TER General Board

Hmmmm....Could this fall under item # 10?
The Good Girl 5715 reads
1 / 35

After I posted my client list, I realized that I wasn't being fair. I expect to get a lot of flack for that one, so I thought I would do the right thing and post about providers I hate!

1. Providers that have free websites. Geocities and other such pop-up filled pieces of crap. You can take any of the major free website providers and turn the site ad-free and register a domain for less then $15/month. Stop being cheap.

2. Providers that have bad photos or girls that have photos over 2 years old. Digital cameras are dropping in price everyday. Buy one and have an honest friend take your pix in a lot of sunlight. They should be able to help you with what looks good and what doesn't. Also, there are so many professional photographers that work with escorts. You can easily get a set of nice photos done for under $200. This should be no problem to have done once a year. Stop being cheap.

3. In continuation of #2- Providers that look high in their photos. How sad is that? You know exactly what I am talking about. No, that is not the camera giving you red-eye, you look high as a kite!

4. (Still on Photos) Providers that hide or alter any part of themselves through photos. Every girl should have one clear shot of her body in as little as possible from neck to toe. If you don't want to show your face or nudity, that is perfectly fine. But there are some BBW's that only show face shots or cleavage shots, and then they bitch and moan when they get reviews stating she looks heavier then her pix. I have nothing against BBW's or any other physical aspect of an escort, just be honest and upfront.

5. Providers that go on and on about how classy and educated they are, and then they have spelling and gramatical errors in their websites.

6. Providers that try to look as snobby as possible in their lists of favorite things. "I only accept gifts of Gucci, Prada, and Versace. I only drink champagne that costs more then $200 a bottle. I only accept jewelery from Cartier or Tiffany's." Yeah, and you only suck dick for money, so get off your high horse already.

7. Providers that gossip about other providers. Clients have no idea, but a lot escorts are the nastiest cattiest bunch of women you will ever meet. There is never ANY reason to talk about another girl with a client, unless he is considering a double with the two of you. I know business is slow and you are possesive of your clients and you don't want them seeing anyone else, but it only makes you look bad to talk negativly of others.

8. Providers that don't return requests for reference checks. Are we not all supposed to be looking out for each other? If you can't return a voice or email within a day or two, then you are selfish and karma will get you.

9. Providers that lie about their age, weight, cup size, etc. Yeah, those are D-Cups when you wear your super padded bra. And you were 27 for the past 5 years. And I am sure you do weigh 120 lbs when you only have one foot on the scale. I think it would be really funny if clients starting bringing tape measures with them just to check the accuracy for your review. If you are not comfortable with listing your weight or measurements, then just list your height and dress size....or don't mention anything. Just say all of my pics are recent and accurately reflect what I look like. And make sure they do (see #4)

10. Providers who spam up every board every day. How hard is it to post an ad once a week, and not use every discussion thread to promote yourself and leave your link.

11. Providers who let clients treat them like shit, or constantly get extra time, or book with no screening at all, or shortchange you. You let them get away with that, and it makes life difficult for the rest of us. They will only get worse and keep doing it to other providers.

12. Providers that act like they invented something or they were the pioneers of internet escorting. "I was the first escort on this board and every other escort has just copied me since." "I was the first escort to offer a dinner date special, and everybody has copied me." "I was the first escort to take a photo in a schoolgirl outfit, and everybody has copied me." Get the fuck over yourself. There was always someone who did something before you did it -the world has just been around for way too long.

13. Providers who act like they are the ultimate supreme nympho who will take on anyone and leave him thinking she is the best. Everyone has an off day and everyone has someone that they just can't click with to save their life. Don't refer to yourself as the best in aything, because that will just leave men with high expectations that may not be met. Just be honest, and tell about which things you like to do the most. Let your reviews speak for themselves.

14. Finally, providers that act like they know everything.


Just thought I would throw that one in to let you know that I do have a sense of humor (in case you couldn't already tell)

RacquelOC 4035 reads
2 / 35

LOL  More should read your post.

DaveMogal 74 Reviews 4983 reads
3 / 35

Very interesting. With number 7 I have seen it happen from clients. THen everyone gets surprised when the rumors leakout from the private message boards. Remember nothing in a private message board is private. Providers will leak stuff out to make another provider look bad. Then they wonder why no one will see them.

heatherbarronxxx See my TER Reviews 4670 reads
4 / 35

Providers that emphasize perceived intellectual superiority or exclusivity are just trying to convince themselves they aren't selling the very same services that a poor uneducated woman would be selling. They are trying to look in-demand and confident. It's all marketing and I agree, its a turnoff. They are counting on men who will believe everything they read and most smart people don't need to be told something. "I blur my photos on my web site because I have a life outside the business." There is no life outside the business if you truly love what you do. Your clients are also your friends and it's all one big cool existence.

