that some guys here show virtually every day?
Maybe it's one of the above or a combination in some cases. Not fully sure. And I would agree with the fact that we all make mistakes at times. I know I do. I reassess my posts and the tone of them all the time but still wish I had a post back here and there. And yet there are a handful of guys here who can never concede a point or admit that they ever do anything wrong. What we usually get is a very long winded, insecure, inane defense of what they do while pointing to everyone else as the problem as they could never, ever be at fault.  
The truth is there is something truly awesome about this lifestyle, and the women who provide those incredible memories, and yet there is always a small group that wants to complain and whine about it/them. It's like someone buying you a band new Maserati and the complain that the floor liners aren't their preferred color. smh

saying OTHER people give long-winded responses?  Over the last few days, you have posted several rambling, whiny diatribes.  Putting your personal attacks in the form of questions is passive-aggressive, but it's still an ad hominem attack just the same.  It makes you no different than the people of whom the OP speaks.  You are a complete failure pretending to take the moral high ground.  

Has anyone ever told you that your posts tend to always view this business from the POV of providers, and not mongers?  Oh wait, I think I have already told you this 3 or 20 times.  Lol

RespectfulRobert23 reads

Posting you may have told me something up to 20 times is certainly proof of that. ;)

that putting your personal attacks in the form of questions is anything other than passive-aggression.  I'll take the Win on that.  At the same time, you showed you are not bright enough to understand the "3 to 20" times reference.  I did not say "up to 20".  You made that up in a lame attempt at damage control.  Thanks for the twofer in the "win" column for me. You just keep shooting yourself in the foot, don't you?  Lol

420Smoka4Eva26 reads

Keep picking up those W's at this rate you'll be the #1 seed in the TER Playoffs!

unfortunately, all of the "seed" I had on hand went into a provider last night.   Lol

-- Modified on 5/14/2024 1:34:46 PM

Or misogyny. Lol.

Silly me. I thought this site was for a discussion and evaluation of providers, their pros, cons (yes there are cons for providers just like there are cons in any reviewable product or service), their practices and so forth. You know, like on sites that review services and/or products.  

These discussions are commonplace at pretty much any review site I've been on.  

But apparently if you're dissatisfied with something, you cannot post it on here without being labeled a misogynist or mentally illl, since apparently this is not theeroticreview, but weworshipproviders

Well you can get on your knees and worship, no skin off my back. But to tell us any complaining is akin to mental illness or misogyny is ridiculous.

When customers pay money for anything, they have a right to complain about anything that they do not find satisfactory. Yes, that includes the interior of a Maserati. I've been doing online reviews for like 20+ years and I've never found a perfect product or service which was without any flaws at all. Being critical isn't the same as being hateful or mentally ill.

RespectfulRobert30 reads

Is it because your argument is so weak it can't stand up to my entire thoughts on this issue? I specifically listed 5 possibilities (go back and look) and yet you only mentioned mental illness and misogyny. Hmmm...that is called a "tell" and is showing your insecurity. I also go on to say I don't know for sure why certain people post the way they do or as often as they do.  
That said, I certainly cant rule out some type of mental disorder as it goes to your incredibly obsessive posts re: the same topic day after day. Someone offered up you may be on the spectrum. It was mere speculation but certainly possible. Obsession can be a sign of some sort of mental issue but not necessarily so. You do seem to take it to an extreme I have never witnessed here before.  
You are being too cute by half when you say :  
"I thought this site was for a discussion and evaluation of providers, their pros, cons (yes there are cons for providers just like there are cons in any reviewable product or service), their practices and so forth."
Well of course it is and I don't think anyone here has any issue with you representing the far, pro-client POV wing.  
The reason you get SO much flack here from SO many people, again, is due to your obsession with the topic. You have this view as you are some sort of "champion of the consumer" and yet VERY few "consumers" here ever really side with you. Let that sink in for a bit. The very people you are trying to protect are pushing back AGAINST you. That would give virtually anyone, thinking rationally of course, pause, and yet you go right back to be totally obsessed about the topic in the next thread or next day.

I dont think it was out of context. The other things you listed aren't much better. Critizing and nitpicking doesn't mean someone is raised poorly or is being mean. Cynicim, skepticism and criticism doesn't correlate with any of those.  

I guess I don't get why emotional discourse and criticism on topic is viewed as something out of the ordinary and *bad*. [While being pissed on and thinking it's H2O is *good*. I get that not many people like negative nancies but is a polyanna any better conceptually?]  

