TER General Board

But you have to admit, this thread has picked up some traction
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 2823 reads
1 / 59

I am curious if anyone cares what the provider has as score, or rating here on TER? If you, do is there a general rating you choose, or stay clear of…

-- Modified on 6/20/2023 9:15:20 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 54 reads
2 / 59

Riddle me this: TER is a REVIEW site. Numerical scores -- flawed though they may be -- are a key component of reviews. I can't think of any monger I've known who simply ignores them. They may disagree with a given score but they certainly don't ignore it.  So, yes, most guys care. And so do most girls. If not, why do they get upset with low scores?
You get offended by negative posts but then you put up something as demonstrably obvious and stupid as this.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
3 / 59

This was a poor choice of topics.  If it's not too late to edit, maybe you should consider changing the topic to something that is not going to be 99% one-sided.  This just makes you look clueless about why the customers are here in the first place.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 57 reads
4 / 59

I only look at 7 and above in both looks and performance.  

Actually, looks scores are not as important to me as performance scores. I like who I like, and don't really care what someone else has to say about it. But performance... 7 is average. Why would I look for a below average experience?

RespectfulRobert 60 reads
5 / 59

I can't imagine what guy wouldn't look at them. But they are not the be all and end all. When I use the data base search, I put in 8 and above as my initial parameter. That doesnt mean I wont see someone lower, I have, on many occasions. If there is a reviewer friend that I generally agree with. I will give that recco a lot of weight and wont worry too much about her scores in that scenario.

eightmillions8 63 reads
6 / 59

It’s not like I wake up thinking, I am going to see a “6” today.  

But I do tend to stay away from perfect 10/10,  had bad experience with that on several  levels.

inicky46 61 Reviews 60 reads
7 / 59

She PM'd me, complaining about my post then put me on "Ignore" so I can't reply. If I could have, I'd have said:
"You really can't help yourself, can you, constantly proving what a thin skin you have. I don't put ANYONE on ignore. As for my "TER life," you post here at least as much as I do, so pot=kettle=black."
She's really not very good at this.

Steve_Trevor 62 reads
8 / 59

I never look at scores here when selecting a provider.

Instead I choose providers by how many threAds they post here. I figure, the more threAds, the better.  Right?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 50 reads
9 / 59

been cordial even though we don't agree very often.  It seems she is one of those people who come to a crossroads, and even though the odds are 50-50, always seem to choose the wrong path.  If she had edited this into something else she could have saved herself.  Doubling down was the wrong choice.  She's a nice person.  I feel bad for her lack of understanding about the customer viewpoint.  

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 51 reads
10 / 59

I'll check out the details of her reviews to see if I can connect the dots to the score. Funny about the scores and how some guys will bypass the Appearance score and go with the Performance if the chick is crazy ass.Crazy ass sells.
Years ago in LA there was a girl, Cathy, those old timer from LA will know who I'm talking about.I don't think she ever scored over a 5 in appearance but I don't think she ever scored under an 8 in performance. The reviews were funny to read, Guys would have buyers remorse after a visit with her, vowing NEVER to go back.....and within a month or two, they'd be back at that piss infested apt.
One man's 10, is one mans 7...and one mans 7 is one mans 10 so go figure
Oh forgot...I try to avoid 5's and below but seeing that I do alot of first time reviews I fall for the photo shop pictures, roll the dice and then it's like Ay Caramba when we meet face to face.

yesyes36 12 Reviews 64 reads
11 / 59

Come on, QueenBia!  WTF?

You have posted in the past inquiring about the Miss TER crown and it's pretty clear that's an honor you would love to have bestowed to you.  Given that, you should be more concerned with "provider's scores" than anyone on this board.  Without a long, consistent string of 10/10 ratings, you'll never get there.

TER is a review platform!  Ratings are an existential feature of this platform.  I can't imagine anyone being a part of this site that doesn't care about provider's ratings to some extent.  I'm completely clueless why you, of all people, would ask this question.  I'm not slamming you here, but this question is coming from waaaaay out in left field!

Here are some better questions for you to consider...

Grape or strawberry flavored lube?
Red or white wine?
Ass man or tits man?
One or three hour encounter?
Cum on face or ass?
Traditional condom or female condom?

