TER General Board

Does anybody know if Citivibe has a policy of not removing ads. Here's why...
trustno20 4545 reads

A couple of the really big breasted girls in vegas who I heard had retired are still up there. Their TER profiles have their last reviews over a year ago. So it would seem that they did retire. Yet Citivibe still has their ads up. Now the girls I'm talking about are people like Minka and Deana Duos. These are pretty high profile ladies who would bring a certain amount of credibility to any site.

Any ideas?

Hijacking your traffic, yes; not removing ads? They took mine down quickly enough when I indicated I was not amused with the former.

I never ever sent them ad info or anything for me. They added me there. to get my pics down from my former site (face shots ), they refused until I paid them.

I threatened them with a lawyer. my lawyer called. They didnt believe it was a lawyer, they called him  back. They then believed it, didnt take nothing down. Changed my ad and my pics..again without my permission.

ErynSunshine3650 reads

I used to advertise with them in Dallas over a year agao... I recently found out they used my old pics from Dallas and changed my old # to my new # here in Chicago. I was linked with my old ad pictures without my persmission when I had not advertised in over a year with them. Now I understand why I have had so many confused clients about my donations,and also confused that I live here in Chicago... several people have thought that I was only visiting here. I called and called them, and no one had anything really to say. I doubt they have deleted my pictures as I requested. Totally unprofessional ! Thank goodness TER were kind enough to work it out and change my link for me.

-- Modified on 11/10/2005 8:45:53 PM

CSI TER2886 reads

If you click on the link from reviews, you will still be able to see a cached form of the original Ad. In reality if you surf City Vibe's website, you won't be able to find the Ad.

I have girlfriends that had their websites up on TER and City Vibe put up some lame profile and their websites were traded out for this.

We spend a lot on those websites....why would we want to trade out for some lame profile page??

X's Summer

trustno201869 reads

that some girls actuall remove certain information such as phone number, contact and such from their website. Or if their site is down for any period of time.

In both cases, hobbyists who report a bad website will get credit for the report and staff then unlinks the girl's page and the dreaded "report new website" link is added.

So now hobbyist number 2 comes along and he remembers seeing the lady's ad because presumably while he is looking, he is entering the same criterea on CV, Eros and TER and getting hits on the same ladies. Well low and behold, he clicks on the cityvibe link that says "see my TER reviews" and the he then sees the "report new website". TER then gives him credit for reporting the new website.

How can a provider fix this or prevent it? Simply sign on as a TER VIP and select "notify me when my favorites profile changes" then make her profile in her favorites. Then when it changes she can immediately contact staff and say woops! No good here. If she waits too long the odds diminish that staff will do anything about it.

The comments to my original post were interesting. I've never used CV as my primary search tool. Instead I merely use it as a backup source of photos to verify the identity of the girl who's profile I'm searching. That said, we must all remember that CV is a TER advertiser.

Her website was just removed and a CV profile was added and she was told that she would have to take it up with CV.........I know that CV and TER have some arrangements ....but, don't start pulling girls websites. That's absolutely wrong. And, some girls just don't want to be sold off to CV.

In all honesty I would prefer that others stay away from my ads and let me handle them. Girls should be checking their ads and reviews on a regular basis anyway. I pay a lot of money for those ads and don't need others involving themselves with such.....Don't get me wrong a phone call or an email saying that my ad is reporting bad website would be appreciated but beyond that it only causes us problems when guys are trying to get a few credits.

X's Summer

X's Summer

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