TER General Board

Complexion vs Cultural Heritage vs Ethnicity
GaGambler 4047 reads
1 / 68

I was reading an old post by a black provider who claimed that the whiter the woman the more beautiful she was perceived to be, and pointed out that even with black women, the lighter her skin color the more in demand she would be. How many of you agree with this mentality?

I'll go first and first off agree that YES, skin color does matter to me, but not in the way you might think. I tend to not favorite either very light or very dark and I tend to prefer women somewhere in the middle. I absolutely have to agree that I don't really go for women that are TOO dark, (think Grace Jones), but OTOH I don't like women that are too white either, (think ginger girls with WAY too many freckles). Maybe this is why I tend to see so many Asians and Latinas, and I also go for white girls with a tan and light skinned black girls, but very rarely will I go with "pasty white" or "blue black" None of this has to do with race in my case, but I simply like what I like, and of course I am speaking in generalities, I have most definitely been with some VERY black and some VERY white girls that I found attractive, but speaking in generalities I tend to go for somewhere in the middle.

So do any of the rest of you consider skin color in making your choices, and for those of you that do, are you willing to be labeled some kind of "racist" by admitting to it? I suppose this applies to the women as well where it comes to what they prefer (if they even have a preference) in their private lives.

NaughtyMaddy See my TER Reviews 69 reads
2 / 68

You brought this up. I just saw a provider website that specifically stated she doesn't see a certain race  I thought it was realllly strange to be honest since I've never seen it anywhere but BP or CL. Race doesn't matter to me but of course I think I have a preference like everyone. But in the end personality and attitude do it for me over race. I like to taste the rainbow.

souls_harbor 50 reads
3 / 68

If you like mates of a specific skin color you are racist.  If you like mates of a specific gender you are sexist.  If you like mates that are human you are specist.   Any other thought crimes that I missed?

PhoenixxNOLA See my TER Reviews 60 reads
4 / 68

I like to taste the rainbow myself! As long as they're respectful, I don't care what race they are. Seriously.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 68 reads
5 / 68

...provider posts that have race restrictions. Particularly those who won't see clients of their own race. I'll grant that I see this much more in places like BP or CL, and I think there's a location demographics aspect to this as well.
For example, when I lived in the South Bay area of California (i.e.: Silicon Valley) I saw a lot (maybe 25%) of provider ads that excluded men from India and Pakistan.  In Los Angeles, I see ads that exclude black men, even when the provider is black. I suspect that each provider has some rationale for doing this, and I am in no position to challenge their reasons. But it still confuses me.  
As a person who has worked in retail and services businesses for over 30 years, I can say that turning down business from a potential client for any reason means my business suffers revenue loss.  Money (at least in the US) only has one skin color:  Green.

passionpal 19 Reviews 59 reads
6 / 68

I love diversity of thought and ethnicity. Having sensitive skin, softness of the skin/hands is important. Recently I validated for myself that  beauty and talent (reviews) may get me in the door but it's the general vibe, aura personality whatever you want to call it that has the greatest impact on my enjoyment.  Skin color has nothing to do with it, from the Pasty Ladies of the North to the Ebony Goddesses, in all shapes, sizes and colors in between ,I lust em all.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 50 reads
7 / 68

Invisible people are so hard to find, after all.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 65 reads
8 / 68

I don't understand when I see these ads either!!  Anyone who posts race exclusions please come forward and advise of your rationale!!  
Is this similar to ladies that have age restrictions? My clients range in age from 21 to ????  so that is another one I don't really get.  I see ads often that say 40 + only for men.  
I live in the middle of WI and 99.99 percent of the guys that I see or answer my ads are white.  When someone is not Caucasian I am actually pleasantly surprised!  
So yes, as long as you are clean, sane, a gentleman and have the green,  I don't give a shit the color of your skin or your age.    


