TER General Board

Another OT rant on another "User-unfriendly" conundrum
FreedomRider225 3624 reads

Being that I have overcome my initial computer illiteracy along with the trepidation of conducting business on these instruments I have joined the ranks of the multitudes that regularly pay their various bills over this medium. Would someone PLEASE tell the web-masters/designers and general I.T. geniuses that folks over 40 years old don't enjoy figuring out a new home page format/layout and protocols with each and every visit to their site. I WANT FAMILIARITY!!! I want to be able to "log on", "pay bill", "print page" and "log off" without need for my reading glasses, a first cup of morning coffee OR a glossary of recently accepted computer/internet terminologies. If the idea behind paying bills “on-line” is convenience and/or speed it is contradicted by having to re-learn the procedure every friggen month.

 OK; back to Satyriasis and Nymphomania


...love of the familiar and a dislike of change... Keep talking like that and you'll be labeled a...[gasp!] conservative! In some circles that would be grounds for having your mansion burned to the ground.

[Edited for my dear friends who didn't get the initial *joke*]

-- Modified on 11/28/2005 1:26:04 PM

Bizzaro Superdude2064 reads

Actually while I vote conservative neither the D's nor the R's satisfy my political needs - neither is the party of rational thought!  but then again - look who is talking - a grown up man hiding behind a stupid alias - and he is responding to another grown man hiding behind another stoopud alias.......  

how odd.

I had my name legally changed to Alexander (Lex) Luethor months ago, so now it's my stupid real name, not a stupid alias.

It's actually been great for two reasons:

1) Even with the spelling variation, it's a great conversation starter whenever I have to show ID.

2) My family can't find me.

Where's the nymphomania part of your discussion/post? I was so looking forward to hearing about that topic Wink! Okay all you Laconics, pay attention, the less words the better. Tee-he!  Sorry, couldn't help myself.


If I could get a break from these unrelenting bills so "conveniently?" payable on-line I'd hop a plane and demonstrate to you the full extent of my “Satyriasis”.

but she got a prescription for a cream and it cleared right up.

Wedding cake perhaps?

 Percussionist; a "rimshot" please


I'd have to guess it was a drop of mojo.

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