TER General Board

Discretion ... What does it REALLY mean?
LacieO See my TER Reviews 1447 reads

Today's thread is brought to you by the letter "D" ... :D

Hmmm ... the big "D" word ... DISCRETION ...

noun 1. the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice:
It is entirely within my discretion whether I will go or stay.

2. the quality of being discreet, esp. with reference to one's own actions or speech; prudence or decorum:
Throwing all discretion to the winds, he blurted out the truth.

Synonyms 2. judgment, wisdom, discrimination, sense.


adjective 1. judicious in one's conduct or speech, esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.

2. showing prudence and circumspection; decorous: a discreet silence.

3. modestly unobtrusive; unostentatious: a discreet, finely wrought gold necklace.


My thoughts ...

Being discreet and/or utilizing discretion in this industry is EXTREMELY important to me - for the gents as well as for myself. I believe that they go hand-in-hand and should be absolutely honored in any relationship that one encounters - believe it or not, I have just as much to lose as the gentlemen do. Due to the nature of this industry, discretion should be a number one priority as well as safety.

It seems pretty scary that discretion is "the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment; freedom of judgment or choice." Hmmm ... to ONE'S own judgment ... you would think that there would be SOME TYPE of UNIVERSAL meaning for both parties ... yep, pretty scary, for some of us!

Over the past 6 months, I have watched discretion being thrown around like the Hot Potato game we played when we were kids. People outting people quickly before gathering the facts or waiting a proper amount of time for facts to be given - and then ending in the Apology Game, while intimate details that were shared and/or were damaging cannot be taken back. I believe the worst case scenario that I have seen of this is when a gent has access to a girl's computer and uses that information to blackmail people - that is 2 other "D" words ... Despicable and Devious.

How about when you are invited to a social event and you are asked very politely to keep it to yourself? Just because you are invited, doesn't mean that your friends are! And I know this from first-hand experience! And then, when you are NOT invited, you decide to show up anyways? Where is the respect for others and, more so, for yourself? Wow, I think freedom of judgment has a new, "real-world" meaning here!

So, I ask myself, what is the purpose of discretion in this industry? To defame someone's character when things don't go your way? The flip side of the coin is that it will show more power in YOUR character on the way we choose to honor discretion. So, how many of you think about that?

I believe that DISCRETION is included in my rate ... it is the promise I make to you and the promise you make to me ... "esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature."

I think the synonyms for discretion are much clearer ...

"judgment, wisdom, discrimination, sense"

and I feel extremely grateful that I share time with people of this caliber who possess those qualities and are mature enough to know when to exercise when they have truly been wronged.

Your thoughts?

Sunshine Loves ~
Lacie O

The ability for "anonymous" folks to go about hurting providers by posting or back channeling information or details that were assumed to be shared in private by the lady. It can hurt clients as well but, in this venue, the provider has a lot more to lose. There is absolutely no excuse for men sharing information that a lady shares in confidence. The tendency for guys to come running to their local escort boards to out a lady every time she cancels an appointment or refuses to see a guy has become entirely too common place as well.

The review process, or a simple recommendation is one thing. I think all ladies appreciate a good review or referral and all potential customers benefit from honest reviews and opinions. Surreptitiously outing or sharing private information on people just because you can is wrong.

As a provider I state to clients as well as new potential ones that I am very very discreet... meaning I do not want to be spoken in any manner that is less then respectful. You would not believe the way men will speak to a woman just because she is an escort. And I have a really hard time with a client that will give a good or great review of a lady then do noting but put her down give personal info and judge her to another provider during session. I don't get it I hope many will read this and realize that there are many of us providers who really to not want to hear about  any one be degraded. Great subject thanks for posting. Livie.

Something else that seems to be lacking on the various boards lately. How can we be involved in such intimacy with each other and then have a lack of respect for the other's privacy? It all boils down to being decent people and respecting those with whom we share this hobby.

As a provider I state to clients as well as new potential ones that I am very very discreet... meaning I do not want to be spoken in any manner that is less then respectful. You would not believe the way men will speak to a woman just because she is an escort. And I have a really hard time with a client that will give a good or great review of a lady then do noting but put her down give personal info and judge her to another provider during session. I don't get it I hope many will read this and realize that there are many of us providers who really to not want to hear about  any one be degraded. Great subject thanks for posting. Livie.

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