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I have another question about BOOBS
book_guy 14 Reviews 3924 reads

I'm wondering why some boobs "deflate" after a woman has had a child or aged a little. Is it all about breast-feeding, or is there some other phenomenon in effect? I have seen boobs that look great when hiked up in a firm bra but which then become thin (but long) pancakes of skin when let loose. Yuck. And then some large boobs that just don't "fall" as much or "deflate" as much, which retain an internal cohesion and firmness. Yum!

I guess what I like the most is the "spheroid" in the middle -- firm young flesh ensconced in soft smooth skin, but definitely fleshy not pancake. I think some dimensions are nice -- left-to-right seems to enthrall me more than front-to-back, for example -- but more than any dimension, it's the "firmness" of 'em that I like the most. What are the experiences and mechanisms that ensure firmness?

Same thing happened to your ass.

Anya3189 reads

It all has to do with the elasticity of one's skin and connective tissue, that's all, for instance, some people get stretch marks quite readily while others are more resistant.  So it's genetics.  And size.  As Einstein pointed out, the effects of gravity are relative to mass.


PS I think it's not very nice to say "yuck" about a process that's ordained by Mother Nature.

sexymegan4065 reads

Have you ever thought about a part time job at Victorias..you know they have  people that all their job is ,,is to measure breasts so you are able to know your correct size.. I think you would be in Heaven...lol

Mara2305 reads

That the care you give your boobs has a lot to do with how fast gravity takes  it's toll. Also many women about 90% are wearing the wrong size bra and do not get the proper support. I think it is similar to feet and when you wear the wrong size or cheap shoes your feet get ugly and deformed.
The reason I mention the actual quality of the bra and size is because I have met women who are not very endowed and yet their boobs look like she might of breast feed 10 kids. And on the other hand I know many women who are large breasted and have had children who's boobs look and feel fantastic.

kisses & licks..........
mara of san diego

It all depends on the Individual ladie.
We are all different...Body chemistry..
Hereditary genes..
Everything you mentioned..
breast feeding..
Breast Exercises help with rebuilding firmness.
Ive never had a baby..( My animals are my kids)
So my breasts are natural & Firm..but soft.
But my sister has had 2 kids and breast fed.and is haveing Breast Implants to rebuild hers..her natural size 36 C.
Good Luck with Breast Hunting!!

starts really putting on fat - yeah just when she wants to try out for Cheer, and begins dating, and she starts putting on fat!
That fat was meant to protect and prepare her body for pregnancy and nursing. My breasts at age 16 went from a C to a DD, and I was embarrassed at how huge they were! My daughter is a DDD. The most noticeable difference is at the very upper part - where it was full and plump - full of filled milk ducts, and the fat that a baby needs when nursing.
After having children, my breasts are still a nice, full C, but no more, or certainly less, FAT and therefore that very upper part isn't fat, or plump.
Why mine still look good, and why my one sister's and a friend look like something from National Geographic Magazine in the Congo, I don't know. We both nursed, both have good skin and elasticity. I, however nursed my kids from 6-9 months while she nursed her kids for three years. That's probably it right there.

JustAnotherDoc3073 reads

Breasts are mostly fat.  A woman can be flat as a pancake and still nurse her offspring when the time comes.

Breasts are modified sweat glands.  Isn't that an appealing thought?  In the lowest of mammals, the spiny anteater, the milk just appears on the ventral surface as dropletts and the newborn laps it rather than having a nipple to suckle from.

People seem to agree that it's a multitude of factors, but that genetics figure more than most other factors. I guess I thought otherwise (but was asking), that maybe breast-feeding contributed to a type of "deflation" that wasn't exactly the same phenomenon as simple "sag". But folks here have -- ahem -- conflated the two ideas into one, call it "droop." I thought sag was gravity, deflation was suckling, the two were independent but often concurrent, etc. etc.

Breast Physics 101. Oh, and about the "yuck" that one provider objected to -- yeah, it's rude to assess other people on the basis of their appearance, and it's rude to remark negatively about a natural process. But it's done. Especially here at a SEX REVIEW BOARD. Duh. Just because someone who looks bad might be assessed by me AS LOOKING BAD TO ME doesn't mean I shouldn't do it, or even do it in a viscerally cruel manner.

Yuck. Yuck I say. Yuck yucky yuck yuhuck. Deflation is yuck. Princess.

Anya3812 reads

Actually, "yuck" is how I would describe someone who believes it's okay to be "visceral(ly) cruel" to anyone regardless of the context.

-Anya the Princess

Didn't say I WOULD or SHOULD be viscerally cruel -- just said your argument doesn't prove I shouldn't be. Big diff ... :) ... I was deliberately begging exactly the question that you misunderstood.

Let me put it clearly. My personal response to a physical appearance is mine, and mine alone, and cannot be considered "proper" or "improper." If I dislike a certain set of boobs, even if they look the way they do because of a "natural" (your term) process, nevertheless I will still dislike them. My response to them won't change regardless of how "nice" someone else wants me to be about them. It's the same for fat women -- I don't like having sex with overweight people. I won't want to do that, probably not ever. That doesn't make me "cruel" or "unkind" or "wrong." It makes me nothing more than ME. And that won't change, no matter what your argument for how I OUGHT to be different. It's hard-wired.

Those are my natural responses. But my verbal response to them (we've been using "Yuck" so far) is a different question, of course. If I do that in person in front of the offender, I'm being rude to her. If I do it on the internet in general, not even naming names, and in no way specifying any given human, then I'm BY DEFINITION not being rude, I'm being merely intellectual. It's an "intellectual yuck." I'm explaining my visceral response (which won't change, see previous paragraph) in a handy way.

But if you want me to shut up and stop saying "yuck" in the manner I've said it -- or worse, if you think my suggestion it's OK to say it, is the same as your suggestion that I would go ahead and say it to the face of everyone I feel that way about -- then you're not thinking clearly. You're equating "being nice" with hard-wired responses. You think that what I think and what I say in public are exactly the same, and you think that whose body I lust after can somehow be modified by your politically recorrecting my mind. You don't have a right to do that. My opinion, especially on something as subjective as physical appeal of a sex partner, is RIGHTLY a visceral, natural response, and NOT some argued-over and re-corrected more palatable entity. I don't get a boner in order to please a chick, a get a boner because her body pleases me and my dick. Period.

Welcome to the realms of political correctness, kid. Did you know you had such instincts to "correct" people who tell the truth, merely because they happen to disagree with you? To that I say, yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. Your positing of your opinion as "proper" in a manners-and-rudeness sort of way, rather than merely as an opposing opinion, is very very PC. Yuck.

Ci Ci4781 reads

on whether you're gifted with the good genes of your parents, if you've nursed a few children, if you work out, or are simply just plain lucky. I've often thought my breasts don't look as good as they did when I was 16, or even 30 for that matter. However, I seem to be somewhat firmer than most 20-year-old ladies so I'm not going to complain. In fact, some of my clients have even asked me if I've had breast augmentation, which I haven't, but I do have some minimal scaring in the areas under the breasts which would probably resemble surgical scars. And they are . . . from biopsies I had a few years ago because of lumps. Breast cancer runs in my family. But sorry guys, they're real!


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