Ad hominems, sure. I get why. Attacking providers based on their looks (obv not in reviews when evaluating) , I completely get why. And I'm on their side there.  

Anyway, really don't want it to be about myself. Just disagree how you equate criticism, cynicism, skepticism and glass-half-empty mentality to hating women (misogyny), being raised poorly, being mean or mentally ill.

RespectfulRobert36 reads

It is a matter of degree, would be my response. If someone is being critical of providers day in and day out, 24/7, (yes, an exaggeration lol) that can certainly be viewed as misogynistic, mean or be due to some sort of mental condition, based on word choice, tone, etc. Facts and details matter, right?
Let me give you an analogy of my take of how people view you. To many here, it is like you walking into a house with no heat in the winter with your family or friends. It is 52 degrees in the house. You then put the thermostat on 82. When it becomes, say mid 70s in the house, and people start to complain that it's too hot you tell them that they are wrong. See the point now?
So your consumer rights advocacy isn't really the issue. There is certainly a case to be made against SOME providers on SOME issues. They are human after all. They are not perfect and never will be. The problem comes in when people on this board feel you are metaphorically "turning up the heat" to an extreme level re: your obsessive and over the top consumer advocacy. Then when the group tells you it's "too hot" you respond, with "no, it's not." THAT'S the problem. And that cycle repeats itself over and over and over.

So it's a matter of both frequency and intensity?

At least for myself it's an easy explanation. This hobby is part of a subset of hobbies I engage in. I am passionate about all of my hobbies.

I thought criticism is just as good as praise but apparently too much praise is just fine, but too much criticism is not. I absolutely hate double standards. Why is too much positive emotion good but too much negative emotion unbearable?  

As far as your analogy, I'll tell you a short story. At the peak of the NFT craze I posted on a lot on nft boards warning customers about how projects they were "investing" into were a scam. No one also wanted to hear me out, and they said the temperature was too hot. Sellers said I'm just hating it a competitor, and the buyers who felt like they were in a community were combatative. I got banned a few times on those boards. And yet, rugs were eventually pulled as nft bubbles burst, and customers got fucked. And at least one guy reached out to me and said man I should've listened to you.  

I guess some would rather live in a illusion than to face harsh reality. Sigh.

where the inhabitants fling their poo at each other. It's always been that way and probably always will.

I am thankful for providers who are honest, do their job well, and don't practice questionable practices. Providers who don't buy reviews, providers who don't have "friends and fam" reviews, providers who don't doxx clients for writing a mediocre review, and so forth.  

They are awesome!  

This is a tough job, physically and mentally. This is a needed job. So I salute the said providers.  
They work hard, make customers happy and make the world go round while being honest, forthcoming and accommodating.  

With that said, allow me to comment on "Hot women are willing to fuck us for the exchange of a few pieces of paper.". You make it sound like a privilege when to me it's just a transaction . Maybe I will get it in 30 years when I'm in my sixties. Maybe earlier. But right now in my thirties when many tell me I still look like in my twenties, I don't view it like that.

It's like saying cool men are willing to let us have a roof above our head for the exchange of a few pieces of paper. But personally I've never heard such elation expressed about landlords. Maybe I don't view sex the way other people view sex, and I've been a sex addict most of my life.  

Idk if this post is aimed at me specifically, regardless I'm sorry if I upset anyone with my posts. It's incredibly hard for me to not stand up for customer rights in this industry seeing how beloved one side is compared to the other and how unfairly (imo) treated the other is. . And I know there is some vitriol that inevitably escapes me when I get pissed. But if people are genuinely upset, fuck it I'll tone it down despite my ego. There are some things I will never be able to compromise on, but I can at least make frequency of my posts lower.


Comrades, this was not directed at any individual here.  
Call it my testimony (in the sense of one who has had a religious conversion--to the church of sin and debauchery).

I hope everyone here has >/= as much fun as I'm having.

Somewhat ironically Carly's song WAS about a specific person.

But I seriously doubt he’ll admit it

I was gonna ask if you wanted to do an over-under for how many days it would take for guys to flame into single letter sub threads on here but I think you defused things with this post :D

And now … sure didn’t last long  
Note to the peanut gallery: This is why we can’t have nice things 😂

Looks like the single letter thread line is gonna happen again.....Inicky,   Zeel and CDL one of them could make it happen today.  As an aside anyone keeping count for the record for the worlds all time longest angry or flame war siinle post?

Well it happened tonight.  FlaNoName came out of nowhere and completed the single letter flame war post on a subthread here......another one for the ter record books.  

