TER General Board

Bitch as a compliment?
Anneke See my TER Reviews 4954 reads

I just got a private mail calling me a bitch. I really wish I knew how I am so honored and what my new title was for. Sometimes being a bitch is a compliment. Isn't it amazing how brave someone with an alias can be? Own up you spineless twerp. I'm really proud that I've been on TER almost 2 1/2 years and this is the first time I received the title. LOL I must be slippin'.

Sincerely with a GREAT big smile,

SocietalSodomist2289 reads

I read your post just after reading a (humorous) thread on the newbie board describing the converse physiological effects of Crack vs Meth and while listening to a musical jingle on  my Sirius radio saying too call Howard Stern at 1-800-ASSHOLE.

 Pat Robertson, Oprah Winfrey, Bill O'Reily;
           Eat shit & DIE!!!

-- Modified on 2/10/2006 8:09:55 AM

Crack Whore1914 reads

But opium suppositories are better when you travel....

followme2040 reads

Sweet Anneke

It is True we have not yet met
But your _____ I wood love two pet

We must find someone to snitch
on the one who called you a bitch
and I put them in a ditch

Thank You

dey will loin knot two mess wit a JOISEY guy

You always get your say........even if you ARE a bitch.And now, I'm taking my BITCH ass from Naples to the East Coastof Florida where I can be bitchy even more. Bitchdom REIGNS!

Kisses and Licks Everywhere MY Tongue Will Reach,
Your Bitch, Anneke

arch14122448 reads

Anneke, you can be my bitch any damn day you choose..... or better yet, let me be yours....

Mmm, mmm, mmm. Anytime. And YOU would be the sexiest bitch on the planet.



As in the movie Delores Claiborne "Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto"..

Blow it off, obviously the guy is a Moron!

Hugs and Kisses,

In Flagrante Delicto1919 reads

TER isn't the same place it was a few years ago and boorish behavior is becoming much more common and accepted from the "hobbyists."  

I find myself spending much less time here than in the past and find far fewer threads worthy of a response.   Also, I've heard a lot of escorts with similar complaints about the guys that contact them from this site.  If you keep track of such things you'll notice how few women are regular posters anymore.  Like I said... boys locker room.

Bizzaro Superdude2701 reads

that you use super sweet katie- and before her penelope and before her nicole and before her - the incredible (and I think best) Mimi Rogers....

It is interesting that you pick on women who are just starting their career - and are somewhat not "plugged in" Why not go for more mature women who may see you for what you are?

For the record - you did make one good movie - risky business but after that - straight in the toilet....

so pack you bags and go back under the rock you crawled out from under....  

I have to say - Ophra is sure pickin' 'em  The Tom Cruise meltdown, and then the James Frey situation.

Hmmm. I think his taste in women has improved with time. Nicole Kidman?? Ewww. Especially when she wears her hair pulled back and she's as white as a ghost. Talentwise, though, she's probably the best of the bunch. Although I like Mimi Rogers, too.

And how about The Color of Money, The Rainman, and Collateral? Toilet-worthy? I think not.

-- Modified on 2/10/2006 6:19:49 PM

Katie Holmes1829 reads

You are right...I DO taste better than the others!   At least, that's what Tomcat tells me. :)

And don't forget my honey's great roles in "Born on the Fourth of July", "Taps", "Magnolia", "Interview With The Vampire", "The Last Samurai", and a few others.

So many jealous of him...all his fans, his money, his power, and his women.

Bizzaro Superdude1022 reads

Color of Money = Paul Newman
Rainman = Dustin Hoffman
Collateral = Jamie Fox - who can make a dead chicken look good!
Toilet-worthy = Little "send me some soap-on-a-rope" tommie cruise....

First, you don't want to call us gentlemen but you do it from behind an alias.  Classless!  Are you hiding so you can still take our hard earned $$$ and then laugh all the way to the bank?  I sure hope you are not one of the ladies I have seen or hope to see!

In Flagrante Delicto1110 reads

Like many people, I've used a lot of different handles over that time period.  I retired my original alias after several years but have never bothered to re-register a new name on TER, so all of my posts are with an alias.

So what's the point of your objection anyway?  Perhaps you haven't noticed that we all post using an alias, and most guys use more than one.  Classless?  Trying to get your money?  You're delusional.

trustno202765 reads

I guess for some it may be a compliment. But I have to confess.... I simply don't get it.

-- Modified on 2/10/2006 1:26:10 PM

SocietalSodomist1556 reads

" The first lesson in being a true 'bitch' is the ability to recognize a bigger bitch when she meets one"

Albert Schweitzer1674 reads

Maybe he's looking for some freebie cyber...but the tone carries more weight than the actual terminology - ya gotta say it just right, at the right time...

Bizzaro Superdude1618 reads

to call you, but somehow Bitch does not come to mind....    now if we're talkin Barbra Steident, or Hillary (I put up with Bill) clinton.... well - there ya go again....

...I can say without any hesitation that we categorically deny any involvement.

Actually, I wasn't upset at all. But I do agree that TER has changed just in the short time I've been here. And, I wrote quite a lengthy post about that some time back so there is no point in rehasing old stuff again.

I posted about Mr. Alias's PM comment because I wanted it known HOW vulnerable we gals are here. And, without recourse for this type of behavior for the most part aside from the written word. So, post I did. But, I handle most unpleasant events in life with humor. Albeit, black humor sometimes so I was trying to put a positive spin on his bitch comment.

Many thanks to those of you for your kind words. Many thanks for the hilarious cum backs Oops, did I say that? And, thanks for showing that there ARE still some classy people here at TER.

Still smiling and always horny,

Some guys just can't accept an independant, free thinking, intelligengt, sexy, woman who is not afraid to speak her mind, or "strut her stuff".
They are small and just have to "lash" out verbally.

You are better off without him around you.

Keep speaking your mind, we all can use your wisdom, whether, we think so or not.

Just my opinion...

He's seen your pictures, jacked off to them but it's not enough.  He wants to see you, he yearns for you... and would love to make an appointment but...

He's too cheap. His definition of obscenity is a wide open wallet, with more than ten bucks being extruded from it.  

So now he has to let you in some way that you're not good enough for him without telling you why.

Sex brings out the weirdest things in people sometimes.    

I'll probably never know the why. And you know what? I don't care. It goes back to a post I made a while ago. Some men here hate women. Conversely, some women here hate men.  I can't help that. I'm the hugging, kissing, pleasing type. Let's all just get along and stop the battle between the sexes. There was an old saying that I still think is appropriate. Let's make love, not war.


nemdaed1926 reads

Turn it inot a positive...the real meaning of the word bitch is this...Being In Total Control of Herself. Some men just hate that about a lady...keep your chin up, your lipstick shiny and your bank account healthy...

"A bitch is a female dog", and we all know some men are dogs, so does that mean he actually meant to call you "butch?"  Tee-he!


A woman by any other name, would be as sweet, but none as sweet as you Anneke, my dear.

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