TER General Board

Great sex and love deserves a 10
SmellySmegma 5240 reads
1 / 36

wives or S.O.s a "10-once in a lifetime experience" in the sack, then why the F_ck do they pay $300+ for 7s, 8s, 9's (and worse)???  Who are these 11% that think their spouses are 10s???  My guess is if other hobbyists had a session with these wives, they'd score 5s or 6s at best.  lol

Fortunate Fool 2191 reads
2 / 36

As for seeing others, these are two separate issues my friend.

linkmeister 5 Reviews 1966 reads
3 / 36

A wife or S.O. may be a 10, but if they only want to do it once a month/year/century, then it's hobby time.

SmellySmegma 2269 reads
5 / 36
Pussycat Doll 1684 reads
6 / 36
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 2108 reads
8 / 36

they're never happy with just one partner -- unfortunately for some women. Fortunate for us. Wink!


r_bear11 23 Reviews 2454 reads
9 / 36

when I would go seek out a provider it was about something missing inside of me. Not something missing in my wife. She is a 10 in every way.

I am the 5 or 6 and I was seeking the other few points.

I have never found them, so I dropped out. I occationally try again, but for the most part. It has always been the same me being the one lacking.

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 3437 reads
10 / 36

that this is because a woman's own offspring on the whole will have a greater chance of survival if fathered by different men. In the event of congenital abnormalities occuring due to the father or the combined genes of the mother and father, only one child would be at risk versus multiple children. Also, the immune response of the children would be different in response to a massive biological threat such as plague.

notsofast 20 Reviews 2270 reads
11 / 36

even if it is good? No way. Variety is the spice of life, even if my SO is a firecracker in the sack, which I happen to think she is. I'm not looking to compare on a numbers scale with my SO and any provider, I'm just looking for adventure and new experiences, not to mention new friends. How many people do you know that are sleepwalking through life doing the same thing over and over everyday? I know plenty and I'm here to tell you that's not for me. Bottom line, to me it's not all about the numbers. That being said, I have tried to see only higher end, reputable providors in my short career in the hobby, so I've been lucky enough to have only outstanding experiences.


keystonekid 114 Reviews 2971 reads
12 / 36

SO average at best.  No wonder the hobby is thriving.  Thank you to all the wonderful ladies out there who fulfill the need.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2903 reads
13 / 36

"It's not you, it's me?"

Review "Seinfeild" some time.  That line of reasoning just does not hold up.  It's a routine to shield the feelings of the other, while at the same time making the situation worse by insincereity, perceived or otherwise.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 3077 reads
14 / 36

"It's not you, it's me?"

Review "Seinfeild" some time.  That line of reasoning just does not hold up.  It's a routine to shield the feelings of the other, while at the same time making the situation worse by insincereity, perceived or otherwise.

riem 2 Reviews 2423 reads
15 / 36

This fits neatly with nature's basic principle of conservation of the species.The pleasures we experience are just an inducement to increase the chance of survival by reproduction.But,we've learned how to circumvent nature's intent using various artificial devices......

horny24 4169 reads
16 / 36

This poll is skewed because the sampling is not random; most of the guys that voted are hobbyists and the stats tell us the reason why the majority hobby. If I'm having a great sex life, I don't think I'd ever hobby.

SmellySmegma 2433 reads
17 / 36
doctor2002 19 Reviews 3632 reads
19 / 36

That sums it up for me. Married to a 10 who is a 10 in bed, but once a month doesn't work for me.

zinaval 7 Reviews 1929 reads
20 / 36

It's a problem well-known in the hobby: she's likely not going to want to have sex with you as much as you're going to desire it from her.  In some way the frustration from this has to build up.  

Think also of a man with a high sex drive, who would love to have 3 pops a day on average.  How many women are going to be willing to meet that need **by themselves???**  Yes, there are women who have even higher sex drives, that's well known in the hobby too.  It might seem that she'd be perfectly matched to a guy who also desires it often.  Not so.  Think of having sex three or more times a day with the same person for seven years.  This is more likely to kill a marriage than solidify it.  Once the burnout kicks in, like it or not, they are probably going to have trouble even looking at one another.  If both their sex drives are that high, they are both going to want variety.  

