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TER website question
Nnoway 13 Reviews 777 reads

Is there a search engine in TER Messages? Is there a way to search your personal messages for particular handles?  

For example I got a hobbyist named "ukhgn" that I DM with and I want to see all the messages that he send me in the last whatever years? Possible?  

Or I want to search my messages for a keyword, let's say 'Alice'? Can I?

RespectfulRobert23 reads

It must be a big ask bc TER has been asked this many times in the past. I am no IT/software guy, but it doenst sound like that big of an update but I could be way off on that. Where is JustSauce when I need him? lol.

brownjack20 reads

with developing web applications, adding a search option for messages is not that big of a change.  There is already a search for forum posts.  Adding the same feature to messages should not be that difficult.

That's just one of the reasons I've been S&Ping and promoting that TER adopt open source (free!) forum software the next time that they upDATE. (Note that I say "upDATE" not "upGRADE".)  Most of the good forum softwares include internal messaging systems that are full featured, including editing, saving drafts, and sorting and searching.
Some old posts (mostly on S&P). Hmm ... I can find many of my old posts by "search" but they open to errors: "The message you have requested is either invalid or is no longer active." Search S&P for "forum;software" Author: impposter.  

Posted By: Nnoway

Is there a search engine in TER Messages? Is there a way to search your personal messages for particular handles?  
 For example I got a hobbyist named "ukhgn" that I DM with and I want to see all the messages that he send me in the last whatever years? Possible?  
 Or I want to search my messages for a keyword, let's say 'Alice'? Can I?
In the meantime, this is a solution that SOMETIMES works.  
Open your INBOX. (Likewise, SENT ITEMS and "Recipient.")
The default (for me, at least) is chronological, most recent at the top.
Next to Sender are two little triangles, one pointing UP ^ one pointing DOWN v .  
If you're lucky, you can click on a triangle and SORT BY NAME alphanumerically. "ukhgn" should be on the last pages of your sort or the first pages of your reverse sort.  
If you have MANY pages to page through, go to the URL address bar and look for something like this:
"sortBy=1" is Sender ^  
If I have, say, 200 pages to click through and I want to search the "m"s for, say, mrfisher, I will take a guess and edit the URL with page 100 or so.  
And so on until I get close and then I'll use the Previous - Next page selector at the bottom.
As far as a I know, there is no workaround to the text search problem yet.

...but if you have literally years worth of messages from someone it would be rather tedious at this point to find them all and then put them in a folder you create for them. Maybe creating some folders is something you can start doing now, and over time slowly move old messages over to the appropriate folder when you are bored or have some free time? Just an idea 🤔

 Just go to your inbox and click on "ukhgn" and go from there.

...because I didn't have a chance to do anything but it suddenly stopped happening.

(I guess that was meant as a reply to some other thread ... .)

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