Smile for me!  EOM

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 54 reads
12 / 59

In that case I assume you’re seeing the OP daily since her user name really should be “ThreAD Queen”.

eastside70 42 Reviews 56 reads
13 / 59

(cue CurlyW-NatsFan to share his thoughts on the OP's riveting subject)

holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 56 reads
14 / 59

Since everyone has different standards, the scores themselves may not mean much. although they normally would trend in the same direction. I read the actual reviews to make a judgment.

inicky46 61 Reviews 62 reads
15 / 59

Well, not actually. But he left after being moderated. I told him I don't know why he cares. I've been moderated forever and don't give a rat's ass. Oh, well. One less misogynist. ROR!

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 83 reads
16 / 59

The scores aren't accurate anyways. The TER staff manually changes each score based on the written review, so even if the person giving the review gave 10/10 you don't get that.  

I think it's bullshit, because I'll see people that other providers tend to screen out - hospice patients, people who are terminally ill, people who have muscular dystrophy who have literally never even been able to jerk themselves off.  

I think sexuality is an essential part of being human and that everyone deserves to experience this with dignity and respect. It's something I take pride in, being able to offer this experience to those who may have never had one, if not for myself.............yet because I don't provide "anal" or "two girl threesomes" the TER staff doesn't think I'm worthy of the actual number ratings given to me by my reviewers.  

It just really demonstrates where their priorities are with regard to this industry. And unfortunately, until sites like this change their mindset, the overall industry is going to continue to have the negative connotation it's always had.  Putting something like providing anal as a higher value than a provider who provides an experience for someone with the dignity and respect they deserve.

So yeah the ratings system on here is completely eff'd

DrZoology 136 Reviews 65 reads
17 / 59

The score doesn't always match up with what is written. I've read numerous 6-7 rated performance scored reviews but the review itself reads like a 9-10 rated performance...and vice versa.

holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 52 reads
18 / 59

Just because the performance rates a 9, say, from the review doesn't mean the reviewer must go up that high.

For instance, BBBJ and DFK add to the max base score of 7 but just because they were performed doesn't mean that they were done well.

holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 57 reads
19 / 59

I agree that limiting scores based on strict criteria can be problematic. I know this has been discussed here before and I don't know if there is an easy solution.

I saw a lady yesterday for the first time who was just amazing. Her personality was amazing and she was the closest thing to "perfect" that I've ever encountered. If I had my choice I'd rate her a 12 lol. According to the rules I can only go up to a 9.

The best way around that is to make that clear in the review text.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 53 reads
20 / 59

My last review I received a 7 because of the gentleman’s disability. He’s in a wheelchair, and we’re unable to achieve anything greater. I’m always striving for greatness being my track record of 9/10’s, but unfortunately with the circumstances it was not even an option. In this specific case I feel it’s unfair.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 68 reads
21 / 59

the discrepancies that often appear between the numerical score and a glowing narrative.  There are many reviews posted where the reviewer says only positive things about the girl and now she's his ATF, but then he gives her a numerical score of  6 or 7, while MOST guys that write a gushing review about their once-in-a-lifetime experience with a girl who has achieved instant ATF status give at least a 9 for performance.   There is often a huge disconnect between the numerical score and the written narrative of the session.  It's hard to tell sometimes what is going through a reviewer's mind when the score doesn't line up with his narrative.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 64 reads
22 / 59

and a BBBJ for a few minutes would have raised the max score to 9.  Hard to imagine why neither of those are possible with a guy in a wheelchair. SMH.  At least try wiping the drool off of his chin and giving him a DFK.  That would get you to a max of 8.  

It seems whiney to claim the scoring system is unfair if you did not do everything HE was capable of in order to qualify for the highest possible score.  Both DFK and BBBJ are pretty passive for the customer.  You probably could have done it if you WANTED to.  What customer ever said to a provider, "Don't put my dick in your mouth?"   Even if he has no feeling left down there, do it anyway for the extra point, since that seems to be your main goal.  You have a lot of 7's from your early years in the biz, and I'm willing to bet that another 7 now is not going to change your TER average at all.

