TER General Board

Ladies, how many different ways do you tell a client you can't see him because....regular_smile
horny24 4198 reads

"it's that time of the month" without being too explicit? Would how you put it be dependent on whether he's a regular or a new client?

I've heard them say, "I'm on 'vacation' and won't be back until ..." or "I can't commit because I still can't figure out this cold that I'm having".

Also, when "it's that time of the month" and an e-mail comes in requesting an appointment, do you reply and tell him you can't see him (with or without stating why)? Or do you wait until the "it" is over and then reply and apologize to him that you "missed" him and sorry that you're late replying his e-mail (and fake excuses as to why you didn't reply sooner)?

Guys, how have you been enlightened of this situation? What are some of the interesting and creative comments you've heard from providers when they try to tell you they can't see you because "it's that time of the month".

I'm asking because I'm trying to learn and be understanding of this situation and hopefully won't take certain responses as brush-offs.

-- Modified on 2/8/2006 10:09:02 PM

taylor_442085 reads

I'm just honest about it because it's not like I can control it!  I've never gotten "creative"... just told the truth and said I have received my monthly "bill."  The guys have been great, totally understand and have told me to call them... errr...once the bill's been paid.  :-)

BackDoorGirl3210 reads

I never had a guy who refused this extremely freaky & hot combination!

:) lol

PrettyGirlProblems1622 reads

Birth control pills greatly reduce Aunt Flow's presence and the small miracle known as a sponge takes up the slack. No harm, no foul, no detection and no loss of profits.

AnyOneNormalAnymore2216 reads

I don't know about that no detection with the sponge. I knocked a couple of sponges out from a few providers last year. A provider should take off 6-7 days after during her monthly cycle. I appreciate when a provider won't let me daty because it is too close to the cycle.

PrettyGirlProblems2337 reads

However no one is going to get it. No one said not to subtly inform of operational status; only that it doesn't need to preclude normal business.
BTW - BDG; you were born to succeed.  

return to sender1516 reads

I don't believe in no detection no foul. The guys have a right to know if its that time of the month before indulging in daty. If they are all right with it then no problem. In the past I would avoid providers that posted week after week with no break every once in a while (once a month).Myself, I think it is rude and inconsiderate not to let the guys know upfront.For you guys out there that feel the same, watch the schedules for a bit and you would be amazed at the number of girls both indys and agencies that very seldom take a hiatus.
My .02

I would reply to the email straight away, as usual, and say I'm sorry but I'm not available.  If I started my period just before a scheduled appointment I'd tell him the truth, we are adults not children so no need to skirt around it.

I had a situation with this a couple of weeks ago.  I started my period about five minutes before my client was due to arrive.  I was dialing his number on the phone when he knocked on the door.  He came in, I apologised and told him I'd literally just started my period.  We chatted, had a couple of glasses of the wine he'd brought and re-scheduled for the next week. No problem!

horny241789 reads

gain more in the long run. It shows the maturity and integrity in the person which makes me want to see you more.

No one likes to be left hanging in this hobby, or for that matter, in any instance. For me I'd like to be told promptly if you have your period; as a matter of fact, having your period doesn't necessarily have to result in cancellation; sometimes if I have a good rapport with that person like my ATF, I'd tell her, "No problem. We'd have fun which does not involve that area".

I know sometimes they're reluctang to respond to my e-mail because they can't commit for any reasons; having period is one of them but there are times they're already booked for the time I requested and they just wanna delay responding to me just in case the guy that booked before me cancelled as opposed to telling me they're not available for the time requested and losing my business.

I agree with honesty.  I always tell them that "Eve" (the evil bitch as I refer to her) is in town and she'll be gone in about 3 days, then Ill be ready for full service.  Or if they dont mind an oral appointment, Im available for that.

And for those who are wondering who "Eve" is..if you read the bible..then you know who Im talking about...lol

We say- I have my friend-

They dont care.

and that's one good example. I know some ladies are too embarrassed and use the excuse that they are booked up for that week. It's the same for other unpleasant things we, women, go through occasionally. My personal favorite:  I'm having hot flashes and I might rip your head off. :)


-- Modified on 2/9/2006 11:00:03 AM

I tell him that I am not feeling well for the next couple days and they understand

My aunt who likes to wear Red is in town I'm not available until ______

Sorry, Things are flowing here but not in a nice way, I won't be available until_____

of course, the birth control Seasonale is wonderful:) Only 4 periods a year so... Its not often I have to tell people the things above.

on it about 4 years ago, My body couldn't handle it. I spotted for 25 of the 30 days of the month.

Much prefer the 4 a year over constant bleeding:)! Thanks tho!

EasyEnough3445 reads

Why it might seem unprofessional....many ladies date during their cycle.

So I wonder if making that statement is an easy way out of saying know as well......

Just like some Hobbyists might fake their 2nd, and 3rd release

Never "worked" while on the rag personally, but in my civvie life tried it with someone who KNEW what was going on and it was a poor experience.

I dont recommend these at all.

. . . my tubes were snipped, that was the best time of the month for us to have sex -- unprotected. I don't see a problem with providers as long as I'm covered.

-- Modified on 2/9/2006 4:39:39 PM

anonymousfemme2382 reads

We all need to remember that one size does not fit all. I do the birth control pills, but my friend cannot, for they do mess up her system.

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