On the nympho thing, well, I can understand that if she's in her 30's.

Oh, and by the way, I am the pioneer of the world oldest profession. Past lives.


-- Modified on 12/7/2003 3:13:18 PM

jammers 6 Reviews 6002 reads
5 / 35

Yeah both sides have dislikes but what can you do huh.  Just hope clients don't book sessions with providers on this list and for providers to rarely meet these types of clients listed on your post below.  But majority of the times when you find that out its already to late, lol.

                               Happy Holidays,


jim3543 18 Reviews 4117 reads
6 / 35
ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 3987 reads
7 / 35

Providers who don't occasionally offer some weekend availability.  A lot of clients work M-F and have to burn coveted vacation days to spend just 1 hour with a lady.  It would be nice to have some availability on a Saturday or Sunday every now and then.

AliOfLosAngeles 4223 reads
8 / 35

'There is no life outside the business if you truly love what you do..'
 Every lady does this for different reasons, and many of us do have a life outside of this...In fact, doing this gives me the financial and physical freedom to do something else that I enjoy, but that doesn't pay well..
 Why cant I 'truly love' what I do and still have a life on the outside?

Until society becomes more accepting of this profession and starts judging people by who they are and how they treat people, instead of something harmless they do with another consenting adult..Ill continue blurring my face..and I do it for the discretion of the gentleman Im seen out in public with too.

 In regards to the rest of your post..I agree...


-- Modified on 12/7/2003 4:25:37 PM

heatherbarronxxx See my TER Reviews 3406 reads
9 / 35

The only way to change society is to refuse to be stereotyped. Re: "Until the system changes...." The system isn't going to change unless a few people take the steps to change it. But
I respect and understand your desire to blur your face.

What I'm saying with regards to "no life outside of" means you don't put your client names is a box labeled "fake friends" and your "true life" friends in a box labeled "real friends". They should all be friends. Technically, anyone who is helping you with your bills and your life goals should be considered a friend.

I'm not saying you should tell everyone you are an escort. That's up to you.

Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 3562 reads
10 / 35

"4. (Still on Photos) Providers that hide or alter any part of themselves through photos. Every girl should have one clear shot of her body in as little as possible from neck to toe. If you don't want to show your face or nudity, that is perfectly fine. But there are some BBW's that only show face shots or cleavage shots, and then they bitch and moan when they get reviews stating she looks heavier then her pix. I have nothing against BBW's or any other physical aspect of an escort, just be honest and upfront."

on my website, you will find my face, breasts, and booty shots. What I found about #4. is that you state, that there are some bbw's who complain. Yes, I am pretty sure that they are out there, but  where??? lol Everytime I read the boards, the girls who tend to complain about them being rated low in looks, are the ones who protray themselves to be thin, in their websites (but yet, the reviewer stated that she was heavier in person). Infact, I haven't seen a BBW complain openly yet, about how she was rated by a client in looks. I would say the majority of the ladies that do openly complain, are the ones with the professional photos, airbrushing, or whatever else that was altered on her website. As for the type of providers that I tend to dislike, are the ones, who think their shit don't stink, and or, get in my business. Anyways, I just wanted to add my commentary in there :)

Mel :)

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 5:45:14 PM

ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 2878 reads
11 / 35

I made no mention of BBWs in my post, I was ranting about weekend availability.

The Good Girl 3508 reads
12 / 35

First, she didn't post to your thread, she posted to the original. Check it out for yourself.

Not that it wasn't an honest mistake, but it reminded me of another client I don't like. The ones that jump to post on board violations. Let the moderators do their jobs and quit acting like a tattle-tail.

This is NOT referring to you Thomas, you just reminded me of thos guys.

Melanie Love See my TER Reviews 3638 reads
13 / 35

You will probably find a build up of posts directly under yours, referring to the initial poster. It doesn't mean that they are referring to you, directly :)

Mel :)

boxtrain 30 Reviews 3871 reads
14 / 35

Interesting thread..

When I think back to my provider "pet peeves" (sp) .  I would say that the "bait and switch", "upselling" or not what she advertised as the worst sins.   Since everyone has different tastes, as long as the website is accurate - no problems.

Things I liked:

1,  Smile and kiss at the door
2.  easy to talk with - even laugh at my terrible sense of humour
3.  pick the donation up from the table at the end
4.  great sex (however u define it)
5.  does not clock watch
6.  be totally into me and my needs for that hr whatever
7   do not leave early unless I asked u to leave early
8   make me think the next time will even be better that this time

sweet cheeks 3955 reads
15 / 35
AliOfLosAngeles 6057 reads
16 / 35

'Technically, anyone who is helping you with your bills and your life goals should be considered a friend.'