JakeFromStateFarm 45 reads
9 / 68

So I'm disappointed to admit there's NOTHING about your post with which I can disagree.  I will say that skin color is less important to me than other attributes, though I don't gravitate toward the darkest tones.  That said, there's a gal who advertises here who has incredibly dark skin whom I find absolutely gorgeous.  Personally, I find mixed-race girls the most attractive, especially Blasians.
The only mixed race type that repulses me is Sino-Sicilians.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 55 reads
10 / 68
MusicOfTheNight 55 reads
11 / 68

I totally agree with you  herbtcat.

I've never understood business' that turn away customers based on LGBTQ/religious/ race when the customers money is just as good.  

And if maybe the business had reservations with doing work for a particular customer they should just raise the price until the customer either goes away or you're happy with the money you are making.

I strive to keep my private feelings out of it and not leave any money on the table

After all, it's just business.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 67 reads
12 / 68

I have similar preferences to you. I don't like super black, or super white, but everything in between is cool, from a very light tan to chocolate brown.

GaGambler 83 reads
13 / 68

I really don't give even a single shit about race, but there are certain physical characteristics that are more prevalent among certain races. I tend to go for small women, with good skin and delicate features, and yes there are women of ALL races that fit that bill, but to be perfectly frank about it there are going to be a much higher percentage of women from Vietnam who are going to fit that bill than from the Sudan.  

It is a bit ironic that looking back over my dates from the last week, I've seen two Asian girls, two black girls, one very white girl and no Latinas at all. It is what it is I suppose. lol

justsauce16 4 Reviews 60 reads
14 / 68

It isn't about color, it's about proportions (link relevant).  

If you didn't hit the genetic lottery, there are things you can do to get back towards those ideal proportions. Things like losing/gaining a little (or a lot) of weight, makeup, hair, various augmentations, etc.

Not to say that there isn't room for subjectivity in this, just less so than most people think.


From a hobby standpoint, physical attractiveness is just part of the game. I've seen moderately attractive women that have a personality that really really get's lil sauce excited, and I've seen easy 10/10 bombshell types that as soon as they open their mouths become completely insufferable.  

The takeaway here is that only focusing on looking good is a trap, and one as old as dirt (see: freud's 'On Narcissism' or the story of Narcissus himself).

-- Modified on 1/12/2018 11:35:11 AM

MissFreyaMars See my TER Reviews 57 reads
15 / 68

Sometimes it may have to do with the provider's perceived ideas about a person's particular culture, a bad experience with one particular client, and sometimes it's just plain old racism.  

I make it a point to talk about being open to seeing people of all ethnicities in my ads just because I know there are a lot of providers out there who openly refuse to see people of color.

ClientEastwood 1 Reviews 49 reads
16 / 68

I was actually just thinking about posting a message like this asking if people had a "favorite" race/ethnicity.  I've only been with white women and asian women.  I'd like to experience time with all kinds of people though.  I don't think it's racist if someone doesn't want to sleep with a person of a certain skin color.  I've never been turned away based on my race, however I've sites from providers that I was interested in and they state on there they will only see people above a certain age which I fall under.  I say it's a bummer, but I move on, and don't view it as they dislike younger people.

Onerealhotmomma See my TER Reviews 60 reads
17 / 68

.......you must be bored. I am but i have an excuse, i am laying out today because of what feels like a pending cold what is your excuse.

I have no preferences other than those who wish to see me are gracious, graceful and intelligent enough to fully engage me and my certain "abilities/assets", though i have been known to compromise slightly for a particularly enticing cock.  What i have found is that rudeness, stupidity, arrogance and just downright meanness know no racial, , ethnic, religious, education,  , geo-political or socio-economic boundaries an asshole is just an asshole and they come in all genres.  

