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For the ladies :Have any of you tried...
Avsfan04 10 Reviews 4692 reads

The female condom? If yes, do you still make the guy wear a condom when you're wearing one?

-- Modified on 2/12/2005 8:30:26 PM

-- Modified on 2/12/2005 8:56:52 PM

The friction can cause them to split open.  In the case of condoms, double the amount isn't double the protection.

AnniWV3024 reads

Tried it, hated it. I think it gave me a better perception about how it is for guys having to wear condoms, MAJOR loss of sensitivity. They're polyurethene instead of latex, maybe that's it.

-- Modified on 2/12/2005 11:43:21 PM

Yes I have used them and love them no I have not in required a male version at same time

I love them.  No, he doesn't need to wear a condom too.  I take out the ring at the bottom, it just isn't necessary and is too clumsy.  
But I add a little Eros lube to the inside for him, and a little on me, then I put it on him to insert. I find it to be so much more fluid feeling.  I have introduced this to 5 or 6 guys all of whom loved them, only one didn't because he said it just looked to wierd.  They actually provide more protection where our bodies meet when we are getting it on as well.  I would use them all the time if they weren't so darn expensive, and too much conversation needs to take place to introduce.  But I like to break them out once in awhile just for extra pleasure.  Elegant Elise also might want to pipe in.  She brought up the idea that a guy can actually dip back and forth between two ladies without having to change condoms while the ladies are wearing them.  They are also a great alternative to those who are allergic to Latex.

-- Modified on 2/13/2005 12:52:57 AM

Raise your rates $10 bucks Jenni... and it's fun asking a guy whether he wants to feel a little more like he's going bareback even if it seems like it's a plastic bag and it sounds like one, too!!!

Definitely put it on the guy just like it is a male condom, and for you girls that thought they were uncomfortable, Jenni's removal of the inside ring will take care of that issue!!!

Hell, I've had guys go in the trash to get the package so they could make sure they buy the right thing for use with their SO!

Buy them at the Sav On inside of Albertsons... you get 5 packs instead of 3 (at Long's) for your $11.00!


Do You think it would be offensive to ask a lady to try one?  I'm really wanting fo try this for some reason.

Avs, you may want to head to San Diego.  Jenni just gave you a green light.

*Looks up air fares to San Diego* :)

Let's face it. Some guys just can't cum with a condom on. And, I'm not going to go bareback but would love for them to experience intercourse. Yes they do cause a bit of a loss of sensitivity for me but as an earlier post said, it's given me some sympathy for the gents. These little darlings are a godsend for this situation. I never considered using them in my threesome appts. with the other gal. Great idea!

I like polyurethane and the guys seem to like the room to pound around in rather than the squeeze of the male condom.


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