 I especially agree with the above, and I've always felt this way..It's a shame not everyone realizes this...I guess their only concern is the dollar signs and moving along to the next victim...any level of friendship is last on their list of goals in a meeting.

 Everyone I meet is helping me with my life and goals...that's why it sickens me with reports and postings of the lack of respect toward one another.


-- Modified on 12/7/2003 5:33:53 PM

ASSume 4369 reads
17 / 35

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 5:51:05 PM

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 5:52:30 PM

Tygrlily 3298 reads
18 / 35

This is a very interesting perceptive of one's personal opinions. It would be nice to know their identity (male or female).  How about a #15.. "Providers that post under alias".


ASSume 3858 reads
19 / 35

Oh, you know that little link at the end.

And how about item #5?  I'm going to guess here, but I'd say Ms. Tygrlily didn't mean "interesting perceptive" because that really doesn't make any sense.  Could it be that she meant "interesting perspective"?  I'm not sure because in the context of that sentence it's still a gramatical stretch.

AliOfLosAngeles 4216 reads
20 / 35

..#16) Girls that write their own reviews ..TER does a great job at tracking, but with access to multiple computors, it's impossible to catch everyone..Its usually pretty obvious though.

Just Another Provider 3653 reads
21 / 35

I don't know who you have a Hard on For, but you need to get off
your High horse!

You need to see a Shrink, Baby! YOU have some Major issues
that you need to take care of!

Seems, that you are a Very Unhappy person(I ASSume you are a Female) that Hates the World.
You (my dear) are Attacking people under an Alias! (get Some Balls and come out from under your cover!)

You are Pitiful! We Don't need your Negative
Bull Sh*t on this Board!

Please, do us ALL a Favor and take it somewhere else!

I do know Mel and Lily, from the Boards and I find them Both to
be Wonderful Ladies.........Get Off Their Ass!

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 7:59:57 AM

-- Modified on 12/8/2003 8:57:28 AM

InspectorMorse 206 Reviews 3254 reads
23 / 35

Obviously, your list is from a providers prospective.  But I have to add some from a clients prospective.

1.  The no show-no call.  You said you hate that in clients.  Well, it works both ways, I hate that in providers.  (This happens all too frequently.)  You're shaved, showered, teeth are brushed, mouthwash is used, cash is in your pocket, and you're horny.  But then, nothing.  You can't even write a review because nothing took place.

2.  Providers that answer their cell phones during the session.  Hey, I paid for this time, you should have the courtesy to turn off your phone.  This is almost 2004 remember, there is this thing called voice mail.  But I know what you're worried about.  You don't want to lose the chance of making another appointment.  That guy calling may not leave a message, he might just be going down a list of escorts and will book only with the first who answers her phone in person.

3.  Providers who brag about other clients.  That is, say things like "Joe sees me every Friday at the Presidential Suite at the Ritz-Carlton, pays me double my usual fee, tips me $500, owns Acme Auto Dealers and got me a new Mercedes 450SL for the price of a Chevy Caviler, and takes me to Tahiti for 2 weeks every summer."  Do you know what?  We don't care.  Even if such bragging is true, saying it won't get more money out of us.  We're not going to "bid" against other clients in an attempt to be your favorite.

I just thought I would contribute to this discussion.

Ovious 3219 reads
24 / 35

CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!! I am assuming that is the reason you go under the name ASSUME, just as you were able to make that assumption, can we not make our own assessment that it was a grammatical error and ASSUME!  Anyone with 1/2 a brain can access what Ms. Lilly meant to say after all, we all consenting adults who read between and far beyond the lines, we do not need a school teacher aboard to correct our grammatical errors otherwise, I think the moderator would go ahead and place a spell check on board

book_guy 14 Reviews 5031 reads
25 / 35

#17 Providers who badmouth other service-providers with generalized passive-aggressive terminology, such as "I am not LIKE THAT. I'm a CLASSY woman, not SOME SKANK."

Example. At a local strip club near where I live, it's possible to engage in hanky-panky in the back room. As I approached one woman there, and demurely, politely, surreptitiously I say, even kindly, I broached the subject of whether or not she was interested in a cash for service exchange, she suggested she was not "some goddamned whore!" She further explained, "I do not do sex services for money like SOME SKANK!" This was clearly a point of honor for her.

