TER General Board

DATY question
altas 5 Reviews 4780 reads

I see alot of reference to DATY. Personally, although I want FS done to me, I'm not sure I want to I want to put my mouth on something well traveled (who knows how many appointments she's had prior to me).  What's the advice?  How do I defer without making the me or the woman feel bad.

1) Your reference to "well traveled" is crude.
2) Just defer from doing DATY - most ladies will sense that you aren't interested in it very quickly.

Think how well traveled her mouth is. In addition to all the cocks she has sucked, just imagine all the germy mouths of men, women and children she has kissed in the last 20 years. Makes you want to shudder? Almost makes you want to hole up like a hermit for the rest of your life.

Tatoogirl743904 reads

We don't take personal offense to the gents who do not want DATY.

There are many clients I see who are not into that.

Stop thinking and worrying too much. Have fun with the things you do want to you!!!!


The E Ticket2943 reads

Yeah but I bet you don't mind her doing BBBJ on YOUR "well travelled" thing.

Double standards suck worse than a 60 year old Hoover vacuum!

I love DATY... Lay her on her back, massage the g-spot and lick her Delores while she uses a toy on herself is one of my favorite acts....I think I found only 2 or 3 ladies who didn't like that.  (evil grin).

Also one thing I ALWAYS do when I see a provider is: Wash my hands the first thing after I arrive or she arrives at my place. I just consider it polite and courteous to her. And many comment on it with a big smile.


It can't be a double standard, otherwise he wouldn't be paying for the encounter.  He's paying to get his dick sucked and, frankly, he's paying to suck her c*nt too.  He's paying for whatever's on the menu.  He can do pretty much whatever he wants as long as it's allowed, and there are no rules that say otherwise (except that whole "legal" thing).  It would be a double standard only if she were there for pleasure instead of business, and if he *still* refused to reciprocate.  I'm sure that he knows that his cock is just as filthy as her c*nt; and she can refuse to give him a BJ the minute she pays HIM $$$ for his time.  Get the point?

Dirk Bogard3034 reads

I say ole' chap...

DATY is utterly tremendous... if both parties partake in ultra hygenic duties prior to the act...It will help you  significantly better if you speak with cleansed "forked" tongue WAIT!...two to tango here!....and of course ultra sanitized lips of de' pussy (via La Provider)....and I don't mean MEOW ?


-- Modified on 1/28/2004 6:53:13 PM

-- Modified on 1/28/2004 6:55:47 PM

PeterPickle7454 reads

This isn't your wife your talking about is it? Where you won't get your semi annual blowjob without reciprocating? LOL.

It's your dime when your with a provider so you are free to partake (or not partake) in anything on her menu of available options.  I can't imagine any provider actually getting upset that you opted not to DATY. She doesn't need to know WHY you don't want to do it, just that you are not up for it should be reason enough.

I rarely DATY, maybe for the same reasons you listed, maybe not. But it's never been an issue for me with a lady.

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