That being said I am quite certain that there are Providers of a rascist bent but i am even more sure that those who seem to list some as unwelcome are most likely basing their business practice on some experience.  If a Provider has had bad experiences with a Hobbyist due to screening or rates and those experiences to her mostly seemed to come from a particular group of men then would she not base her selection process upon her experience or in  order to satisfy the naysayers she should just soldier on like a good little whore.  I say not most likely she is going to throw out the baby with the bathwater because has it not often and famously been said to repeat the same mistaken actions and expect a different result is insanity.  For someone to devote any time to questioning her reason is an illustration of one who has to much time on their hands.

Posters here that note that they in fact have personal preferences to SkinTone but on the other hand have on occassion questioned the personal reasons of Providers for wishing to see those same are more than just a little contrary.  It seems that often it is overlooked that there is a possiblilty that the Provider may just like to see those whom she finds attractive to her, period.  Where i am at to say too dark is not something I am attracted to labels me a rascist as a person and a Provider.  As noted above by one the need in society today to attach an -IST to everything is nonsensical and in the long term maybe damaging  to use every wrong or slightto  gain attention by ISTing it...

And then there is always the Disengenuous Business/Salesman Hobbyist who seems compelled to throw in his 2 cents to let us in on the fact that because he spends time every day with nails, makeup, hair and tan before he gets on his knees to suck a cock or spread his legs for a person who he feels no attraction to in order to sell his widgets that the little whore should also if she wants to be considered a BusinessPerson of his calibre.......really, I mean REALLY.

As for me I am perfectly content with whom I do business  and pleasure with, how I do it and how I enjoy it.   I have been very fortunate with no really bad experiences to dwell on or cause me to list some group that I dont wish to do business with however , the day is not over yet......i hope that never happens however, there but for the grace of God, goes me.........

xyz23 45 Reviews 62 reads
18 / 68
mrfisher 108 Reviews 60 reads
19 / 68
GaGambler 85 reads
20 / 68

If you will re-read my OP you will see I clearly stipulated "in your private life" when I asked for the lady's opinion on this subject. I have ZERO desire to re-litigate the "NBA policy" that many providers have.

My question was mainly to the guys to ask is "skin color" not "race" was a factor in who they chose to see, and I figured it would be exclusionary to not ask the women if they didn't have a "preference" as well. There are a whole bunch of women who "prefer" men of a certain color in their private lives who are not discriminatory in their business lives. I really did not expect many providers to answer about their "preference" as they would risk alienating potential clients of a race other than their "preference" that is why my post was directed "mainly" at the guys and lopaw of course, but we already know her taste in women. lol

GaGambler 54 reads
21 / 68

and yes, her ancestry is most definitely from some northern European country.

I am seeing a Bahamian girl tonight. Don't you just love the variety we have in this country?

I am hardly "color blind" where it comes to women, I can most definitely say there are a LOT of differences, but unlike some people, I love the differences, life would be boring if all women were the same.

JakeFromStateFarm 74 reads
22 / 68

When it's actually the first thing that you DO see, along with someone's clothes.  The point is, what do you do as a result?  If I see a nicely-dressed white or black guy (or any color) I think we might have something in common and I'm not concerned. If I see someone of ANY color dressed like a gang-banger, my antennae go up.  So what?

SpectreNBond 56 reads
23 / 68

Not really color blind and love all colors. I am a little particular on size. I prefer petit and fit bodies for me explore and enjoy.

Onerealhotmomma See my TER Reviews 88 reads
24 / 68

.........ah, yes, I did in fact see the "personal" in the foot of your original post but i was not only referencing your post in part but also the expected responses to your Post that went in the other general direction.  Possibly you were gleefully sitting back waiting for the Posters to take the RACE bait and run with it or it may have just been any unexpected happy return for a lucky cast into murky waters, either way.....it goes roughly 50/50 just the like the Country does.  

