TER General Board

Anyone else juggling 2 or more ATF's plus civie guys?
NYC Indie 2981 reads

Have several civie guys aggressively pursuing me, plus a few clients, who are all fabulous.  The civies don't know I do this, but haven't slept with them either, and won't for a while, til we're more serious.  And perfectly fine knowing they might likely be with others, and hope they are!

So much to juggle.....  Two clients swear we're meant for each other, as does another civie...  Feel like a master juggler keeping all in balance!!!  Still love my freedom, and none seems, so far, to be the certain One -- though could be possible -- just not in a hurry!!  Life is fab as is!  Variety, excitement, and many attractive, casual lovers!

Mephistopheles_mentor3144 reads

I'm happy to hear your life(and ego)is so full of prosperity, affection, variety and choice. Be mindful however that my former business partner gets a real mad-on for anyone or thing that shows him a "prideful face".
He banished me to Magma Land and he'll screw you over too if he thinks you're having too much fun in life. I'd throw him a bone by saying a couple of corny-ass prayers and offering up some lame-shit contrition for any-o'l venal sin in an attempt to feign humility.


I'm on the other side of the fence.  That is why I'm up late typing answers on the discussion board.  My atf is very popular and has numerous clients and civilians after her.  I think I am one of 10 at my last count.  She tells me that I am special, but I'm sure she tells that to several people.  I am glad you are having fun as no doubt my atf is as well.  It was good getting a peek at how she sees them/me.  A nice wake up and smell the coffee moment.  Thanks.

NYC Indie2325 reads

she wouldn't continue to see you....  Regulars often get discounted rates, usually via more time after a while, and she could be with others for full-price and enjoy the thrills that come with meeting new acquaintances!

Trust me, she likes you!!, and finds you kind, interesting, sexy, funny, or any combination of these/ other qualities!  Some women are just happier having variety and new adventure in their lives!

Gee!  Thanks for the morale boost.  Certainly needed it.  I still can't easily find the specialness of my relationship with my atf sometimes.  She does see me a lot, often for free, but she is a fantastic party girl and I think she likes me a lot but she is also juggling a lot of other guys.  Anyway, thanks for the kind words.  I'll be sure to look you up if I ever get to NYC.  Have a good day and I hope there is someone special in your life, too....

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