TER General Board

excluding and searching
cheeks 62 Reviews 1524 reads

After years of coming to this site and taking advantage of many wonderful features, I wonder if there still might be some things that could make it even better.  I know that there is a favorites list where you can go to see what your favorites have been up to.  Along those lines, I would like to be able to utilize a do not show list.  So, when I go to new reviews, I don't have to see the same Angelina, Kim or Tiffany (not real people) that I have no intention of ever seeing.  It seems that I often look at these profiles and then open the picture only to realize that it is the same (place name here) that I have looked at and rejected dozens of times before.

I would also like to be able to either broaden the search criteria or exclude certain search criteria.  For instance, I would like to be able to search both thin and skinny body types at the same time.  Or be able to search more than one age category at the same time yet not have to wade through ages that I am not interested in.  I would also like to be able to exclude certain things.  Maybe I would like to exclude Hawaiian and white girls yet still keep everyone else in the mix.

I have virtually no computer know-how so my desires may be totally pie in the sky.  Does anyone else have these wants or does anyone know if they are practical?

. . . write our own database query.

-- Modified on 3/4/2006 8:48:29 PM

I'd like to see details from each reviewer (not just a composite or whatever that is), including price.

Bizzaro Superdude848 reads

these could all be coded as VIP features....    That would be a better value than the alias proposition that was recently floated....  what say ter????

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