Race and Color have always played apart in Society, all Societies, though many do not wish to admit it.............in fact it is quite well known that in some Mexican families (a number of which I am close to) that the families discriminate against the smaller dark children and show preference to the lighter skinned, light haired children because they are perceived to have a chance to be more successful.  In the animal kingdom within the societies among various species Discrimination has been noted and studied..... are we not but animals ourselves.  
Here in Atlanta, it is difficult to do my business without dealing with many cultures, I have a number of black men I count among them and in fact they are among the most that I am happiest to see the most often.  Keep this in mind i think if some of the Providers would just state that they are only attracted to light skinned men with fine facial features and blue or green eyes that they would receive the same amount of grief.

My personal life is my personal life however, keep this in mind it really doesn't matter in the long run personal or business, I just love a hard cock, i do love to fuck and I love a man who understands that...........the rest is just white noise.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 64 reads
25 / 68

Any woman who is willing to suck my dick is at least half as attractive as I need for me to want to fuck her.  :p
The other half comes from a variety of aspects of her physical appearance and her personality/sexuality.

GaGambler 47 reads
26 / 68

Yes, I agree completely. I do "notice" color, only an idiot doesn't notice whether a person is black/white/yellow/brown, but like you his skin color makes no difference in the way I treat a person. There are just so many more important factors than skin color to judge a person by, but it's really a load of PC crap to claim "I don't see color"

Besides, knowing a person's race makes it easier to make fun of, I mean honestly if I didn't know you were a heeb, it would make very little sense for me to tell you to "jump into the microwave" now would it? lol

micktoz 41 Reviews 45 reads
27 / 68
Boobsman100 20 Reviews 48 reads
28 / 68

I hope you are not denying that racism and sexism is real  . You can kid yourself and some of your fellow comrades...But I can tell you (and you all know it) SOME people are downright RACIST,SEXIST ,and whatever other ST there  is.And we  are all free to do so.In fact I think all providers should make it know where they stand so as to avoid conflict.That's  why P411 is a good site, it allows providers to check the boxes.

You may not  have  experienced these things because  they do not pertain to you. .
This is America you all have the right to be whatever you want to be.JUST DON'T DENY OTHER PEOPLE'S REALITY.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 67 reads
29 / 68

Well said .The problem I have with some people is when they try to deny other people's reality.

Hpygolky 207 Reviews 50 reads
30 / 68
GaGambler 66 reads
31 / 68

"No Viejas, no feas y no gordas"

So I am admittedly an "ageist" a "weightist" and what ever kind of "ist" it is that won't fuck ugly women. I also won't be having sex with any who has or has ever had a dick. Of course if some REALLY feminine post op tranny fools me, I suppose "what I don't know won't hurt me" lol

I also admit to having certain "preferences" where it comes to skin colors, but unlike my rules above my "preferences" are hardly inviolable as I saw a very white girl a few days ago and I plan on seeing a rather dark Bahamian girl tonight.

I make no apologies where it comes to my preferences, and I am hardly a racist, but I certainly do not deny that both racism and sexism exist, or that they don't exist right here on this board. I am also quite aware that you can't legislate away racism, you can only legislate behavior, you can't outlaw the way people think, nor can you shame them into thinking the way you do.

stucaboy 67 reads
32 / 68

So what the hell am I attracted to,  the white or the black/brown these girls offer?  Actually, I am turned on by black girls and red heads.  If you label me a racist I can give a crap less.

RandyJ1000 1 Reviews 78 reads
33 / 68

is of no importance whatsoever to me.

mrblond68 4 Reviews 74 reads
34 / 68

I have been with women of various ethnic persuasions, providers and civilians. If I like the woman's looks, I check out the price, I like the price, I hire her.  I am so sick and tired of people's judgements, you cannot win. Most are hypocrites anyway.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 48 reads
35 / 68

This thread was about skin color preference.
A topic that has not been discussed here very often. Why sideteack into something that has been discussed to death and beyond?

micktoz 41 Reviews 59 reads
36 / 68
Onerealhotmomma See my TER Reviews 81 reads
37 / 68