The feuds have spilled over into this thread.

OjackieO38 reads

Wait, woooooah! When it comes to what the women get it's a "Few pieces of paper", but when you mentioned men, you said "Hard earned pieces of paper" For the women, it's  earned as well. I think sometimes people have NO idea how much goes into what we do, before & after a client arrives. What we do to take care of ourselves. Get things personalized for "Just you" if we know you. The time we spend on the computer to earn a living. For me, that hour is the easy part. And for those girl that travel to your clients, God bless you. That's a lot. There is literally no time for family or recreation in this life. We have to be careful who we socialize with. We are basically living a double life, not just sneaking away for a little bit. It's our existance. I realize there's some that just do it part time. For me, this is full time & I am doing something pertaining to my "Fantasy Suite" from the time my eyes open, til right before they close. Weeding people out & deciding who is ok is tough. I know y'all are scared, but, so are we. I've had many people get mad that they have to leave a voicemail. I don't book via Joe blow text. I do it for NO other reason than to let my 6th sense feel that this man isn't rude, isn't harsh sounding, doesn't throw a red flag for my safety & is fully aware of why he called me. No guessing games. I mean, I love what I do, & I am not complaining. This can get mental too. That's the hard part. If you are one of my clients, you know I am a genuinely nice person. But things happen that shake us to the core. I have actually been BITTEN before like a PIT BULL, out of nowhere. Was this a bad guy? No, he wasn't. He did something he shouldn't have. I was bruised with marks for 2 weeks. We go through a lot, please give us credit. It is very hard earned money. That being said, YES! We all need to spread happiness, I try to everyday. I literally hope I make someone's WEEK when they come see me. I've been the victim of petty bad reviews too that were complete lies. Wrong "name" associated with me, wrong "Area" I worked in at one time, LIED about my body & my handiwork,  my pictures, just completely disgusting. LOL. The whole 9.  They've got to be miserable. People BELIEVED it.  If you don't like someone,  or you went for the wrong reason, just move on. If someone eats, breathes & sleeps to lie about me, that's not someone that didn't like me. That is coming from HATE. I promise you. I have never had a client HATE me.  This was personal. Spiteful. I mean, did I hurt their business?? I know there's gonna be an idiot here & there, all butthurt b/c I chose not to book them, or won't book them again. Or mad b/c they provide services near me. I worked for a jerk. I mean, it could be anything. But why be so mean? People need to chill. Be kind. We are here for a short time, we all deal with a ton.  If someone comes to me & is rude, I simply won't see them again. If they are rude when booking,  we are done. I don't get the "Mean" thing, b/c  that's not in my soul. Now, I can take up for myself for sure & stand my ground. Point is, after I wrote a book (my other hobby), It's all hard earned. People are just wanting to have fun, step away from the "world" and breathe. Let's all try to be a little nicer to people & guarantee we will be happier living like that. I actually think I'm going to put part of this on a blog on my website. YAY!

To be fair, on both sides, saying they are hard earned is presumptious because not all clients nor providers put in the same amount of work for the money they make. I'm sure some men bust their asses on their job and it's hard earned. But some sit behind a desk, answer a few calls, and spend hours goofing around on their computers. An independent provider who does it all, likely works very hard. Keeping up with emails, texts, screening, beauty needs, etc... takes its toll. A provider who works for an agency certainly doesn't work as hard as the independent provider. And, in all cases, the hardest workers typically are the ones who stay on top of their tasks. There is certainly a difference between having a task and completing it. While someone might be stressed and overwhelmed by their failure to keep up, these emotions should not be confused with hard working. Anyway, good on you to call out the slight variance in wording. Hopefully, that was not the OPs intent.

OjackieO35 reads

Yes, you are right about the work ethics. My daddy raised me to work hard & put your soul into it. I don't think he was talking about what I do now though, lol. Yeah. I worked for a place & didn't have the weight of screening, advertising, etc. Just show up. But, it's worth the freedom I have now, it was like a prison there. Probably the dark soul whose life I've apparently consumed. I'm not dwelling on that. Karma. Glad you brought that to my attention, I forget there really are people out there that don't put their all into it. Well, Here's to HAPPIER World, I hope!

Apparently you are not that thankful enough. If you are expecting sex for free. No Provider is that damn stupid to give sex for free. We get the pleasure and the money since y'all (MEN) want to fuck us whenever you want. Y'all are fucked up in the head thinking that we fuck for free.  We (The Providers) do this for money.

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