DrZoology 136 Reviews 77 reads
23 / 59

I always lol when I read a guy describing a bj as "...the greatest bj he's ever had"...then in his next review with a different provider her bj is "...the greatest bj of his life..." and so on, and so on...I guess the most recent blowjob for some guys is the best!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 70 reads
24 / 59

shilling for a Kgirl agency and every Friday, when shill posts are allowed, he would regale us with his experience with the newest girl at the agency and say the very same thing, "She's the best ever."  The girls started getting pissed off because being named as his Friday shill "girl of the week" was the kiss of death for their business.  He just lost all of his cred here by the incessant shilling, and customers who may have been inclined to go see them backed off when a girl got his recommendation.

looking4918 6 Reviews 56 reads
25 / 59

Experience has taught me, see a unreviewed provider and you will most likely regret that decision. Like others have said   anyone above a 7 is worth serious consideration.    

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
26 / 59

only until the lipstick fades from your dick.   Lol

iamdreaman35 62 Reviews 61 reads
27 / 59

I pay attention to performance scores. Looks are subjective. We all like different body types and have specific tastes when it comes to looks.  

But services offered and performance scores are definitely vital and how I choose overall, whether I will see that specific provider or not.

SEVENNY 83 Reviews 57 reads
28 / 59

I prefer above 7, however, sometimes you will see a 6 with stellar reviews. Or a provider may have lots of 7-10's and a sprinkling of lower scores (6 and even 5). I can see that on perfomance, YMMV, but looks i would think should be more consistent (I know, eye of the beholder, lol)

I would like to see more consistency with the narrative and the bio. For example, if the bio says "squirt" address it in the review and vice versa. Also, really bi should be reserved to those that engage in G/G activities (not just a random kiss).

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 71 reads
29 / 59

My best review was my most recent one and the client told me those were not the scores he gave me. In fact I've asked every time if those were the actual numbers given to  me by people I've seen and thus far the TER staff has manually changed all 30+ review scores of mine.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 63 reads
30 / 59

they don't line up because the TER staff manually adjusts the rating to what they consider appropriate based on the review itself. So it really doesn't matter what you choose to give a provider, the TER staff changes it.

impposter 49 Reviews 134 reads
31 / 59

To repeat an old TER post (sorry, I don't remember the original poster):  
"Did I ever tell you about the WORST blow job I ever had? ... ... It was GREAT!!"

Posted By: DrZoology
Re: Greatest BJ ever
I always lol when I read a guy describing a bj as "...the greatest bj he's ever had"...then in his next review with a different provider her bj is "...the greatest bj of his life..." and so on, and so on...I guess the most recent blowjob for some guys is the best!
Disclaimer: I've had some pretty bad blow jobs that were far from great ... but that ruins the joke.

DrZoology 136 Reviews 66 reads
32 / 59

This is likely done if you don't list specific acts that warrant a higher score, i.e Kissing with Tongue, anal, bbbj. I know that I've had a few reviews kicked back when i would score it as one thing but didn't list any of the acts that warranted the extra points in the review itself. Very strange that TER would manually change the score rather than give the reviewer the opportunity to edit the review. I've also read some reviews that were score at a 10 for performance but didn't mention any acts that warranted those points, so TER is all over the place when reviewing...

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 53 reads
33 / 59

Actually that's a great question. Do the hobbyists care about our scores. I've had a few that had said that they saw my ad and Scores. And they didn't care about the score. They just loved what I provided.

followme 61 reads
34 / 59
Hpygolky 208 Reviews 49 reads
35 / 59

I mean look at how involved CDL is on this. So boohoo her ThreADs…. It gets attention.
She just might be pulling the wool over your eyes…lol.

inicky46 61 Reviews 53 reads
36 / 59

The guy has the worst case of keyboard diarrhea on the board.  Also called logorrhea.

followme 54 reads
37 / 59

I mean look at how involved nicky is on this. So boohoo her ThreADs…. It gets attention.
She just might be pulling the wool over his eyes…lol.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 46 reads
38 / 59

I cannot recall ever hearing about TER changing the numbers unless the narrative regarding actually acts performed did not support the numbers greater than 7.

I don't think TER will, and have never heard of it happening, change the numbers to something less than 7 in performance. They will never change the looks score to my knowledge.

I've also never heard of them increasing the score (but I suspect that is an assumption everyone posting holds anyhow).

All this is pretty well spelled out in the review guidelines document everyone should have read before trying to submit a review. Anyone reading a review should also be well informed about the rules to get the most out of the review DB.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 62 reads
39 / 59

TER does not make evaluations or judgment calls. They strictly follow the formula on what activities will support the score and those activities must be plainly and clearly stated by the reviewer.  

