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Does three time in a month count ????? eom
Conjugal Coddger 2174 reads


hiddentiger3979 reads

is it just a myth. anyvone here at TER experienced it? both gents and ladies are welcome to enlighten me here. thx.

and there is a book, if you want to learn and practice:

The Multi-Orgasmic Man
Mantak Chia and Douglas Arava

Here is the link for the book review:

hiddentiger2331 reads

did they learn their techniques from that book?

Yep..and it's interesting reading to boot.  You do, or should, have a willing partner to explore with however.  Mantac and his wife both write on the subject hers is oriented towards women "Cultivating Female Sexual Energy"

There is a lot of gobbly gook about the energy contained in sperm and how important it is, for reasons of good health that result of retaining said energy, to forgo ejaculation.  "Male sexuality in the West remains incorrectly focused on the inevitable disappointing goal of ejaculation ("getting off") instead of the orgasmic process of lovemaking."    Most westerners have a slight problem with this hence the watered down version of Taoist thinking can be found in the Mulit-Orgasmic Man.

For the deeper version look to Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mr. Chia, but it's all the same stuff.


That's exactly what I was going to say before I clicked the link. I can experience multi-orgasm before I pop. When I was a young man I didn't experience that because I used to pop early.

Just 3 weeks ago I didn't pop, but my provider had several O's. I experienced multi orgasms so I was happy. Getting old has its advantages. :)

Betty knows what she's talking about.  She was responsible for my only one (i.e. multi-orgasms without ejaculation).  I don't know how she did it (I know practice, practice practice) but she gave me one of the most intense experiences I've had.


Takes a lot of practice, but it's possible.  For a while I was working on it.  At one point, with help from a tantrika, I was able to orgasm without ejaculating and then go again.  This was during a HJ.  I was never able to achieve that control during sex, but I kind of fell out of trying.

Still, if you work at it, it's possible.

hiddentiger2488 reads

thanks for the sharing, but were the multi-orgasms you had enjoyable?

ma vie3372 reads

I first discovered this by accident 20 years ago with a Brazilian girl.  She was a wild woman.  Later I read about it in a book and realized I was not the only one.  Basically for me it is a dry cum first then next time wet.  It is harder if I cum wet first.  I find it impossible to use the technique in oral sex.  The dry orgasm is not quite the same, less intense but more prolonged.  It is sort of an concentrated pleasure without the ejaculation.  The most fun is the dry pop and then keep going in the same position for the wet one.  If they come in quick succession I am momentarily so drained I can't move.

You can stop or switch positions after the first dry pop so I am not sure if that actually is multi-orgasmic.    Many ladies when they see there is no semen in the condum say, "I thought for sure you had come."  And in fact I did.

Impossible for me usually if alcohol is involved.  I would say it also helps to avoid alcohol, prescription drugs, and most important be well rested.  Your partner has a great deal to do with it as well.

but it was unmistakable.  I came with ejaculation, kept thrusting, and then after maybe 20 seconds more, came with ejaculation again.  It felt awesome.

But the point is that after ejaculation you cannot have orgasm during the refractory period. Without ejaculation you can have multiple orgasms.

Dude, I didn't have a "refractory period"...my second orgasm was 20 seconds after my first.

I'm trying to say that what you had was probably one  orgasmic event. I believe that it is physiologically impossible to have another orgasm within a few seconds. But then it could be semantics, we can define whatever we want.

I definitely know the difference.  The first one had finished completely.  I was surprised by the second one...it wasn't like the first one was lingering.

I blew a chakra.
Then 20 seconds later I came with ejaculation.

Does that count?

Cogito Ergo DATY3794 reads

"How To Make Love All Night (and drive a woman wild)" by Dr. Barbara Keesling, Ph.D.

I recommended this book on TER about five years ago using a different alias and was attacked for being a shill even though I have no idea how I was supposed to benefit (there's a reason I rarely post here anymore and that sort of mentality is just one of them).  But a couple TER members emailed me months later to tell me it worked for them too.

But since this subject is too important to me to keep quiet about, I'll risk waking the sleeper cell of morons that seems to always be in the background waiting to attack when a serious subject is discussed.

Like most men, I'd always orgasmed too quickly in my younger years.  It had never really been a problem since I was one of the lucky guys who also naturally had multiple orgasms.  My first one may have been only a minute, but I knew there would be another and another after that.  In fact, it was the same over-sensitivity that caused me to orgasm too quickly in the first place that also gave me the ability to have more than one if I just kept going, which I always did.

But by the time I was in my 40's I was losing the ability to have multiple orgasms due to age and was just left with a moderate PE problem that now couldn't be laughed-off since I didn't have the ability to have a second orgasm in four or five minutes.

I bought this book and learned the techniques that it teaches and long story short, I now have complete ejactulatory control, including the ability to have mulitple orgasms without a recovery period.   While most people buy the book to learn the multiple orgasm technique, the fact is, once you learn the basics of control, you can delay your first orgasm so long you may not even want to continue for a second.  

One of the first things you learn is that orgasm and ejaculation can be separated, enabling you to have multiple orgasms, but only one ejaculation.  Yeah, it really works and it's not that hard to learn.  

