TER General Board

Communication with providers.
bookpub 2518 reads

I recently made a first attempt at communicating with a provider and ran into what seems to me to be a Catch 22 situation.  I wanted to tell her something about myself by email but she told me that "emails are contracts" and "phone calls can be recorded." I do not yet have any provider references so "what to do?"

How did she communicate this to you?  Sounds like you should find another provider.

trustno202396 reads

It's more likely that she will also have more rules and regulations than the IRS. I've been with ladys like this and the sessions are often on edge.

There are too many great ladies to waste your time.

Good luck.

Wow... Dude!  I don't know how the girl gets to see anybody!  Move on and see somebody else.  If there is something about you that you feel a provider needs to know, then write it in an e-mail.  Then it's up to the provider to determine whether or not to make an appointment with you.  Just don't ask blatantly for specific services and you should be fine!

Well, yes and no... however, there are ways to communicate via email and phone, thus exchange the information needed to each other.  Maybe she has not learned how to do this?  There is a certain amount of etiquette that should be followed, just common sense like "no rude, lewd and vulgar" language, not asking for an amount or stating what is expected during a visit.  Reviews and references are paramount here, plus doing some research on a lady, or gentleman.  If she has a site she should have most of her info listed on the site so that you will not have to ask specific questions, as most should be answered by her site.  Just my 02.  If you can't communicate then there is no point, so just find someone else, and be safe!

It's entirely up to you if you want to go the extra mile, so to speak. It does sound a little paranoid, but remember there's a good possibility this provider once got arrested and is possibly still squeamish.  Maybe her solution would be to say, "I don't answer certain questions over the telephone or via email but please tell me about yourself and what you like." Afterward, if you email your personal preferences to her and she doesn't agree to certain terms of the meeting, she will let you know. If not, then move on.


Ciara offers great advice here.  The one caution is if you e-mail personal preferences, don't be crude, vulgar, etc.

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