TER General Board

Condom-proof STDs?
thegmo 2 Reviews 4918 reads

I wanted to know what people think about the STDs that we can supposedly get, even with a condom - namely herpes and warts.  What do you do protect yourself from these risks, if anything?  I would like to see a provider, but the risks of catching either of these two STDs scares me away.  Am I being too paranoid?  What are the facts about these (and possibly other) diseases that we need to know?

Your fears are not unfounded--it's all part of the risk of hobbying. Any man who has never had an STD but has maintained a healthy, diverse sex life is extremely lucky. Until the day comes when we can read people's minds, you just can't know until it's too late. No matter what the stats say, you're still rolling the dice...and if the heat is too hot, then you should stay out of the kitchen. [BTW, if you drive a vehicle, then take a look at the national highway fatality rate...does that stop you from driving?]


Your paranoia, while warranted and justified, is the risk that we all have decided to take. If you wanna dance, you gotta pay the band, simple as that. All one can really do is play safely and insist your parnter does to the best of your knowledge. If you are active enough to ask this question then you should probably get tested regularly, and it wouldn't hurt to open up a dialogue to have all your partners do the same. Beyond these reasonable measures, which every reputable lady I know utilizes, it is an individual decision that you and you alone must make to determine if you are comfortable with the potential risks involved. That being said there are reliable sources of information online including but not limited to the CDC's site, webMD.com. Also, check your health insurance site, mine is United Health Care, they have quite a bit of reference material for their members.

For the record, this is a very timely question to get my response as several weeks ago my routine 6 month test/exam identified a harmless viral skin infection which was easily treated by a dermatologist. And to think, I felt I was being cautious and using some common sense about general cleanliness. However, as I was undergoing treatment, it made me seriously reconsider and rethink about what a priority I want my health to be as well as those I choose to associate and be intimate with. I would still participate in this hobby, being much more conscious and aware, but I will try not to be so reckless in my personal life out of concern for all partners involved. Furthermore, I extend this thought and to challenge and/or encourage everyone in this discussion to do the same. Make educated decisions when weighing the risk factors in your life, then determine what is acceptable to you.

best regards, and please play safe, mr.man  

-- Modified on 5/8/2004 4:41:57 PM

marybeth2546 reads

a this is 100%    any pesron that is in mere possession of a single condom  ie; deep in the crevices of a women's purse that is accussed of a 647b that  single item will be used as proof of prostitution with absolutly no other conversation or action,,,that is the 100%  scarey truth

MisterGuy2937 reads

I've been to a couple hoes... and this is the main deterrent in preventing me from seeing more. I'm absolutely terrified of these STDs... You almost can't avoid it in this community. If one hoe has seen 5 guys, those 5 guys may have seen a combined 100 hoes, who have in turn seen thousands of other guys... the exposure is too much.

What do I do? Whenever I get the urge, there's nothing like coming on TER and living vicariously... and if I'm reeally really horny I goto an MP, get whacked off and finger a girl...

So far it's worked.

I once saw on howard stern how Carrottop, the comedian/AT&T spokesman, goes to Vegas brothels just for HJ bukkake (facial), which completely eliminates any risk of STD while he's still able to get his rocks off. I think I'm looking for this kind of arrangement right now.

ALso, if you're talking about intercourse, herpes and warts usually happen in places where the penis aren't completely covered, like around the base of the penis. If there was some kind of latex underwear available with build in condom, so that all areas were covered, then this would solve the problem I would think...any entrepreneurs out there?

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