TER General Board

Emma, the Crusaderregular_smile
HandsFree 61 Reviews 4734 reads

I recall a few weeks back that Emma was reaching out to her fellow providers for one reason or another. I don't think anyone could say anything to run her off as she always had a pretty deft comeback for them. My guess she that she's thorougly frustrated with the ladies she reached out to and decided that enough was enough. Or the other scenario could ne that she won the lottery.

I know it is hard to believe but escorts have real lives.
We mostly all have kids, other careers, this, and s/o. No one owes anyone anything in this biz. Not even an explanation for leaving.

It has nothing to do with other escorts. There are some girls that do this fulltime because they have to, now its just a way of life and as you see, its hard to get out of and it becomes a way of life.(hence the countless threads for emma). There are some that do it parttime because they dont have to. We actually enjoy what we do and we do it well. We do it smart. We  have a goal to reach and then we are done.

Again hence emma, at least she said goodbye.. and made a statement with it too ! I just love that gal..


Wow you guys need to get out more.  It is a direct reference to "The hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy".

It is the name of the last book he wrote in the series.

luvtofuck2641 reads

"Whenever Adams encountered a sacred cow of any sort, he milked it dry before moving on. Beneath the surface of utter hilarity, Adams actually used his sarcasm and wit to make some rather poignant statements about this silly thing called life and the manner in which we are going about living it. This is one reason the book is so well-suited for multiple readings-a high level of enjoyment is guaranteed each time around, and there are always new insights to be gained from Adams' underlying, oftentimes subtle, ideas and approach."
Funny, it sounds like Emma.

luvtofuck3307 reads

is the 4th book in Douglas' Adams series, in which the main character finds true love.
I believe we have our answer.

Sorry that Emma wont make that trip to Chicago though. I hope all goes well for her.

Phishmonger3144 reads

The scenario of the provider finding true love and being "saved" is so worn...if you want that, go rent GiGi or Pretty Woman.  Emma was far too original, far too independent for that.

luvtofuck3439 reads

And as for True Love, many of us already have it, just as in any other woman's life! Oh, and get this - STILL maintained their independence!

In my first 15 months in this hobby, I've seen it happen twice.  Though I wouldn't say the lesson was that they were "saved"; just changed.  

It's the interpretation of it that's worn.  I've also seen a provider who got married, and still stayed in business.      

-- Modified on 7/20/2005 6:47:56 PM

"Its title is the message left by the dolphins when they departed Planet Earth just before it was demolished to make way for a hyperspatial express route, as described in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It has since been adopted by some science fiction fans as a humorous way to say 'goodbye'."  ~Wikipedia.org

A while back, a friend of mine wrote to me on the board, "...What do you say, LL?  So long and thanks for all the fish?"  I didn't understand what he meant at the time, but, since then, I found out.

In the same thread, I got the reference someone made to a joke from a Pink Panther movie (someone wrote "It's not my fish"), though.  That joke cracks me up!  I've always loved the Pink Panther, but I've never been into sci-fi.

-- Modified on 7/20/2005 3:48:25 PM

buckbonomo2359 reads

hmmmmmm.......last week she certainly appeared to me to be in love......

completely lost3905 reads

You should at the very least return calls to your regular clients and tell em you're outta of the business. I've known a few ladies, leave without returning calls and then expect you to be around when they return. I tell em, I've moved on and found someone else.

-- Modified on 7/20/2005 7:55:02 AM

Same with hobbyists who leave, I think.  

Emma did this exactly the way I thought she would.  In fact, I've said that her goodbye was a little more wordy than I thought it would be.

If Emma has left the biz, as many are speculating, what does she owe anyone?  That would IMHO be no more than a refund on deposits for unperformed services.  If we really pay for them to leave - we paid, she left.  Her wit (and razor wit at times) will be missed, but she is free to go.  We can forget her, or hold her dearly in our hearts and memories, but we cannot keep her.  She's not our pet, although many of us would smile if she were.

Nothing is expected beyond the session and the money.  That's the best thing about it, and also may be the worst thing about it.  Anything in addition to the session to me is a pleasant surprise.    

We could conjecture and conjecture, but she deliberately leaves us with no information to come up with anything.  

I never met her, but knowing her, I will feel always that I came out ahead.  And I do hope she feels that way about me, about us too.  My most nagging concern is that perhaps she didn't, but only she knows now.  It's hers.

notaSydneysider2491 reads

EB is SO unlike 95% of the women in TER.  Boy does she have a wonderful vocabulary.  I remember one of the times I saw her, she had just arrived from Sydney, she was toting two recently-published hardback books.  How many of us read recent releases?

Once she told me that the whole "thing" was a game to her.  Yes, there were a handful of guy she genuinely liked in her two years in the biz.  But that was it.  She always had a sane perspective.

She left  just as I knew she would.  She had arguments in chat and on the board, but she did not leave spewing nasty messages blaming others and naming them as someone did in late 2004.  Nor will she seek revenge, even though she was wronged.  Nor will she return saying "ha ha.  I've got mine."

Yes, she has another life, and for those who wonder about the fish, I can assure you she loves calamari and even enjoyed the fish enchilada.

We each partake for personal reasons. I'd like to think Emma met Mr. Right and that they'll raise a few Bond-Rights, and live and screw happily every after.

...and as happens wit nearly 80% of the ladies I ask, she announced her retirement forthwith.

you know too many of us know better than to believe this anymore.  Sigh.  You're...too sexy for your schtick...too sexy for your schtick...

BTW, I heard Kevin Spacey does a great job as Lex Luthor in the new "Superman".  I'll be thinking of you. :)

And finally, in homage...

"Beam me up, Scotty"

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