TER General Board

Be honest.regular_smile
Out of the spotlight 1146 reads

Who you see and why you see them is none of her business. Politely tell her such and continue with the session.

-- Modified on 3/4/2006 10:06:25 AM

AnyOneNormalAnymore2225 reads

Sometimes when seeing a few providers they will ask over and over again how come you stopped seeing provider Y ? My question is why do you have to ask, why not just focus on session ? I have my reasons and somethings are better kept quiet and not discussed.

-- Modified on 3/4/2006 9:11:36 AM

Out of the spotlight1147 reads

Who you see and why you see them is none of her business. Politely tell her such and continue with the session.

-- Modified on 3/4/2006 10:06:25 AM

Just say why do you care?  Then don't answer.

letschuck2200 reads

i keep my mouth shut and only nod during sessions.

Bush might be listening

historian051114 reads

i guess it might be a problem if you think they are friends or something. I don't think I'd have any problem giving this info to them if it'll help them out.  I wouldn't want to hurt the person who I stopped seeing though in case they were communicating.  Many of these young girls I think are interested in knowing what makes guys tick, probably to improve their skills and dealings with guys.  In return I like to ask them questions like "why and how did you start doing this?, Do your parents know about this?  Don't you worry about coming to mens hotel rooms by yourself (especially in the big city).  Ever do any unusual fetishes?  Of the things I tried on you, which did you like the best."  It's a learning experience for both of us.  It depends on the person how far this can go, sort of see how they react.

just say they didn't have Greek, CIM, rimming on the menu, they may just add those things

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