TER General Board

HELP! Need addresses to Ad-Aware 6.0 and Spybot!
3ofus 4043 reads

Computer lost everything--and I mean everything--and know we can go thru 257 pages of TER and pull off the information, but could someone just give us the sites to go straight to?  It  sure would save time, and just had a root canal so not exactly in the mood for messing with this...and the pop-ups are driving us crazy.  HELP!!!!
By the way, putting in Ad-aware and the word Spybot does not cut it.  Thanks heaps...and a big hug!

3ofus3272 reads

it froze up.  Naturally, we were terrified it was that new virus; but, it was only freezing due to being overloaded.  Dell made us un-install everything, so we lost everything.  However, breathing a sigh of relief it is not the new virus, anyway.
Regardless, thank you so much for the information.  We have done it already...viola!!!!

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