A reviewer can make the approval process easier by using the Acronyms from the TER lexicon in all CAPS so they stand out and are easy for the moderator to spot within the narrative.  Example:  BBBJ and DFK rather than she sucked my dick and kissed me with her tongue.

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 51 reads
40 / 59

Not only that, but if a reviewer tries to post a performance score higher than 7 a box appears which states that certain specified acts must have occurred to support the score. If the reviewer doesn't include/list those acts (dfk, bbbj, anal and/or 2 girl action) then the score is reduced. Not sure what the complaint/issue is because the rules are clear.

ElleTee See my TER Reviews 83 reads
41 / 59

The criticism of the TER system is that by the TER staff dictating which acts a provider must perform to be worthy of a 10 rating means nobody is being rated accurately based on the experience the reviewer actually had.  

It's also off-putting the lack of respect the site has for its reviewers.  The fact that they don't trust them to provide an accurate rating based on the experience, the reviewer themselves had, is really disappointing.  Someone reviewing me should be able to give an accurate rating about their overall experience without a staff member choosing to discount t. The staff member is not the person who was on the date with me, they are not the ones who had the experience with me, therefore they should not be the ones to adjust the rating as they see fit. It's illogical for TER staff or anyone for that matter, to adjust performance ratings when they were not the person to have had the experience. This also demonstrates how little they value or trust the reviewer's actual opinion. It's very unethical and dishonest because people are not being provided with accurate information which is what this website is supposed to provide.

If I'm able to provide a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience to someone without having to violate my personal boundaries then I think I'm pretty damn good at what I do for a living.  

The fact that the TER staff puts more value on a woman providing anal to a customer instead of providing an overall positive sexual experience where the other person feels valued and was treated with dignity and respect is frankly distasteful.  

So this is not a complaint, this is a critique of the current and wildly inaccurate ratings system.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 58 reads
42 / 59

and gives the guy time to edit the narrative to support the review numbers, which are in part based upon specific services received.  

It sounds like your guys refused to be explicit in their reviews. I know a lot of providers and guys don't like the explicit nature of reviews, but this is why they need to be somewhat explicit - to give a well deserved rating to the provider. It's just the rules, and many of us have objected to them repeatedly in the past. I would like to be a bit less explicit in my reviews as well!

James_Stance 47 Reviews 47 reads
43 / 59

Why do you care? Your scores are pretty high, dating back all the way from 2008. Your rates are also ridiculously high as well.

vigerous 20 Reviews 52 reads
44 / 59

"I saw a lady yesterday for the first time who was just amazing."  
Okay, already. Uncle! Who is it??

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 56 reads
45 / 59

High compared to you budget? I have seen providers with lower scores who charge way more. I don’t think scores dictate price & that’s my point it was a legit ?. Thanks for chiming in my TER friends!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 83 reads
46 / 59

The TER staff DOES NOT manually change each score based on the written review.  In fact, there are more scores that go up unchanged than those that are changed because the majority of reviewers understand what the scoring requirements are.  For most of the ladies I see, the max they qualify for is a 9, so it does me no good to give them a ten, but sometimes, for an exceptional girl, I will say in the review that "I would give her a 10 IF I COULD", but that will not change the score to a 10.  

Every provider has the right to expand or limit their own menu of services.  If provider offers anal and gets a 10, you haven't explained why you NOT providing it should also qualify you for a 10.  The way you want it, there would be no standards in order to determine what the max score should be.  How would YOU feel if a masseuse could receive a 9 for only providing a massage when you provided DFK, BBBJ and CFS to get that same score?  No one would be able to make any sense of what scores mean from one reviewer to another.  

Very few ladies who offer anal do it with every customer they see, but if it's in your profile as YMMV, then you can evaluate whether you want to provide it on a case by case basis after you see how much sausage the customer is packing.  If It's a Vienna sausage, go ahead and do it and it might get you that 10 you covet.  Personally, I think BBFS should also qualify for a 10, but TER has yet to agree with me on that.  However, I think most ladies that won't do covered anal would also opt out of BBFS, thereby voluntarily limiting their max score to 9 if they don't do a threesome or a gangbang, which are the other two ways to get to a max-ten score.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 54 reads
48 / 59

Didn't you post this exact same thing recently, or did I have a psychic vision that it was coming today?  Lol

36363jensen 4 Reviews 58 reads
49 / 59

You initial posts said nothing about TER scoring rules but only how they change scores based on their discretion.

