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depressing days
nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 431 reads

two depressing days this past year    
1) the same day i became eligible for medicare , i went into a Carl's Jr and they gave me the senior discount without asking my age!    
2)  girls have always told me i had really nice girth .... for fun i bought an assortment of cock rings and the only one that did the trick was the smallest inner diameter version.  shatter that myth! LOL

anyone else have just one of those days ?  LOL .... well always look on the bright side of life!  

1. Time to renew my driver license but needed an eye exam to mail (during COVID you could avoid coming to the DMV if you had an independent exam) in due to my age. The optometrist immediately sent me to a retina specialist thinking I had a torn retina. Most patients in the office were noticeably elderly. Discovered no torn retina but I had cataracts.
2. Signed up for Medicare. We discussed what elderly people needed for their later years. YIKES!  

Time/life has flown.

Wait until every store clerk and greeter starts calling you "young man".  Then, you will really be bummed out.

I accepted most everything that came with aging until I noticed I had to ask people to repeat themselves, or they asked me not to speak so loudly.

I was doing my regular bike ride when I noticed I had not passed a single other rider, but numerous other riders were passing me, including riders who were quite plump but young. I thought "Shit--I'm officially old." So, I said to myself "Let's see how well they're doing when they're in their 60s like me."

Well, at least I'm still riding.

-- Modified on 7/2/2024 11:59:20 AM

More like fusterating. It was the day I turned 21. I went to get some liqour for me and my now ex husband to celebrate my 21st birthday and the cashier said that I was not 21 (He believed I was between 13 & 19 years old. I wanted to litterally kill him. Until his boss came out and said I was 21.  

the worst.  If you can afford it, get a face lift.  A friend of mine did and he looks 15 years younger.  Total cost was about $15,000.  If we are drinking together and someone asks if he is my son, I may get one, too.  Lol

that happened to my wife .. granted when daughter was 5 wife was 42 but still.. i had to hold her back LOL .. if she had killer that other woman i doubt any female jury would have convicted her   LOL

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