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does having anal sex....
girl with tech questions 4970 reads

damage a person's ass.  i ask because occasionally i've seen clients whose asses were for lack of a better phrase 'dented in'... from taking it up the ass so much.  does this happen to women also?  do you see it in providers who do greek? is it damage or atrophy or something else?

Mr. Helpful3382 reads

I recall reading an article on this topic. It can ruin your sphincter muscles as I recall. Beyond that, I dunno.

Ass Master2512 reads

clients all gay or Bi?  This makes no sense. Assholes can get stretched through having too many large objects slammed up there, but I've never heard of "asses dented in".

myeviltwin1919 reads

Yes, the anus can become stretched out from anal activities.  Some who have overused that area must undergo surgery because they become incontinent.  It's really quite simple:  that part of the body was designed to move things out, not to take things in.  It's like Ali G says:  Me exit hole is me exit hole.

i'm not clicking that link... lol. but, i'm not a domme.  i've just seen a lot of asses. this is something i've seen only twice.  one was bi, i picked up from conversation (my partner).  one swore he's straight BUTT......lol. can't put peoples personal info out there.

i was wondering how common it is that it happens to working grls.  is it common to look at a greek providers ass and see it all blown out like that...? does it happen to civi girls?

This is a common myth.  I've squeezed out turds larger than many dick's I've seen (having been in the medical field, I've seen far too many, by the way).  The sphincter muscles can lose tone, it's true, but it's doubtful that it will happen without YEARS of getting stretched to their limits - which really won't occur that often with anal sex.

myeviltwin1505 reads

It does take a whole lot to stretch it out, but when you're talking about porn stars or really slutty gay men, trust me, it happens.  I lived with two nurses for a while and I heard some lovely field reports from them about loose sphincters needing surgical tightening - owie!

Is not for everyone and I would not recommend sharing that part of your anatomy with someone you don't really know. Sure, you may introduce it in your sessions as you get to know a person and know their size, habits, etc. Good sex is more about what's in your head and not what's below your waist.  Technically, many of the people who do greek to the etxreme may have to depend on products that I won't mention in the future. Any muscle can lose elasticity from use or nonuse. It's not much different from people who listen to loud music. Too much of a good thing is ultimately bad for you. I suggest that if you going to consider, limit it to special partners so that when you are older you can control your bowels without assistive devices.

that greek providing providers should know about? or is  women doing 'greek' such a new thing people don't really know yet?  

Extreme might be once a week if the providers anus is suffering from rough intercourse and "tears" in the lining of the anus (sometimes not seen, but certainly felt). I know ladies who won't see men of a certain size and girth. I suggest that you stay away if you have any doubts. The guys who prefer ass play know where to get it, but believe me, they won't hesitate to break you in.

MsColdHeartedBitch2207 reads

and there are those who passed by 'extreme' a long time ago. Butt love with a nice cock is just plain special, as is getting your ass stretched out not to mention being pumped senseless and having him apologize for the bleeding later. love is where you find it. I've never heard of a dented butt.

iamcourtesan.com2665 reads

when YOU arn't safe about the activity, as YES ... there are health issues!

Women doing 'greek' ... is NOT a new thing sweetie. Has been around forever, it has always been thought of "Taboo" by most in society, depending on how you were raised, etc.

Your best bet is to RESEARCH/READ about the subject, before venturing out into an activity that can leave serious damage.

I have posted these book titles HERE before, BUT ... knowledge is POWER(wink) ... enjoy!

"The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women" ~Tistan Taomino

"Anal Pleasure & Health; A guide for Men & Women" ~Jack Morin, PH.D.

Jade Jadore

So what can we do to "Revels Bolero?"

MsColdHeartedBitch1977 reads

I've met jack morin, an interesting guy.

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