..........was looking for one of the latest trendiest catch phrases in case i witness "Reality Denial" ....what i found was simply "Delusional" seems to apply suitably, problem is many  get a little defensive when they are labeled "Delusional" because Others seem to want them to live Their "Reality" ....maybe too much emphasis is being placed on putting everything into tidy little boxes with tidy little labels on them

NotAnAlias 58 reads
38 / 68

I guess I am like several of the guys here including GaGambler (perish the thought!) in that I prefer some sort of tannish skin. I am even OK with dark ebony (not my first choice), but literally cannot deal with milk-white skin. But my true show stopper is blue eyes. I am ONLY attracted to girls with brown eyes. I can see a Nordic blond, blue eyed type and tell they are pretty, but I have literally no attraction to them -- movie star quality or otherwise.  

Honestly I don't think this has anything to do with race. It's just each of us is attracted to certain things. Some like blondes, some don't. Some like stick thin and some like it thick. It's what makes the world so interesting!

Ps. For some reason in most Asian countries they prize whiter skin in women and look down on the tanner shades. This is of course awesome for me, as the darker girls (Thai, Philippina, etc) are often somewhat cheaper. A win win for me!

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 75 reads
39 / 68

If you read carefully you can see that I said people are free to  be whatever they want to be.The problem I have is when someone try to tell another person that their reality is a lie .

Please don't think like me ,but make sure you do think,and think wisely.

trex44 9 Reviews 53 reads
40 / 68

...and it's not specific to race, skin tone or color. I went through a phase early in my p4p "career" (staring in the early 90s) where I wanted to experience a wide variety of women. So I had sessions with as many different "types" as I could encounter -- Asian, African-American, Latina, etc.  

As long as I found them attractive and amenable, we had a good time.  

Now I concentrate on the connection that might be found after the initial attraction -- color seems to have little to do with it anymore. I'm just looking for the right attitude to go with the attraction.

mrposition 10 Reviews 54 reads
41 / 68

...hope this won't cause a stir,but...i don't do green...

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 45 reads
42 / 68

are nor whether they're from a shithole country, so long as they have a modicum of class.  

dwb 60 reads
43 / 68

I prefer young, not overweight, and not too tall. Apart from that, I can't really generalize about the physical characteristics that I find attractive. Skin color, along with ethnicity, tit size, ass shape, hair, etc., I look at a girl and just think "wow, I'd like to fuck her." Or not as much.

The thing I've found is that for a given level of hotness, as judged by me, white American girls tend to be at higher price point than girls of other ethnicities. I end up seeing more AA, Asian, and Latina girls because they're generally a better value to me, subjectively.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 40 reads
44 / 68

You are the one bringing up an useless discussion about bigotry.

A bigot will be a bigot all their life, there is no pills for cure!

AashaMitchell See my TER Reviews 82 reads
45 / 68
GaGambler 72 reads
46 / 68

Where did I mention bigotry? If a white guy prefers black women does that make him a bigot? Of course not. It would however mean that "skin color" was a factor in which women he chose to see. How about if a "brown guy" preferred white women? Or if a black guy preferred Latinas? You see the world in very black and white terms, it's a sign of low intelligence when a person is incapable of nuance.


I could have sworn we took up a collection to pay for a few remedial reading classes for you, Did you end up spending our money on hookers? It's pretty obvious you still haven't learned to read after all these years.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 52 reads
47 / 68

Funny, all the " gangbang" porn that I've seen the people have been nakid. You have something against nakid people Jake?

wanderer48 92 Reviews 52 reads
48 / 68

Considering seeing a black massage provider

LaylaVargo See my TER Reviews 65 reads
49 / 68

can be attractive. Gentlemen are gentlemen. And assholes are assholes. Doesn't matter what color they are, as long as they are respectful and kind I'm gonna want to spend time with them.

