TER General Board

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greatrush 3 Reviews 594 reads

Good, bad, ugly, or indifferent... it's Caveat Emptor... always and forever... When you let the little brain search through the catalog you'll get burned more often than not... Is the quest for new pussy that addictive?

yea, lets face it... the pics are pretty - and the ads are stunning... and they've tricked me more than once... but this is getting to be a bit too much even for me...

This week EROS has in the "featured female Escort" position three ladies... all with the same 561 337-6969 contact number... and all of the lovely ladies point to a review.... that was provided by one who TOFTT....   ie ME!
I also note that all of these ladies posing are white... while ethnicity is not specified on the stats section... and well, when I went they were latino (no problem there - but why the subtrafuge?)

How stupid do these people think we are
?  gimme a break... and stop wasting our time.  More importantly - why does EROS FEATURE these folk... it is one thing for them to post an inaccurate ad, but quite another to "feature" them with a spot of prominance... I wish that that slot would go to ladies who are 1) verified and 2) have great reviews - somewhere... anywhere but preferably on a reputable national board such as TER....  just too much...

I know, tis what it is... but it just should not happen....

Any of those additional features on any advertising sites are at additional cost to the advertisers.  The sites don't pick them, the advertisers pay for it.

I have a Hobby to do list of thirty-two providers, some of which I'm afraid I won't be able to see before they stop providing for whatever reason.  I created the list from this site by either checking the reviews regularly and adding great ones to my favorites, or through posts on the local board.

I really can't see why I would ever use Eros, Craigslist, Cityvibe, Backpage, or any other site again.  Sure, there are probably women out there that I am not seeing on TER, and there may even be fantastic providers that I am missing.  I don't care because I can't see ever getting through my list as I add to it constantly.

BS has highlighted why you can't really trust these sites, and I don't see why anyone would.

TER is the Capital Grille to the rest of the internet's 7-Eleven hotdog turner when it comes to this hobby.


-- Modified on 2/22/2008 10:15:06 AM

Eros will take anyone's money. If you want to be featured you just pay more. The only reason I use them is because that is where I get the most exposure. I much prefer this site and Date-Check or other sites who only allow verified entertainers to advertise. But, the general public doesn't know about the safer and better alternatives.
Also, eros is very user friendly. The scrolling photos on the left are a great feature.

ad venus start policing/screening/verifying their advertisers (which is what you're apparently wishing for) I wouldn't expect the most profitable site in the US to start.

Of course Eros has its share of rip-offs. That's why you come to TER to screen your choices. On the other hand, for many ladies, myself included, a very quick check of our incoming business shows Eros to be the top site for reaching the active (that is, income-generating) hobbysists.

Tabu of Hollywood FL

Tabu, I am curious and want to make sure I read your post correctly.  You get more business from EROS than you do from TER?  

I assume your web site is able to track where the hits come from.  Are you able to correlate the number of hits to actual business?  

If I did understand you correctly, I wonder why more of the higher rated ladies we have on TER do not advertise on EROS.


where he saw our ad so we can correctly determine where our best advertising is.

Thanks Ana.  Do you also find you also get more customers from EROS than TER?

I mentioned this in another thread a few days ago but it bears repeating. Most guys who look on the internet for escorts will do a simple Google search. If you type in "escorts in blank(your city)" you will get an Eros link within the first few hits almost every time. You will almost NEVER get a TER hit unless you type in the word "reviews" also. TER is a great site and I do most of my looking here because I KNOW about the site. Many guys do not.  I'm not surprised at all that Eros generates a lot of business for the ladies.

Boston, you make an excellent point.  I guess since I discovered TER before I was aware of EROS, I didn't look at it that way.  

My real question to Tabu and Ana and you would be my surprise that some of the highest rated ladies on TER from the various cities don't advertise on EROS.  I just wondered why they chose to not do it if it is such a great source of leads?

some cities its better to advertise here or there.

i just started advertising on eros and i find that most of the leads are scammers.

but thats the case anywhere you advertise, if you're new to that site, guys think you're new and therefore easily duped.

another factor, ter is free to advertise, eros is one of the most expensive places to advertise on the net.

maybe your ladies dont advertise at all.
or maybe they do under different names.

for instance, i will not post on craigs list because i never have and to start now would just bring on all the scammers and i dont want to deal with them however i have a good friend i work with who has always advertised on cl and she has already learned those boys a lesson on messing with her so if biz is slow, i'll have her post an ad for a doubles special.

i know quite a few of your 'high rated ladies' that ad on cl under pseudo-names btw.

That is a personal decision.  There are some cheaper ways to advertise but I would always go with the Eros ad.

ter gets 345k visitors a month
eros gets 122k

according to compete.com

btw, type into google
big boobs, blonde hair

Yes, I get far more leads from Eros than TER. Not all Eros leads end up in appointments, but then, neither do the TER leads.

