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Do most escorts go for multiple shots?
whitecock 4809 reads

I'm just now getting into the escort scene after several years of the massage parlor scene. Anyway I'm wondering do most girls allow at least two "shots" or do they normally stick to one like the parlors do. The way I see it if I pay for an hour it doesn't matter  how many times I pop. I was just a little curious as to how most ladies do it.

BILL183562593 reads

No all do , reviews and websites should give you the info you need.

whitecock4532 reads

I'm guessing that most do not even offer this service since I've seen maybe two or three "no rush" ads after hours and hours of searching various sites.

whores d oeuvres3909 reads

search reviews, then fill in whatever you like in gal (big tits, uncovered BJ, etc.) and then click on "multiple pops" and "no rush session". Obviously you want to click on the city you live in or are nearest to. If you're not a VIP member, it will behoove you to become one.

CarlaBrazil3408 reads

Even if her profile says yes for multiple pops that is always YMMV.

The only guarantees you have in life are death and taxes. The problem with this site is whoever fills out the profile first for a lady, gets to put in if multiples are allowed. I have had situations where the profile indicated no, but I was able to go as much as I wanted. Other times the profile said yes, but the lady was getting dressed quickly.

Some suggestions is, if you are a VIP member, is to actually read the reviews. The reviews are more consistant than the profile info. Case in point a lady may have changed her rates from when the profile or first review was submitted. Also I think you can not search on multiples unless you are a VIP member.

Also no rush for a search is not really accurate. Some guys like to take their time and can fill up an entire hour for just one bang depending on how much conversation, massage, foreplay etc. is involved. So the multiple pop is a better search criteria even though it may not be always accurate. Remember, it is still up to the lady to decide if that will happen or not so be open about expectations so you don't get too disappointed.

If you are not a VIP member, there are some key things you can ask when setting up an appointment. Many lady's will not respond or answer vulger or overt questions but there are ways to ask it and get a response. The first is ask if the session is for the FULL HOUR or UP TO AN HOUR. If it is up to an hour you are only getting one shot and you have to get it before the hour is up. If it is for the full hour, your time is what you paid for to use as you wish.

The second suggestion is to be straight up and indicate what you are expecting with out being overt. i.e. Can multiple cups be served on our visit etc. I think you get the idea. Its better to ask than guess and be disappointed.

My final suggestion is that if you are done, but have more time on the clock and haven't established before hand that you do want multiples, ASK! Its better to ask than to assume that the lady know you want to go again and not get it and feel pissed.

I had a bad experience with a lady from Chi. Great session but after round one, she got up and put her lingerie back on. There was still time on the clock but I took her getting dressed as a sign the session was over. We chatted for a while and I indicated it would have been nice to go again. She told me I could have but didn't mention it. Now we could have gone around in circles on that issue, for I took her getting dressed as meaning the physical part was over. Then I checked her past reviews and NOBODY reported getting seconds so I chaulked it up to she was lying but the point was maybe if I would have asked sooner rather than later I could avoided the drama.

If ladies wish to have these ridiculous, degrading and dehumanisng rules about 'shots' then they should charge by the minute like a taxi meter.

SweetTina2684 reads

When I first started this I was doing the massage parlor thing and the client I was with popped and wanted to again. I was fine with it then came a knock at the door. I was told that once a guy gets his pop, it's done and over. I get dressed and that's it. I found it strange because the guy still had time on the clock but it wasn't my rule. I could never understand and even now I can't understand the rule of "you only get this many pops" and that's it. Even when time is left over. I feel that if they are like that they shouldn't even be in this business because they come across as not enjoying what they do and why do something you don't want to do?

CarlaBrazil2689 reads

Yes .They are paying for the time not for the # of pops also. All depends on the chemistry but in 1 hour session it is very hard to happen since it is a short-time. For me if the guy is only interested in the # of the pops and I would prefer to not see him since the session would be very mechanical.

BILL183562558 reads

Funny how different ourworlds are even though we are all in business. You would think tried and true business practice would make sense in any business. Crazy stuff like giving the customer what he pays for, one would think would be a good business practice for providers.

I would love to see any provider put on her site that even though you're paying me by the hour multiple pops will depend on our chemistry. Anyone looking for more than one pop should go somewhere else.

Would love to see new provider sites that advertised per pop instead of the falsely advertised hourly rates by some.

-- Modified on 1/26/2005 3:35:46 AM

CarlaBrazil3702 reads

That wouldn't be possible since we can't advertise about any sex acts in our sites but the profile and reviews can tell a little about the lady. Myself, I am very clear and DO NOT promise multiple pops since all depends on the chemistry and how do I feel. If the guy pounded me for 40 minutes it is unlike he will get one more pop in the last 20 min cuz I will be sore and women doesnt not pick up where they left off. I am very honest about my sessions and is that why I have decided to do 2 hour minimum only to allow real chemistry to happen and for both the guy and my enjoyment. In the end is a win-win situation.

Just my 0.2 cents

Carla Brazil

-- Modified on 1/25/2005 7:48:10 PM

BILL183562874 reads

ahhh well that explains it Carla , you're idea of chemistry is how many hours they pay for.