I don't think anyone here thinks the system is perfect but you suggestion of letting anyone give any score they want would make reviews much less useful, both for mongers who use them to find providers they want to see and providers who are getting reviewed.  Pretty much everyone gets that the actual number in a given review is pretty meaningless -- a crude tool for filtering -- and reading the text is where one learns about what might be expected in a session and what the quality of the session might be.  

Likewise, I don't see that there is some inherent problem with a system that allows a higher score to be given to a provider that offers a wider set of options, and actually delivers them, than to some other provider that has a more restricted offering due what they are comfortable with. There is a very large part of TER, probably a large majority, who are more interested in the physical acts than they are with the touvhy-feely, sensuous aspects (and that's coming from a guy that is very much a GFE type monger) so having the additional scoring to allow those providers to be more easily identified makes a lot of business sense.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 60 reads
50 / 59

Your claim is mostly false.

TER, like any self-respecting ranking site, imposes certain rules and guidelines in it's rating system.

You seem to think that reviewers should be able to use whatever rating system they want. Well, you can do that... inside a review. For example I always have Fbsa scores that don't necessarily adhere to TER rankings inside my review. But for actual numerical scores of TER, you play by their rules. This isn't some free-for-all situation.

If you have been on other sites that take reviews seriously they have even stricter rating filtering. IMDB, for example, filters out all one star and ten star reviews from it's compound movie rating. Yelp has special algorithms to hide reviews they find untrustable. Etc etc.

On this platform, all providers are subject to the same rule. You may feel sad that if you don't provide anal you can't get ten in service, but that's for every provider who doesn't provide anal. And again nothing stops a reviewer from writing inside the review that to him your service was a ten. When I got on this platform first I also got confused and almost angry as to why my atf couldn't get a ten. Then I learned about the system and it all made sense.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 58 reads
51 / 59
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 69 reads
52 / 59

to CONFORM to the posted review guidelines.  If you think the guidelines are wrong, go to the "Suggestion and Policy" board and make your pitch to change them.  That's the place to take your case for change.  Question . . .  If it's a critique and not a complaint, why does it still have a "whiney" feel to it.  Lol

Did you not see this in my post above?  I asked you a question about scoring, and you seem to be dodging it.  Why?

"How would YOU feel if a masseuse could receive a 9 for only providing a massage when you provided DFK, BBBJ and CFS to get that same score?"  

Maybe her "overall experience" for the customer would be better than yours, but under the current TER rules, she is limited to a max-score of 7 due to her limited menu of massage only.   Expand your own menu to include anal, a FMF threesome OR a MFM(M)(M) gangbang, and you will probably get plenty of 10's if you convince the customers you are really into it.  BTW, TER has no limitations on scoring for appearance, so the reviewers are welcome to give as many 10's as they want to.  

Just as an aside . . . . I think your attitude towards the staff all but assures you are never going to get a date with any of them.   Lol

impposter 49 Reviews 82 reads
53 / 59

Psychic shmychic. I often post about the X-out-of-Y system in REPLY to other posts complaining about the current TER scoring system. The next time you read a thread complaining about the scoring system you can psychicly -- or psychotically -- predict a post with links to past X-out-of-Y discussions.  
And I've posted the same cartoon several times. It's kind of spot on. "What do I have to do to get a 10?" Provide a top level PERFORMANCE and three or more of: "Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy." (From the Review FAQ.)  You can still get a 6-out-of-10 with a blah performance despite the extras.  
What do you have to do to get a 7-out-of-7? Provide a top performance with just the basics. I have had some FANTASTIC 7-out-of-7s and 8-out-of-8s.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: This looks familiar . . . .
Didn't you post this exact same thing recently, or did I have a psychic vision that it was coming today?  Lol

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 62 reads
54 / 59

I'd see anyone with an average score above 6. I don't believe scores of 10, or I should say I think they are from fanbois more than generally reliable predictors of service.