I'm not a "chakra" kind of guy, so this book was exactly what I was looking for.  No mumbo jumbo crap, just the essence of the techniques and exercises needed to achieve your objective.   The hardest part is to find a willing partner, though some of the techniques can be practiced alone.   The reason it's important to find a cooperative woman is that you aren't "making love," you're really just asking her to loan you the use of her vagina so you can go through the exercises and learn what you're doing.  There will be a few frustrating sessions for her when you make mistakes etc.  But you need someone that will just let you keep practicing and learning until you get it.  Of course, at that point, the payback benefits both of you.  But I know how difficult it is to find a woman that will work with you on this because most have connected so much other baggage, rules, and emotional meaning to their vaginas.  But you don't learn how to be a doctor or dentist without practice on real people, and this is no different.

I think there are providers that would be more than willing to work with you, but it can get expensive and most guys would rather use that time for something more fun than this sort of learning exercies.  But if you can work out the logistics, the benefits can last you the rest of your ilfe.  And believe me, as you get older, you need to know how to control your first orgasm, because it may be the only one you're going to get.

Mathesar3772 reads

21 of 25 people found the following review helpful:

PC muscle's (ab)uses should become history!, September 11, 2005
Reviewer: Prof Yoshihiro Hoshi (Osaka, Japan) - See all my reviews
My name is Professor Doctor Yoshihiro Hoshi. After 18 years practice as a sexual therapist for me came a great moment. It all began in 1984 with the pop up on the world's market of Mantak Chia's "Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy". This was his first quite good book which teaches how to circulate and cultivate your sexual energy for mental and spiritual development. A key point in it are contractions of the so called PC muscle. They are necessary to guide the energy towards the spinal cord. This book has never been a "bestseller". However, in 1997 HarperSanFrancisco has bought a twist of this book namely "The Multi-Orgasmic Man". The difference between these two books is very small. However, the marketing accent on multiple orgasms made it a bestseller.

In 1994 Barbara Keesling a philosophy doctor in Psychology followed suit and published also with Harper: "How to make love all night". Once again at the spotlight is the PC muscle. She turns its contractions (the trivial start-stop technique) into something which can give you multi-orgasms. Since 1984 and especially in the last 8 years these two books didn't have an alternative. That's why neither I nor any of my colleagues has said anything against them.

For my great happiness this was changed 1 month ago. It was Professor Doctor Mitzumoto from Tokyo who was the first one to spot a major breakthrough in the Sexuality filed- the emerge of "Scientifically Guaranteed Male Multiple Orgasms and Ultimate Sex" by Alan Ritz. I want on my own to support his support for this outstanding book and state that Mantak Chia and Barbara Keesling's techniques for (ab)using of the PC muscle should be replaced by contractions of "The VIP Muscle®".

It does NOT take months of exercising and strengthening it as in the case of Chia and Keesling's techniques for developing of the PC muscle. I will be surprised if anyone needs more than 15 seconds to find it and up to 3 days to prepare his body to get the maximum out of it. This muscle is the REAL and ONLY possible orgasms generator in the male body! The PC muscle is used only to hold your urine and execute an ejaculation.

Hyper-activation of the PC muscle which occurs from "exercising" it leads to premature ejaculations as Alan Ritz proves with brilliant biochemical and anatomical evidences. The reason is its direct connection with the Sympathetic nervous system which manages the ejaculation process. On the contrary, The VIP Muscle is connected with the Parasympathetic nervous system which pacifies and nurtures the body. That's why the only muscle a man should use for multi-orgasms and ejaculation control is The VIP Muscle. Chia's and Keesling's abusive techniques for the PC muscle can and should finally become history.


Since this isn't my field I don't have any particular insight other than my own experience, which won't be useful for anyone else. I broke my back (crushed T11) in an autoracing accident in 1972. I was rendered paraplegic for several months. I was fortunate enough to recover from that, but was left permanently with retarded ejaculation. Erection was not affected, and I hit peaks which I believe are orgasms, but I rarely ejaculate. Ejaculation has gotten even rarer as I have gotten older and have been taking Proscar to reduce an enlarged prostate.

Shortly before the accident I spent the day with two women, who I will call J and G, and they ended up staying at my place overnight. J slept on the couch and I spent the night making love to G, who I had the hots for. In the morning as they were getting ready to leave J said, "Well, I guess you don't have enough for both of us." I was wiped out and absolutely unable to rise to the challenge.

A short time later I had the accident. What happened to me is probably coincidence, but it does illustrate the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it."

However, it's not all bad. Shortly before her tragic and untimely death I saw Faye Desiree. Knowing that she was seriously into Tantric Yoga I thought she might have some insights into my problem and how to reverse it. In the midst of having sex she looked up at me and said, "Dude. About your problem. Just forget about it and keep on f**king." Probably one of the nicest things anybody has ever said to me and it really did make me feel a lot better about the condition.

-- Modified on 11/9/2005 9:55:16 PM

Cogito Ergo DATY2377 reads

Anything to sell books I guess, including inventing (or finding) a new muscle.  The whole technique of using the PC muscle is centuries old and wasn't invented by either of the two aforementioned authors.  They just repackaged it in a more modern, readable manner.   For people who like their information packaged in a New Age or mystical wrapper- well, there are plenty of those guys out there selling books too.  

The fact is, it's a damn simple thing to learn if you de-mystify it.  The problem is most Americans never bother to learn anything beyond the Penthouse Forum about sex (I know you're a voracious reader and seeker of knowledge, Mathesar, so I'm not referring to you).

Plus, learning to flex/control the PC muscle is hardly abuse (anymore than using any other muscle) though it sounds like reading that guy's book might be.

menshealth2838 reads

oftentimes the effect of my own control has a lot to do with the attitude of the partner.

-- Modified on 11/9/2005 6:58:22 PM

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