Then she got up on stage, stripped butt naked, flapped her tits in the face of a man much drunker than I, bent over and groped his crotch through his pants, received $1 from him, and proceeded to similarly service a room full of rather less than "classy" customers. She left the building soon thereafter with a man who arm-wrestled her out of the parking lot while berating her inability to earn more money for him. From me she could have gotten full privacy, much more money, a polite and sober gentleman, and even some tender loving care, as well as the independence to leave her abusive biker-pimp behind. Too bad she wasn't "some goddamned whore."

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 10:26:07 PM

Tygrlily 3257 reads
26 / 35

Shucks.. here I was thinking I violated the whole damm list!


-- Modified on 12/8/2003 2:40:04 AM

howandwhy 4059 reads
27 / 35

1. Providers that have free websites. Geocities and other such pop-up filled pieces of crap. You can take any of the major free website providers and turn the site ad-free and register a domain for less then $15/month. Stop being cheap.

>>>Doesn't bother me. I've installed a pop-up killer--Ad-Subtract--that works well, and makes the internet a delight again.

2. Providers that have bad photos or girls that have photos over 2 years old. Digital cameras are dropping in price everyday. Buy one and have an honest friend take your pix in a lot of sunlight. They should be able to help you with what looks good and what doesn't. Also, there are so many professional photographers that work with escorts. You can easily get a set of nice photos done for under $200. This should be no problem to have done once a year. Stop being cheap.

>>>Right on!

3. In continuation of #2- Providers that look high in their photos. How sad is that? You know exactly what I am talking about. No, that is not the camera giving you red-eye, you look high as a kite!

>>>>Never thought about this, so it seems it never troubled me.

4. (Still on Photos) Providers that hide or alter any part of themselves through photos. Every girl should have one clear shot of her body in as little as possible from neck to toe. If you don't want to show your face or nudity, that is perfectly fine. But there are some BBW's that only show face shots or cleavage shots, and then they bitch and moan when they get reviews stating she looks heavier then her pix. I have nothing against BBW's or any other physical aspect of an escort, just be honest and upfront.

>>>Right on again

5. Providers that go on and on about how classy and educated they are, and then they have spelling and gramatical errors in their websites.

>>>I take  provider's assertions of class and education with a grain of salt, so I view their grammar errors as comical.

6. Providers that try to look as snobby as possible in their lists of favorite things. "I only accept gifts of Gucci, Prada, and Versace. I only drink champagne that costs more then $200 a bottle. I only accept jewelery from Cartier or Tiffany's." Yeah, and you only suck dick for money, so get off your high horse already.

>>>you bet, good girl. And they show that they don't think for themselves. Why do all these highfalutin' whores have to delight in GODIVA chocolates????

7. Providers that gossip about other providers. Clients have no idea, but a lot escorts are the nastiest cattiest bunch of women you will ever meet. There is never ANY reason to talk about another girl with a client, unless he is considering a double with the two of you. I know business is slow and you are possesive of your clients and you don't want them seeing anyone else, but it only makes you look bad to talk negativly of others.

***common courtesy, but true.

8. Providers that don't return requests for reference checks. Are we not all supposed to be looking out for each other? If you can't return a voice or email within a day or two, then you are selfish and karma will get you.

>>Agree. And it's only good business.

9. Providers that lie about their age, weight, cup size, etc. Yeah, those are D-Cups when you wear your super padded bra. And you were 27 for the past 5 years. And I am sure you do weigh 120 lbs when you only have one foot on the scale. I think it would be really funny if clients starting bringing tape measures with them just to check the accuracy for your review. If you are not comfortable with listing your weight or measurements, then just list your height and dress size....or don't mention anything. Just say all of my pics are recent and accurately reflect what I look like. And make sure they do (see #4)

>>>Well, I can sympathize with a wee bit of exaggeration. A gal might still be a beauty at 40, but a hobbyist seeing those numbers might not have the imagination to realize it. If the gal has honest, recent photos, exaggerating their "resume" is note a serious deception.

10. Providers who spam up every board every day. How hard is it to post an ad once a week, and not use every discussion thread to promote yourself and leave your link.

****And they get boring by doing so. Similarly, the pervading presence Brittany Spears, truly a good looking girl, makes her as annoying as finding dog-shit on you shoe when her image pops up.

11. Providers who let clients treat them like shit, or constantly get extra time, or book with no screening at all, or shortchange you. You let them get away with that, and it makes life difficult for the rest of us. They will only get worse and keep doing it to other providers.

>>>Oh get rid of the pounder, alright already :)

12. Providers that act like they invented something or they were the pioneers of internet escorting. "I was the first escort on this board and every other escort has just copied me since." "I was the first escort to offer a dinner date special, and everybody has copied me." "I was the first escort to take a photo in a schoolgirl outfit, and everybody has copied me." Get the fuck over yourself. There was always someone who did something before you did it -the world has just been around for way too long.

