TER General Board

ARRRRGGGGH! Help Me Out Here Before I Lose My Damn Mind!sad_smile
RedheadedTigress See my TER Reviews 4665 reads

Turns out a lot of you are having problems with my website. Could someone do me a favour and *specifically* tell me what they are seeing? Even better, could someone email me a screenshot? I use Dreamweaver, and preview in Mozilla and IE. Is there some app that can preview a site from many browsers, resolutions or screen sizes? You'd figure that IE and Mozilla would cover the vast majority, but apparently not.

I've seen my site on different client's laptops. It looked fine. I get emails all the time from people liking the way the site is designed. So I honestly do not know what the hell it is I'm supposed to be fixing!

Obviously I want it to look good, so please help me out here, K? Thanks!

A webpage designer could easily set you up with a simpler site. To make you feel better, look at the site linked below. Some think it's confusing, altho, like you she's a popular provider. Your site is not you, so don't take it personally.

Thank you Hardwood. Just to clarify, I'm not worried about the style or feel of the site as much as any technical issues people are having, like text overlapping, or things getting cut off.BTW, that's an awesome photo she's got...looks like Burning Man.

Lobotomy Candidate2072 reads

Okay, to be totally honest... I can't even figure out how to get into your site. When I clicked on the link in your thread I got one page with Sophia Loren quote at the bottom.

I was assuming there was going tobe an accept or decline option someplace on that page, but there wasn't. There's a TER logo/link and a also a link to another site at the top top that is broken. I'm using IE, don't have any other browser loaded.

-- Modified on 11/8/2005 7:16:34 PM

Good call...that top left banner for Independent escorts has dies - guess independentescorts.com crashed and burned. I'll have to trash it. I don't have an accept, decline option on my site, but rather a text link; "Intriqued? Like to know more? Click here" to get in.

it is too cluttered and the background makes everything hard to read

you have your name, phone and email going across the page

I would have it going down

the words blog, erotica, very cool stuff is outside the cream box. It looks very busy and is hard on the eyes

since you already have your links bookings, donations, sessions going across the page, I would add the other links in the same fashion on a different line for consistancy

I like the color of your front page more than the olive green. The dark green and black print is hard on the eyes.  Cream font is better with the olive if you stay with the olive background.
Try to be consistant with pages ...your silly faces was done in black.

I do like your website and you seem to be a really interesting person. I also adore star wars geeks and love the 1950's face

"you have your name, phone and email going across the page

I would have it going down

That's where it gets problematic, because that was the way I had it before, but then I had overlapping text in Mozilla and weird spacing in IE. That's easier to control with the horizontal structure, which is why I switched it, but what I *may* have to do is break down that page altogether rather than trying to hack it in two browsers.

Where are you seeing an olive green background? For me, it's the same colour for the front page and the rest of the main pages, though the silly faces is in black. I may have to go to strictly websafe colours if that's wonking out.

This is really helpful stuff, and I thank you for taking the time to poke around and give me feedback.

Things look much better now on the title page. Think you needed to clear up some overlapping frames. If you make a change, let me know and I will e-mail a screen shot.

Your machine that does the previewing might need some patches to the browser or use Microsoft FrontPage - it reveals all....

Thanks! Optimizing for both Mozilla and IE is a bitch because the spacing between objects and blocks of text changes considerably; ie; things that are spaced perfectly in Mozilla are way too far apart in IE; and conversely, great spacing in IE means overlap in Mozilla.

Have you used Browser Cam? Check out how many possible browsers you could try and design for. Madness my friend, madness...

I just found it, and I might go for the 24 hour eval and build for most recent IE, Mozilla, and Opera versions.

-- Modified on 11/8/2005 7:35:52 PM

WebTerrorist2547 reads

Ok, I looked at the page and the code...she isn't using frames...

If I might be so bold as to suggest perhaps you use tables? A lot of people don't like them, but you can specify exact widths and palcement, and tweek the text in CSS an be set...just a though...pure CSS would work too.

If you wouldn't be offended I could paly with it a bit, and see what I can up with?

I'm thinking, looking at all the comments here, that I may have to do a whole redesign, rather than trying to jury-rig between Mozilla and IE. If I use tables, how will that affect the spacing jumps between IE and Mozilla? I think that's my main problem; will it force a given Dreamweaver layer into a fixed location in both? Or are layers out with tables?

If it will, that very well could save the day; think I'm going to hit the Quickstart Guides tonight. Thank you for checking it out for me...it really helps.

Let me try working on it tomorrow, and if I'm still going bonkers, I might take you up on your offer...

Kewl...thanks, that's encouraging...think I'll still do a bit of an overhaul because I have a bunch of stuff I want to change anyways.

stpenn2561 reads

If you download Opera (now free) and Firefox (always free), then you can preview your web site as you develop it in those browsers.  Stay away from ActiveX controls (won't work in Firefox) and JavaScript that only works in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Thanks! I think I will add Opera. I've got IE and run Firefox as my main browser; Dreamweaver previews in both. With these three, I should really have 99% of potential browsers covered.

There did not seem to be any issues when i went through it. I run apple's Safari so I'm not sure how that effects what I would see.

You sound like a lot of fun.

Everything looks much better today. I like Dreamweaver but prefer Frontpage. It lets me imbed all kinds of stuff. Plus once I upload them, everything looks great.
Let me know if I may help. Cya....

I get a good feel for who you are, what you're like.  It's not vanilla.  Now, plenty of people are not going to like the style, but that's just the price of not being vanilla.  It's definitely not "slick" but it does seem like something a self-professed geek would publish.  

And, oh yeah, the girl on this site would be a lot of fun....

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