I meet many lovely gents through Eros who are completely unaware of TER.

GaGambler510 reads

but I always check their reviews here, and elsewhere  before I book the actual appointment

If you look at the url below


you'll notice some things...the ad is running in Philadelphia, the originator is from "bo", which I'd guess to be Boston, the account owner is "uhb1", but the ladies name is Brooke.  If Brooke owned the account, it generally means that she's independent.  When you add in that several "uhb1" ads are placed with different names, the indication is that it's an agency.

What's it all mean?  I dunno, unless you're in Las Vegas, where it means trouble.

Since Eros makes money by providing ad space, I wouldn't look for them to come to your aid any time soon, but knowing how it works should help soon.

Do you believe that the NFL - or Fox - verified that a small lizard who takes a sip of a sports drink will suddenly start dancing with a supermodel? Nope, they just ran the ad.

Like EROS just runs the ads. It's an advertising website, not an escort mall or a moderated discussion board. People submit text and images, pay money, and **poof** - the ad gets posted.

Don't get me wrong, I wish advertising people would stop wasting my time too, like Coke and Pepsi and Dodge and Toyota and Tide and Cheer and Viagra and Cialis. I walk away from the TV when the ads come on, and I don't read them in the newspaper or magazines. I do browse EROS quite frequently; I like to look at the pictures, and sometimes the websites are interesting. If I see someone I think I like to meet, I research them on TER or other reputable review sites. If they have bad or no reviews, I probably won't see them. But lots of reputable providers use EROS, you just have to do your homework.

EROS is just a tool and it's up to you to use it correctly.

take you to task if you clearly state that Cheer will increase your gas milage... or that Viagra cures athrosclerosis... when it does not....  

but more importantly - i guess from these posts - no one cares....

I don't get what you are looking for - you want EROS to research every provider who advertises on their site to see if they really are the fuck of the century as they claim? If so, I'd volunteer to lead the research team.

I'm not trying to start a fight with you, I just don't get it as I said. There are certainly a lot of newbies out there who get burned by reading EROS ads and believeing what they read without doing research. But I wouldn't say that experienced hobbyists "don't care", they just recognize EROS for what it is, and realize that they have to do additional research.

And I don't see how you can blame EROS - blame the girls and the agencies who lie in their advertisements.

I guess what is aggrevating is that Eros FEATURED three ladies who pose under a false pic... and even without TER resouces they could be identified as B&S....  Heather may have said it best when she offered that if you pay more money, you can get a feature billing... which helps explain why some ladies are always at the "top of the list" on Eros (I knew that previously).  But the "featured ladies" I thought was something that was earned... t'would be nice if eros was upfront to the readers of the ads about what it is that gets you featured or on the head of the list...  

As to the verification... it seems to me that some time ago there were escort malls that did "verify" the ladies on their sites... and again Rina and HEather have offered that more money = greater visibility...  

yea... I should not get so riled up... in a foul mood... as one of my faves is coming to town and I cannot see her due to prior committments, family and work related issues... all in one!  sheese...

-- Modified on 2/22/2008 12:46:04 PM


You will find that Eros has 4 different "featured" options, ranging between $50 and $500 dollars.

Eros has set aside the space for whoever is fist to pay for it.  They don't "feature" providers, but providers pay to be featured!!!

At the end of the day, you have to remember Eros is simply an ad site.  The only difference between it and CL is that Eros charges!  That may keep LE away, but that doesn't mean that scam artists willing to invest some money in their craft.

There was an article in Business 2.0 magazine back in 2002 about eros having LE ads. There have been stings on that site and there will more in the future.

I care, but I don't think I can fix.  There isn't even an election between 2 bad choices for me to vote on.

That is what they do. They do not rate or review providers. A "featured" lady has simply purchased a more expensive ad.
Don't see girls with a bad or non-existent TER review history.

Good, bad, ugly, or indifferent... it's Caveat Emptor... always and forever... When you let the little brain search through the catalog you'll get burned more often than not... Is the quest for new pussy that addictive?

AzMajicman833 reads

here is some info for all of you...

"bo" as in the url on Eros stands for Boston.

"516" area code is in Florida.

here is a link to look up area code locations:


(Note: This dosent mean the person lives in that area. Cell phone popularity allows you to buy a cell phone and service with almost any area code you wish. Just another method to "hide" your location")

Two of the three gals in the original post are listed as "Agency" affiliation, one is listed as "Independent".

just my 3.5 cents worth.

I will cross reference the providers references here on TER.  No references = no date...Period!  I am past the stage of TOFTT.

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