impposter 49 Reviews 76 reads
50 / 68

Hijacking a little bit, but I have advocated that TER switch from a single "ethnicity" data field to two new fields: complexion and cultural heritage (or Country or Ancestry or something like that).
First, many guys and gals ARE interested in color from an appearance perspective, not an ethnic one. Then, guys and gals are interested in ACCURACY. I proposed that TER add a color chart of skin tones to the Review Form and let guys pick the one that matches their hostess.  See the Mattel Skin Tone Color Chart, below.  
Common examples: I have known "Brazilians" from Espresso to Coconut in complexion so "Latina" or "Hispanic" is a USELESS descriptor. I have known Asians from Coconut to Mocha (overdid the tanning salon). "African American" can span Espresso to Peach. "Native American" usually means "white" and that can span  
Coconut to Honey.  And you all have examples of your own.  
BY USING A COLOR CHART, WE GET TO SEE IMAGES and not have to imagine what "AA" or "Latina" or "white" actually means.  
Second, TER tries to use ethnicity for color ... or for culture ... or who knows what?  A second data field should indicate those aspects of her personality and upbringing to give us a clue as to what she is like, culturally.  This one could use more input and debate, but you get my drift.  
Here is just one thread on the topic in Suggestion and Policy:

-- Modified on 1/14/2018 1:35:33 AM

JakeFromStateFarm 58 reads
51 / 68

That should make you tons of new friends here. Dope. Jesus.

-- Modified on 1/13/2018 9:37:25 PM

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 55 reads
52 / 68

your wing lady.

Apparently we are attracted to the same sort.

Overall, in my personal life, I tend to have an attraction to tanned skin, dark featured lady. I notice the mouthy/bitchy type.

Never to say I don't like all sorts or all sorts of personalities....

I just tend to gravitate towards dark haired, medium skinned (tanned or ?), ladies.

I tend to like medium or bigger gals. Rarely skinny or super tall.

My overall type is likely to be fiery Latinos. I see gals outside that. In fact, I am having feelers with a super white, dark haired lady who has a mouth on her (I know she likes me but she isn't aware I am being secret on liking her)... but a teaser, she likely is reading this Ha ha.

Work related? As long as you don't have a fire hydrant or am an asshole... Truly don't care. I don't put disclosures in my ads. Great or horrid in all groups. I rarely bother with guys under 40, but I don't say that in my ads.I take each person as who they are. Decide from there,

Rickshaw17 28 Reviews 57 reads
53 / 68

If I find the woman attractive, skin color matters not.  My personal preference usually favors Latinas, but I find women of all colors attractive.  It depends on the individual.  

Fridays117 27 Reviews 70 reads
54 / 68

Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander and mixes of all the above, I have never been with an East Indian/Pakistani type, not for any reason I guess, just haven't gotten there yet.
I tend to choose women based more on their features rather than their color or race.  If they have a pleasant face and body I am down.  That being said, I have been with more white, hispanic and Asian gals than anyone else.  Don't think I am a racist, but since I am a white male everyone automatically assumes I am.

Tippecanoe 73 reads
55 / 68

We all have biases, whether they are racist or not is another issue.

First, I find that I like long straight hair or slightly wavy. Doesn't matter skin color, but I notice that first. Its my 'thing'. So, that automatically eliminates the majority of black women. Its not a black girl thing either, if you're blonde haired, blue-eyed blonde with really curly hair, you're coming out with a big strike against you, too.  

Second Face. I like high cheekbones, with the lower portion of the face coming into a soft point or at least narrowing down. Eyes should be almond shaped or similar. Think Huma Abedin, I would fuck that woman six ways to Sunday.

Third, I like tall spinner girls, with slight curves or no curves. Again, kicks out a lot of black women and latinas.

Fourth, I like quarter sized to dime sized nipples with eraser tips. I really hate pancake boobs and dollar sized nipples - again, kicks out a lot of black women.

Other non-physical considerations are do you do BBBJ, do you really do LFK and DFK and can at least pretend you like it and make it believable to me. Good reviews, with guys saying the provider 'likes what she does'. I haven't dated any pitch black girls, because they are rare to begin with anyways. Then apply my criteria and they are kind of unicorns.

