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Chit chat in the beginning of the sessionregular_smile
WL2 1484 reads

I always wonder what I could ask and what I should not ask during chit chat if it's the first time with a girl.

I had a bad experience once. During chit chat, this new girl complaint how busy she is for her study in college, I asked her which college (I thought it's not very specific question), but she pretend she didn't heard my question and change the topic. I can tell she is not very happy about the question.

So I'd like to know what you guys usualy talk about? this seems an issue only at first session with a new girl.

Boy, you really walked right into that one!

But seriously folks,

All you need to talk about is the weather, how the traffic was coming over, the latest sports news, the latest on Britney, or Paris, etc.

She just wants to see you relax and make sure that you're not some kind of weirdo or LE.

shudaknownbetter153 reads

Most ladies are seceurity conscious...  They don't want to risk being outted, any more than we do.  ANYTHING that might help someone track her is off limits.  
My first one talked, talked, & talked some more...  but said almost nothing.  Now she's my AFT...

But not where she goes to school...This would probably be an issue on the first date or the tenth for that matter.

I let the gal take the lead in the conversation department. Any form of question that borders on her real life identity or location is bad. When in doubt, talk about the weather...

BG is right ---- general questions about her classes and interests should be fine, but nothing about location.

remember: location, location, location

Wam-Bam-TY-Mam180 reads

Relax,  It's a joke.  I know you have to talk to tell them what you want.

rockchick291 reads

some men get stimulated and turned on by conversation. not your type.

It seems to take the edge off when its a first time client.
Eases into the real reason we are both there and gives you an idea of the kind of person you are dealing with.
Most Gentlemen want to feel they are with a real person or so thats how I see it.
It gives you a bit of a lookseee into who they are. Soon as it eases the mood in the room the fun can begin and its with a lighter additude.

for the most part. I too am always cautious about getting too personal with questions the guys may not want to answer. I have been asked, my REAL name, high school and college I attended, families background etc. all of which will not get an answer...at least not an honest one.  I may as well just have my old year books and my driver's license available hehehe.

My dates start at 90 minutes so there is always time for cocktail and chit chat before moving on to other things. I heard someone say that it is "impossible" to get to "know" someone in an extra 30 minutes, but the term "know" is taken out of context here. Of course I don't "know" you for who you really are as that would defeat the whole purpose of discretion.  When we say we want to get to "know you," it usually means we want to get a feel for what you are into and your whole attitude and personality BEFORE we jump into things. Some women find that it is just easier to attack you when you walk in the door so they can get rid of you for the next guy, while some don't have a "next guy."  

I have participated in both areas of dating and I like taking more time with less clients...naturally I charge to suppliment the loss.

Hell, almost anything except her family. They're women first and providers second. Shut up and let them tell you about themselves and most of them will. I think what you ran into is rare. That question seems pretty innocuous to me. I seem to end up talking about hers and my taste in music quite often.

As much as you are willing to divulge. Hobbies, sports, books, movies, food, etc..

Eventually she will kiss you to shut you up and start yanking off your clothes.


As the last thing I want to do is ask an inappropriate question, I'll stick to "small talk" (i.e the weather, TV shows), or talk about myself (i.e. pet, hobbies, etc). Overall though, I prefer to let the provider "lead" the conversation.

OhmygodwhathaveIdone1003 reads

She grabbed me without a word, took me straight to the bed, went wild for an hour straight, then we introduced ourselves and talked for a half hour after!

She was a wildcat and it was awesome!

If you want to tell her more about you (so she's comfortable that she screened properly and you're no serial killer or LE) that's great. A little flirting is also great. Some light conversation about weather, your flight in/long day at work, last movie you saw, whatever...

Asking probing questions of her isn't so great. I know, it's a double standard... we want to know more about you than you're generally willing to give up and you want to know the little things sometimes from us and we won't give 'em up. ;)


I'm really an undercover agent for a world wide organization that governs most of the countries....  I have a tiny transmitter and receiver embedded in my head that allows me to communicate with the overlords... and they exist in a cave in the mountains in antartica...   they have evolved to be completely photosynthetic and therefore require no energy to maintain their homeostasis...  course during the antartic winter there is a problem as that pesky sun keeps going out....  

I also have a collection of celebrity naval lent... wanna see.....  

This gets the gurls reel hot.

Or sometimes I just ask to take a shower.

I don't say a lot anyway, but my answers get very terse before we've gotten comfortable.  I rarely ask questions at this point (my research having uncovered the answers to all the relevant ones, and the feeling I won't get an answer to the more interesting ones).  After we've burned off some energy, I'm more receptive to questions, though I still won't ask many.

You should avoid anything that can pinpoint her "real" identity or her location.  Sometimes these questions can sound really innocuous, and you can stumble into them.  (A gent asking me about a dance class I was taking is a great example.)  Detailed questions about her name, professional career, favorite restaurants, places one hangs out, and classes or events one attends can be threatening.

I also try to avoid topics like politics and religion, simply because I'd hate to have a disagreement and add something negative to an otherwise lovely date.

Light subjects like the weather are always safe.  Other "non-threatening" ideas are: movies, books, food, travel, hobbies, interests, pets, sports, etc.   Offering information about yourself is safe.  Try reading her website in advance, to determine if you have any interests in common; that can be a great conversation starter.  

Of course, there can be a fine line here....and some women are much more comfortable sharing about themselves than others.  Some women open up more over time.  

~ Naiya

I say /pass on chit chat period. lol . Well you got specific and you looked like a stalker, even though I see your intentions were good, the girl is going to be more sensitive cause she has to protect against stalkers .  I hate small talk, half the reason I pay for it, is I hate talk, I'm very busy and just want some physical time. I will hold conversation as long as my blood flow stays in check, once that's gone, or she does the hand on the knee thing, I'm done.

And like the great Tom Leykis says . . the more you talk the more you give a girl reasons NOT to have sex with you (I.E, you hate cats, your political views, asking about school shes sensitive about -- foot in mouth syndrome..)


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