Gothicman3192 reads

Does not appear to be well thought out. First of all, any lady that posted what you suggested on her site would likely get herself arrested and me, you and many other guys arrested for coming near her. Second, performance DOES depend upon chemistry. I was with a highly rated provider a few months back and had no chemistry for her and it is possible that she had none for me. Our phone conversations were good, but the face to face meeting for me was a disappointment, I had envisioned a different looking woman, although she was who she said she would be. I got off one weak pop in two hours and could muster no more, eventhough she would have allowed it. I had much better chemistry with my next provider, the very next day, and easily threw out two loads in an hour, even with conversation and lots of DATY.
Ladies that plan one pop only from the get go generally stink anyway, the lone exception is when the first pop takes an inordinate amount of time and the lady becomes sore from the penetration.

BILL183562820 reads

lol, Maybe Emma has the best idea , charge by the minute. At least that way its not deceptive and I wonder how many providers wouldnt work a little harder to encourage at least the try of a second pop.

To be honest most providers know its good business to encourage the customer to go for more.

badboy5313887 reads

"...session would be very mechanical" you say. You must be like one of the more fantastic ladies if you treat your clients as though you are not going through the motions like some sort of a "mechanical" process as all providers must do to some extent. I have been with providers who are very good at this and it makes a huge difference to me and how I feel about the lady and the session. I have a difficult time with the "mechanics" of the hobby, even things like making appointments in advance. I like to be spontaneous and not "mechanical." But business is business. So,I am learning to understand the need for that one. However, in my case, the idea of only one pop is not acceptable since each visit is different and sometimes my first pop may or may not occur early in the session. If the session is defined by only one pop, the lady is not a top and fair provider, but more like a machine, in my opinion. On the other hand, a session of one hour which requires for more than two pops may be also abusive to the lady and is also "mechanical" from her viewpoint. I believe two pops in the span of one hour is what I need to make the session successful for me. Sometimes, I am not able to complete the second pop, but I enjoy having the lady give it her best effort and that's what I am there for.

CarlaBrazil2712 reads

If the guy is only interested in the # of the pops not in the time spend with me then the session becomes very mechanical. I believe that if the guy treat the provider right and there's chemistry there will be multiple pops.

BILL183563521 reads

never had a GF or SO ever tell me there is only one pop. Sorry but I find it way too deceptive offering hourly rates only to limit the pleasure. Since reviews cant even be a strong indication of what someone can expect, what would encourage any customer to spend more time until he is sure. Seems to me any provider that adopts this practice is limiting their potential earnings.

The more I read this thread the more I like Emma's pay by the minute concept. lol

CarlaBrazil4266 reads

I am a GFE. Do you ask you girlfriend how many pops you can have in the next hour with her? I bet no. I don't promise multiple pops cuz I may not be able to do so. But my sessions normally run overtime and the most of the guys do get multiples. It all depends on the guys attitude like I said I prefer to drop the session if I feel that me and the guy are clicking or he comes to the door thinking I am a robot. Normally me and my clients do have a good time since most of my dates are longer hours and we are involved in other activities before the bedroom action.

BILL183563228 reads

ya dont have to ask a GF how many pops, its a given it will be as many as they both can handle or want which is why I find the GFE advertisement that has possible limitations so deceptive.

CarlaBrazil3480 reads

Yes it is but your Girlfriend sure would find weird if you asked her how many pops can I get in the next hour? All girls have limitations. Not because I am doing this kind of work it doesn't mean I should allow everything to be done with my body.
A GFE for me it is someone that you take to dinner, have a nice conversation and then you get involved in a more intimate setting.
Like I said I am very honest about my sessions and the guys that comes to see appreciate my company more than the # of pops. I am really not interested on the "more bang for the buck" type of clients.

BILL183565434 reads

sounds to me like you want to get paid for your BFE and not really offering a GFE at all. Sounds like its all about you and not the customer and that just doesnt make any sense at all.

CarlaBrazil2508 reads

Not at all. My clients are very happy with me cuz I want to enjoy myself as well and if I do they enjoy themselves even more.

badboy5312767 reads

I totally agree with your attitude about chemistry. Without it, the session would be a waste of time and money and a disappointment to me. Fortunately, I have not had any of those, because the ladies seemed to have enjoyed their time with me. But,with or without chemistry, the lady still gets paid and that's what she is primarily there for. You referred to treating the provider right, which can have many meanings such as attempting to sexually please her to being a gentleman. But what about treating the client right? Unfortunately, some ladies don't want or try to establish chemistry and believe in the "one shot and you are done", regardless of how long that may be within an hour session.
I believe that when it is known that multiple shots are available, the lady is implying there will likely be chemistry and she enjoys her work and when only one shot is available, chemistry is likely not on the agenda of the provider and the client may be disappointed. It's all about the attitude of the provider toward her work, not about the number of shots, but the answer to the question says a lot about the provider and how the appointment will flow. Just my opinion.

tracilee3177 reads

As far as I am concerned, the more the merrier..... It keeps them coming back for more!  

-- Modified on 1/26/2005 2:27:48 AM

they figure out that custmoer service keeps em cum-ing back.
I never return if a lady says "one & out".

IMHO a silly strategy on their part.

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