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Happy Birthday Doll (eom)teeth_smile
Snowblind 10 Reviews 2659 reads

Damn, i don't get to give the spanking!  :-(

Wishing you all the beautiful things, that life has to offer!

Have a Wonderful Day, Sis.

Sending you Big, Birthday Hugs and Kisses!



Damn, i don't get to give the spanking!  :-(

to the lady of my fantasies!!

The best of everything to an absolute treasure of a lady.


Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...hapyy birthday dear Sedona...Happy Birthday to you!


Turkana1300 reads

peace of mind, love, happiness, respect, intimacy, friends, loving relatives

and great sex!

Happy Birthday!

I'll mark it in my palm next year so I can be ahead then.

Strength, health and pleasure,


-- Modified on 5/23/2004 9:44:19 PM

Anywhere you desire!

Happy Birthday, Darling Lady!!!

Decided to add this note to this post, an fyi:

I will be (somewhat) unavailable this week; and beginning Thursday will be out of town until June 1st. There is no cell, pager or computer accessibility where I am going..just so you know in case I don't reply to PM's, etc.

But, when I get baaaack....!! Hmmmm!

Take care and everyone have a safe Holiday.

-- Modified on 5/24/2004 9:38:50 AM

Best to you - be Queen for a day, then!

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