I would say this: it's very rare that one person can completely meet another person's needs.  That goes not only for sex, but that goes for any category of needs you want to name.  

I know I go against society with this opinion.  Call me a cynic.  I also believe that things aren't static in this universe: if you ever reach a point where you and another person are completely meeting each others' needs, then someday that will change.  Eternal is fantasy.  

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 2150 reads
21 / 36
avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 2190 reads
22 / 36

Now, I actually believe that miracles can and do happen. If you want one bad enough, don't give up the hope, or the search. Trust me, if it can happen to me, it can happen to anybody! There really is such a thing as "true love", even "unconditional love", between grown adults. The kind that just can't or won't be broken, no matter the obstacles that must be hurdled or endured. Even the kind that can bring two lifelong sex addicts to a place where they look each other in the eye and actually mean it when they both say,"I can't believe it, but I honestly don't need anyone but you for the rest of my life." I never thought I would ever know what that would be like. Would have laughed if anyone suggested it to me. I was wrong. You may be, too.

-- Modified on 11/29/2005 11:24:14 PM

Sir Real 2722 reads
23 / 36

You never have sex with her???

r_bear11 23 Reviews 2436 reads
24 / 36
Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 1692 reads
25 / 36

The problem with trying to bring two life long sex addicts to a point where they can say they don't need anyone else is, basically, one of numbers.

By last count, the number of sex addicts worldwide was:

Male: 3.1 Billion
Female: 14

So, as you can see, while 14 men can reach the point you described, the other 3,099,999,986 of us are left having to constantly search for a new partner.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2230 reads
27 / 36

you usually stop growing.

I have been fortunate enough that most of my relationships in life have been with women who wanted sex as much as or close to as much as I did.  I have also had a few where the woman wanted sexual activity even more frequently than I did.  What this tended to do for me was make me realize that once the "saturation point" is reached, we that much more quickly had to look at the other issues in our relationship to be able to continue to get along with each other.

I don't think eternal is fantasy at all.  I just think it depends on what you are looking for, and what you expect out of a relationship.  If you expect to *always* be as excited about sexual activity as you are in the early stages of your relationship, then most likely, you are going to have to have other people meet those needs.  If, however, you are okay with the gradual change in that need and keeping enough distance between you and your partner to keep it vital (and occasionally as intense as "early relationship stage" sex), it is possible to reach a balance that should be able to not only make a relationship last, but that should help one grow as a person as well.

If you eat a good and varied menu frequently, it is very rewarding sensually.  However, if you don't eat that way very often, the food usually tastes so good when you do it that it never grows "too familiar".  Sex, or any other sensory experience, can be managed the same way.  It is all in what it is worth to someone.

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 1891 reads
29 / 36
zinaval 7 Reviews 1208 reads
30 / 36

The Norse had a proverb: never judge beer till drunk, day till done, or wife till dead.  

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2723 reads
31 / 36

strictly so your's and mine congenital abnormalities can flourish into the distant future!

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 1044 reads
32 / 36

available,  you're welcome to inquire "within". :P Damn, that's crude. LOL.

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2530 reads
33 / 36

But I would like to go through a few position papers with you if we could find the time!

(and darling, sweet, Rosie...you can't get too crude for me!)

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 2303 reads
34 / 36

Gotta laugh at yourself, right! (Me, I mean.) And don't worry, I will always make time for my friends. ;)

-- Modified on 12/1/2005 12:33:18 PM

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2137 reads
35 / 36

Those are the longest forms I've ever seen!
I hope I make it and you choose me for one of your next few kids.

avalon_rose See my TER Reviews 1867 reads
36 / 36

boy it sure would suck if Mr. Preselected weren't the one to be there were I to decide to be a bunny after all. :P

This has been a fun exchange, JP. Thanks for making me smile.

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