TER General Board

ESCORT ALERT: OUTED by Giddyup Casey
Outed by Giddyup 4191 reads


During the past several months, she has engaged in a campaign of harassment, extortion, and criminal intent that has threatened my work life, my family life, and my sanity.  Over the past 6 weeks, this behavior escalated to the following actions:

*Giddyup called my home, and talked to my wife.  She initiated over 5 hours of phone conversations with her detailing everything she knew about me...here are the highlights:
             * Told my wife that she is an escort and has been fucking me for 2 years
             * Discussed every possible detail she could, including lurid and explicit details of anal sex.
             *Offered to send her documentation of trips, gifts, money payments...etc. etc., etc.
             *Directed her to numerous escort boards where I contribute and directed her to the cache of my reviews

*Harassed me at work, called my partners, told them of my contact with her and accused me of misappropriation of company funds

* Threatened my wife when she told Giddyup to leave her alone.  We had to change all of our phone numbers and my wife is now afraid to leave the house.

* Threatened me with possible retribution from her 'mob friends' from Chicago.

* When she was served with the notice of the temporary restraining order...she attacked the process server.  His testimony is part of the court records.  This woman is violent.

All of this information is documented in a declaration filed by my family to the Los Angeles Superior Court requesting a temporary restraining order.  

Yesterday, I went to the LA Superior Court for the restraining order hearing.  Giddyup didn't show up.  As you know, restraining orders are very difficult to obtain and the Judge asked me many questions about Giddyup's behavior, her background, her occupation and the circumstances surrounding the situation.  During my sworn testimony, it came out that Giddyupcasey/aka/Kimmy Blake/aka/Skyler/aka/Pamela/aka/Jeanette, is a prostitute and the evidence presented showed a continued campaign of harassment, extortion, and criminal intent.

The Judge then recommended the case be turned over to the LA County District Attorneys office for criminal investigation and possible prosecution.  Further, he held that the temporary restraining order be remanded to a three year restraining order against the defendant, Giddyupcasey/aka/Kimmy Blake/aka/Skyler/aka/Pamela/aka/Jeanette Crites/aka/Jeanette Carr

Giddyupcasey 90210:  Description

Email Address:  [email protected]
Race:  Caucasian
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Blonde wavy hair, back length
Measurements:  36DD-24-36  Silicone implants

Identifying features:  
Big, thick lips
8" scar over her breast bone
Tatoos:  10" scroll across her lower back
        2" rose on her left hip bone

This escort is extremely manipulative, travels and works in cities all over the U.S.  She is known to work in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Boston, Miami, San Francisco, Dallas, Austin, Houston, and Denver.
This woman is a danger to herself and to the community.  Not only do I think so...now the State of California thinks so.  She has not built up a large book of business here in California and I'm sure she's worried about working here given that legal actions have now been instituted.  Which leads me to believe that she will look to work in many cities where TER has a presence.

Many of you are probably wondering....why?  Greed gentlemen....greed.  When the money stopped....the threat that had been looming over my head for months was finally realized.

Brothers, be warned....this escort is bad news.

BlackListDiva5699 reads

Are you SURE you didnt write her a bad review based on appearances and/or treated her abusively? Flaked? You didnt show up/too late? But then, thats what blacklisting is for.

Its assumable from your post that she works through her TER reviews....it would be hard to maintain a TER profile if she didnt act "normal" most of the time....your one-time alias is also fishy.

NoWomanNoCry!3580 reads

This allegations are backed up by a civil case number at LA's Court. You can search yourslef by  going to the link below and searching the civil cases by her name.

Don't get me wrong.....I am in NO way implying that you deserved this type of behavior in anyway what so ever...But, it does appear that you've had a VERY long and VERY intimate relationship with this girl......So I must ask what the story on that is.

Is this a case of a Girlfriend/Mistress that happens to be a provider outing you as it appears to be??

Let's face it she seems to know a great deal about you and this didn't happen over night......And, if she's pissed off to this level it appears to be more than an issue about greed but more so an issue of the heart.....It sounds to me like you broke this girls heart???????

So what's the real story??

X's Summer

Gracie Lou Freebush3293 reads

is this guy has spammed this information on literally every escort board he can post on. TER, Tbd and others. The information recieved by another review board was that Rooster had a Personal Relationship with the lady in question. This taken from another board:

We were also advised by another board:
"it is semi-well known amongst the Dallas hobby community that giddyupcasey and rooster had a not so secret personal relationship that went beyond provider/hobbyist... and that this post is really more personal and not so altruistic on roosters part."

So you take this post and subsequent posts with a grain of salt and hope that these 2 people haven't set out to destroy one another.

But if they have, let's not give them any more ammunition to shoot themselves. We are feeding the grist for the rumor mill by continuing to post and re-post this crap all over the boards.

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