vigerous 20 Reviews 92 reads
55 / 59

Let me simplify the "buzz words approach to reviews" for the reader. Here's a review that was a */9 for a chick named Dana. It would appear from this that the simplistic idea that all you need to do is use the right buzz words is correct... cuz there ain't much more to this one.  
I wrote a review for 'Bonnie' and gave the girl a 9. I've been around, and she was a 9. I said it was bare ("she sucked on my deflating cum and pussy-juice covered cock"). I said I forgot she was charging ("I was able to momentarily forget it was a service"). I didn't use buzz words because I thought I had entered a world where reviews were actually read, a more sophisticated world... better. I said she was a 9 ("SA 9.0/9.5"). The powers that be disagreed.
"9" review of Dana. All he had to say was bbbj and bbfs. What a joke (not the reviewer, the system):
The extended stay was nothing special but at least the parking was convenient as was the access.
Cute face. GND type. Happy, smiling, playful. Very at ease with what she's doing. Not much English but with the translator app that's no big deal.
What a body. Sometimes Asian girls are frankly too skinny with no ass. She's slim with wonderful small breasts, I'm guessing natural B's. Nice little ass, just the right size for a spinner. Delicious and tight pussy.
Nice kisser, cheerful, almost bubbly, but in a good way. Good bbbj and I chose the upgrade for bbfs.
Would absolutely see her again, and again.

So I'm not getting too worked up about the scores of these reviews. I do care if we are denied bad reviews because the powers that be appear to delete them for the agencies.

vigerous 20 Reviews 49 reads
56 / 59

Dude, for crying out loud, this is exactly my pet peeve when it comes to reviews: changes are made without giving the monger the opportunity to address whatever issues the authorities identified. I can't see how that would add that much time to their day, and may even reduce it or come out even.
Much of this particular discussion would be moot if we got a chance to edit OUR OWN reviews (not that I don't appreciate some of what else they do regarding reviews that is a benefit to us).

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 57 reads
57 / 59

When the review is being edited it is able to be edited, I'm like 95%sure it cannot be read/accessed. So it makes sense you cannot edit it on a whim.

I also am not a fan of them automatically editing the scores down, but what are the alternatives? If the only thing wrong with the review is a grade higher than it's supposed to, especially given they warned that maximum grade without certain service is such and such... I begrudgingly will accept that correction. As long as it's consistent everywhere.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 55 reads
58 / 59

I'll accept that once in a while someone might honestly forget to put some specific act that did occur in the text of the review and so end up with the score they gave being reduced due to that omission. However, I suspect that more times someone is putting their score in without paying attention to the rules or flat out ignoring/disregarding the rules and then will want to add something that never occurred to keep the score they wanted to give.

The solution is not to let a reviewer just go back and edit as they wish. I don't believe most reviewer actually forget, and then don't include in the review text, the key activities needed for the scores. The solution is for every reviewer to be careful in the writing process, reread/proof their draft, and perhaps give a day between writing and reread before submitting the review. If you are, or even the membership collectively is, submitting reviews that require editing so often that this administrative rescoring is a problem then the problem really isn't with TER but reviewer.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 72 reads
59 / 59

that REQUIRES editing, it will not be approved, and the mods will tell you WHY it was not approved.  That is your chance to edit.  The ONLY changes that are made by the mods are to make sure the score reflects the activities described in the narrative.  They never change anything in the narrative, not even grammar or punctuation to the chagrin of many here.  So your claim is completely false.  If you think it through, you will probably understand why the editing period is allowed BEFORE the submission, but not after the approval.  

When you submit the review, you will see a little "pencil" icon on the left of the review on your review list.  As long as that icon is there, you can click on that and edit the review.  The edit period extends from the time the review is submitted until it is approved.  This time period can be as short as overnight, or as long as 72 hours (or more if there is a weekend or holiday).  This is more than fair, in my opinion. Claiming you don't get an opportunity to edit your own review is based on either ignorance or bullshit.  You pick.  

The reason is simple.  If TER allowed unlimited edits, abuse would be rampant. . . . . You get a 9 lowered to an 8, the girl reviewed is pissed off and now you are on her shit list, so you edit to make a false claim that an activity occurred that didn't happen.  Then your review is worthless to anyone else, because only YOU know that facts, and I have admonished you before about selling us "facts" that only YOU know.  The way to avoid these kinds of problems is called "proofreading."  I proofread mine before I submit it, then I open it again while approval is pending with fresh eyes and make sure everything is correct.  Why don't you take advantage of the edit period like this?  

-- Modified on 6/27/2023 8:41:47 AM

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