>>>>doesn't bother me. Who cares. Besides if she really were the first, she's probably got to do some mighty lying about her age.

13. Providers who act like they are the ultimate supreme nympho who will take on anyone and leave him thinking she is the best. Everyone has an off day and everyone has someone that they just can't click with to save their life. Don't refer to yourself as the best in aything, because that will just leave men with high expectations that may not be met. Just be honest, and tell about which things you like to do the most. Let your reviews speak for themselves.

***Only one wh could honestly do that was Domino!

14. Finally, providers that act like they know everything.

>>>>and every one else who so acts.


Just thought I would throw that one in to let you know that I do have a sense of humor (in case you couldn't

Anya 4851 reads
28 / 35

Hate is too strong a word!  Actually, the providers I dislike are usually the ones who go on and on about what other providers are supposed to do with themselves and their business.


PlaymateAshley See my TER Reviews 3594 reads
29 / 35
tennislover 10 Reviews 2758 reads
30 / 35

Morse is one of my favorite literary, and television characters.  It's sad that the author killed him off.  But now that John Thaw has died, it seems appropriate.  John Thaw was Morse.  There couldn't be another.

I also liked your response to this thread.


Jacks777 3400 reads
32 / 35

I've noticed many providers don't detail a list of services (such as languages spoken and such, O.K., mostly Greek 'cause that's what I wanna know) offered on their websites and when you contact them, you never hear back. Maybe they think your LE, but how are you supposed to know if there are no reviews or the reviews say "don't know"? Wouldn't say I hate them for it, but it would be nice to know from the getgo.

MfSD 39 Reviews 3970 reads
33 / 35

"Example. At a local strip club near where I live, it's possible to engage in hanky-panky in the back room. As I approached one woman there, and demurely, politely, surreptitiously I say, even kindly, I broached the subject of whether or not she was interested in a cash for service exchange, she suggested she was not "some goddamned whore!" She further explained, "I do not do sex services for money like SOME SKANK!" This was clearly a point of honor for her.

Then she got up on stage, stripped butt naked, flapped her tits in the face of a man much drunker than I, bent over and groped his crotch through his pants, received $1 from him, and proceeded to similarly service a room full of rather less than "classy" customers. She left the building soon thereafter with a man who arm-wrestled her out of the parking lot while berating her inability to earn more money for him. From me she could have gotten full privacy, much more money, a polite and sober gentleman, and even some tender loving care, as well as the independence to leave her abusive biker-pimp behind. Too bad she wasn't "some goddamned whore."

# 18 Providers and their partners. I've heard a few crazy stories about the dates/BFs/husbands from some of the ladies. A few psychos, crack heads, pimps, strong arm artists, guys that beat them, etc....

Actually had the BF of a former, very well known Tampa escort, call and threaten me over money at the end of an appointment, when one half of the double I had scheduled, didn't show. This guy actually wanted half the fee for this other lady who didn't make the appointment.........because they had bought her an airline ticket to fly up to Tampa from Miami for the double.

At the end of the appointment and just before he called me on my cell with his strong arm pitch, the escort that did show calls this same guy from my room, and says words to the effect of: you hired a limo to come pick me up? He was burning thru her cash like Sherman thru Atlanta. Needless to say, I laughed at the guy, then hung up on him when he started to threaten me.


MfSD 39 Reviews 3396 reads
34 / 35

"Providers who brag about other clients.  That is, say things like "Joe sees me every Friday at the Presidential Suite at the Ritz-Carlton, pays me double my usual fee, tips me $500, owns Acme Auto Dealers and got me a new Mercedes 450SL for the price of a Chevy Caviler, and takes me to Tahiti for 2 weeks every summer."  Do you know what?  We don't care.  Even if such bragging is true, saying it won't get more money out of us.  We're not going to "bid" against other clients in an attempt to be your favorite."

Interestingly, I had the same Tampa escort that I chronicled in my other post here, go on and on about how one of her gal pal/escort friends, was up in DC with one of her best clients, and that could have been her. Meanwhile, I made this appointment with her like six weeks in advance. Did I stop her from going to DC to do her DC client? No.......

But I sure as hell didn't want to hear that when I'm dropping 900 of my hard earned kaaash on this lady.........

I must say, I have been very well treated by and large the last few years in the hobby, with one or two notable exceptions. Shameless plug: Baylee Lefever of the great Northwest, and Griffin of Greenville SC rock. My two absolute favorite ladies.......


The Good Girl 2906 reads
35 / 35
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