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genetics, culture, generations?
charlottenoble 7 Reviews 1347 reads

Though we never discussed it, I'm convinced my father was a player, as am I.  Today I discovered my son in his 40's is also.  This was a round about discovery.  What about it guys, how many generations in your family were or are players?  Is it genetic, cultural, or kinda just runs in your family?

My feeling is that, given opportunity, all it takes is being born a man. Fear of getting caught in a fling or busted with an escort may scare some guys away but I think they would do it if they were convinced that they could get away with it.

Now, are all men players? I dunno, what exactly makes one a player? where do you draw the line? is it a guy who is a habitual cheater? Is the guy who calls an escort once in a while just to get some strange pussy a player or is he just bored?

Honestly, I see two different escorts on a very regular basis and new ladies when I travel quite a bit. In the last twenty years I've easily had ten times more sex with strangers than I have with my wife. The last word I would use to describe myself is "player".  Lol, I'm a "payer"!

-- Modified on 3/9/2008 3:57:58 PM

My dad was not... and I know that for certain.  What makes this question especially interesting to me is that my mom was Hot....  and not just a little... When I was old enough - my Dad revealed to me that she had been propositioned in her work place.. that is give a little head to get "a head"  - she did not take it...

However, I know that a couple of my uncles partook... and this was just after WWII!!!!   who says that the hobby has not been around... a long time...

Also curious was my dad's curiosity of how the ladies that I slept with were in bed....   (back then I did not hobby... but these were ladies I dated)  yea, he knew that I had premariatal sex... and he was just curious...

your revelation therefore does not surprise me... only that you had the guts to ask...

genetic... you bet... it is called possessing both the x and the y chromosome...Bwahahahahaha!!!!

At my father's retirement party, one of his friends got drunk and told my sister of a conversation between Dad and an Escort in a bar. That was a dead giveaway.

think that it might be higher than if you polled the general population.

However, there are still many men out there that don't play around even if their fathers did. By the same token, there are also many men who seek fulfillment everywhere else...

To each their own, but you guys may be having more fun. ;)


I notice when I see a new client who says he has never "Done this before" it almost always turns out the experience was so different than what they expected.
This business to still a great deal of the population is something they have no idea about. They leave so thrilled that they enjoyed themselves so much. I am convinced that so much bad about this business is in the minds of those who have never tried, that if they knew how "Normal" it is can be and should be more of the population would be seeing a Lady or 2 or three on the side.

I am very close with my family and hold dear the stories and history we share....

I will spare the details, but I've found that four female elders (I don't mean ELDERLY, there is a bit of a difference LOL) in my family were somehow involved in sex work.  And like myself, they were also artists, theologians and feminists.  

Loving my family,

Most behavior is the result of a combination of genetic prediposition, past conditioning and present life circumstances.  I don't think dating in this manner automatically makes one a player.  I'm single, over 50, divorced, not interested in regular dating anymore and like to have fun and companionship with beautiful women.  Not exactly life in the fast lane as the Eagles described.

I know this question is for the guys, but I can't resist :)

I think in my case it's cultural? Islanders are known for their physical beauty and relaxed attitude... and definitely not known for monogamy. My parents are happily married, and while I don't think they're entirely *open* about their extramarital affairs, they've both definitely agreed to look the other way!

My mother's mother had several high profile boyfriends, while her husband enjoyed his nights out with several of his sisters in law. My father's mother was a very successful burlesque dancer (and probably supplemented her income from time to time), and her husband loved to bring his girlfriends to the theater to see her.

Obviously, the mess of half-brothers and sisters is nearly impossible to track in generations past that... indicating that sexual fidelity was never really prized. Thank god for birth control!

I'm single, lol. Open and understanding men seem to be less available, these days :)


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