TER General Board

Geez....give it a rest.
MrSilk 4 Reviews 3628 reads

You'd think this guy was on his way to the firing squad or something.  Oh, and by the way, I'm sure your poor wife, or gave so much for you and your happiness, will be glad you "went out on a bang". What a Putz

I posted this on the Minnesota board.  I'm posting it on the national board because I post quite a bit here as well.

I've decided to retire from the hobby.  While I've had some amazing sex, I realized that none of it was as good as what I was having with my wife.  she may not be as beautiful and young as others, but she has stayed with me and believed in me when i wouldn't have.  Most of our issues have been my fault for being a selfish career obsessed jerk who has moved her all over the place and left her to raise two kids.  She is an amazing woman who I have not done nearly enough for.  Love is the best aphrodisiac.  

I decided to go out with a bang by seeing Madison. She is indeed the titanium standard for providers.  Beautiful and intelligent.  I had as much fun talking as I did getting it on with her.  

Before I go, a few comments for a few of my ladies.  They are the real heros of the business.  They work 24/7, put up with pervs, stalkers, LE, tiny dicks, the whole gamut so we can have a good time and write terrible things about them.

Madison.  You are the best.  I know you've heard this before, but under a different set of circumstances, I could have really gone for you.

Adrianna Mynx.  I can tell yours has not been an easy life.  I know Twin Cities Guy likes to bash you for ten years ago in Cumberland.  When I saw you, you were beautiful and professional.  I respect your capitalistic drive.  You made sure I had a good time.  

Mecia Kay, Danielle Flowers.  I don't care if you're 18, 26, or 53 you are one of the most beautiful women on the planet.  You are a very close second to Madison.  You are as good at talking as the other activity.  

Heide, Erica, Shannon, Chloe.  You get bashed a lot on this board.  However, I've learned a little about your life.  I dare say many of us men could not have survived it.  I hope you find peace.

Mindy/Kiley Kay.  You're a sweet Minnesota farm girl.  Your attitude is great.  Good luck with your new baby.

Morgan Dream.  Don't get burned out.  Mind your money.  Get an education.

Angel.  As long as there are newbies and businessmen travelling in, you'll make a living.  Your pictures are fake, you've got a bad attitude, and you upsell.  I feel remorse for bashing Heide.  Maybe if I knew your story I'd feel the same.  I hope you find happiness.  

Zoe.  My favorite yellow pages provider with A Beautiful Bunny Escort.  Hang in there, get a website.  You're as good if not better than most.  

Ebony.  The provider who saw me and retired the next week.  I'm glad you retired.  You're a nice person and this business was clearly not for you.

As beautiful as all these ladies are, they aren't half as beautiful as my wife and kids.  Good luck.  Wish me well as a civilian.  To quote the last Calvin and Hobbes, "there might be treasure out there!"

Thunder Road/Born to Run






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jungleland4108 reads

it would take a strong man to walk away from Madison of Minneapolis.  She is the best there is, the best there ever was, and the best there ever will be!

Could you post a link or other contact info, so that we can see what we're missing.  I doubt she's worth quitting over, but you may try to prove me wrong...

jungleland1797 reads

There are links to many of the ladies in the post.


FYI, she is banned by TER.  There are no reviews on her.  She accidentally posted someone's cell phone number on the web.

Thanks for the link.  Oooh, glad it wasn't my number...

jungleland1827 reads

It was an accident, and she is a great provider.  There have been no incidents since.  

She tours, so maybe she will come to your town.

ellobo691600 reads

Not the best review-must cause confusion.

vikingexpress4029 reads

She just recently started accepting new clients.  She has wisely invested her money from the business.  She owns a business and only escorts part time because she loves sex.  She has reviews on BigDoggie.  

No doubt, she is the best!  Come to
Minnesota, drop your wife at the Mall of
America and go see Madison.  You'll have a better time than your wife and spend less money.

never2safe2724 reads

It was no accident, it was maliscious, and there's more to it then that.  She may be good in bed, but better not cross her :)

saddleclub2959 reads

Who are the new people coming onto the board?

ellobo692423 reads

That's gotta feel real good to read in a goodbye post.

Hey, it beats...

"Hi Lex. Just a quick note to make sure you got back to your bell tower safe and sound..."

You'd think this guy was on his way to the firing squad or something.  Oh, and by the way, I'm sure your poor wife, or gave so much for you and your happiness, will be glad you "went out on a bang". What a Putz

picantesauce2572 reads

Everytime somebody quits the hobby, you say its a bullshit story.  Everytime someone reports a bad experience with the hobby. you say its a bullshit story.  When somebody gets arrested, you try and say its bullshit.

Go screw yourself, you self righteous a-hole.  Nobody is trying to make you quit.  We're just trying to figure things out for ourselves.  Obviously, you are dealing with some guilt of your own.

Look fool, if you want to start sobbing over some guy finding religion (right after he gets one more nutt off) that is fine.  But how about exchanging love letters via pm.  "Righteous", no...."realist" more like it.

Good luck.  I may have to go to Minnesota to pick up the slack.  There are some hotties.  I thought all they had were fat swedes, norwegians, and hockey players.

vikingexpress2444 reads

Hey, we got Prince, the Vikings, the T-wolves, the Twins, Soul Asylum, the Mall of America, Morris Day.  And we have some of the finest providers anywhere.  You just stay away and we'll keep enjoying ourselves.

I bet that Minnesota accent is real sexy in bed.  Are all the best girls from Chaska and White Bear, like Fargo?

Was it good?  Are ya sure?  Oh, you're darn tootin' it was good, ya!

VirginNoMo1986 reads

...on Saturday, July 23rd, 2005, to honor the dedicated service of our brother 'thunderroadrun'
who leaves behind a legacy of covert behind closed door action, countless hours of commuting in the name of 'pleasure' and thankless monies spent padding the bank accounts of mediocre looking women.

You sir are a real American Hero and we salute you with 'half raised penises'.

YourKarmaSuitsYa3686 reads

Fare ye well Thunder'
  From several of your posts(first one being 7/9/05) I sensed the hobby was not the answer you sought I therefore feel you are wise to redirect your focus on your wife & family.

  Good luck


It looks like he made a thorough investigation of the hobby before he left!

I'm going to Minnesota to see Danielle Flowers.  If I'm not back in two weeks, raise my credit limit!

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