Speaking of Unicorns, this very black girl, Anok Yai, if she popped-up on my radar screen looking like this, I'd book her in a heartbeat.

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 63 reads
56 / 68

I prefer dark-skinned women, but I have a weakness for pale women, too.  

My attraction to dark-skinned women is a lifelong thing. My first crushes and my first real girlfriend were all dark-skinned, darker than me.

My attraction to pale women later. Marilyn Manson had three straight stunning, pale girlfriends that opened my eyes: Dita Von Teese, Rose McGowan, and Evan Rachel Wood. Something about considering those three women as a group, or a type, made me see their paleness was part of their allure. Especially odd since I can’t stand Marilyn Manson.

Jasinda See my TER Reviews 55 reads
57 / 68

I used to know of a provider that was Black that didn't see Black clients. I asked her why and she said that her parents were very socially active locally and she didn't want to risk running into someone they knew.

Personally, I have no color/race/age preferences. Just act like you have some sense.


QueenBia See my TER Reviews 45 reads
58 / 68
scb19 10 Reviews 56 reads
59 / 68

beauty knows no color......course Orion slave girls give me a hard on.

NorahLucille See my TER Reviews 72 reads
60 / 68

Dude, no need to tell us all the reasons as to why you don't find black women attractive. We (monolithically) are not lamenting that you don't like us for arbitrary reasons. It's funny considering I can literally think of 3 black women in my area who who fit your profile. Nonetheless, I don't care and I speak for all of my sisters in saying, WE don't care.

Lynnsabrina See my TER Reviews 70 reads
61 / 68

All skin color is beautiful, ITS THE PERSON persona that gives me the vibes. I personally think black woman are beautiful.. I always believe that saying "Black dont crack", hell look at oprah is she ever going to age??

micktoz 41 Reviews 41 reads
62 / 68
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 55 reads
63 / 68

Only midgets or clown gangbang porn. I have standards.
I didnt come here for friends, but I get the feeling that you  
want to be my special friend ...

Tippecanoe 80 reads
64 / 68

Name them, other than yourself. Not CrystalLite (was on my list, but her reviews and looks have declined enough to make me say no), not Miss Mocha, (not my body type, but sweetest personality), not LondonDior, but close. You are on my see list, but now I guess you won't see me. Isn't that ironic.

Posted By: NorahLucille
Dude, no need to tell us all the reasons as to why you don't find black women attractive. We (monolithically) are not lamenting that you don't like us for arbitrary reasons. It's funny considering I can literally think of 3 black women in my area who who fit your profile. Nonetheless, I don't care and I speak for all of my sisters in saying, WE don't care.

yakuzapunk68 2 Reviews 67 reads
65 / 68

Posted By: Jasinda
Re: I've always been confued by...
I used to know of a provider that was Black that didn't see Black clients. I asked her why and she said that her parents were very socially active locally and she didn't want to risk running into someone they knew.  
 Personally, I have no color/race/age preferences. Just act like you have some sense.  
 That is extremely common even with Black women providers. I'm white but see that a lot and makes me wonder how racist the provider is especially if she is not Black herself. Personally I don't like seeing it but it wouldn't stop me from making a date.

LoveSashaEvans See my TER Reviews 50 reads
66 / 68

It is just personal preference. Why on earth would anyone hook up with someone that they would not under any other circumstance find attractive? This by no means indicates that dark skinned girls or light skinned girls are not attractive or that people who do not favor those types are racist. People have different tastes, and that is basically it.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 61 reads
67 / 68

This makes sense..... but this is why I always ask for the client's full name and a current face picture.  I live I a small town and yes, I have had to turn away clients because when they sent me their actual info I knew them.  

tankbinding 16 Reviews 59 reads
68 / 68

Really - You started this klugey thread?!?

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