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And they harassconfused_smile
CelticLass 9442 reads

consenting adults for exchanging money for companionship~!!!!

I don't know who is more twisted, this guy or the people who are donating to his cause.....freaks.

-- Modified on 4/13/2005 8:14:21 PM

weeks ago, the total funds raised has not changed since then, I suspect the creator set his counter to start at the amount shown, doubt he has realy raised that much in donations.

who said he thought he could make money by sending a mass mailing that had a simple request:  "please send me $1.00"  (This was 30 years ago, so maybe make it $10 now).  As long as there was no implied benefit to the sender (YOu will have good luck, for example), he said there was no mail fraud involved.  He figured there would be enough silly people out there who would send money.

I wonder if the whole thing is a joke or if he really has collected $24,000

Not sure if it's the sheer balderdash of it, or the fact that it may be working (although this is the web, so who the hell knows), or the fact that it's just so damn funny and twisted, but I regret to inform you that this is the final sign that the End Is At Hand.

-- Modified on 4/13/2005 10:17:07 PM

CelticLass3823 reads

I got the link from my sister, who saw it on the news in Vegas. Strange...very strange indeed.

Did a google on it and it is shown to be fake. When the site first went up in February, there was a disclaimer stating it was a joke. Really well done, though.

junior4572788 reads

Anyone remember Larry the Lobster from Saturday Night Live.

If memory serves me right I think it was Eddie Murphy who had a lobster and unless so many people called he was going to cook it at the end of the show. They were leaving it up to a vote of callers if they set him free or cooked him.

It was during the good days of SNL.

Anyway I'm sure it's true........I may have boil my kids goldfish unless a provider decides to "donate" an hour or two of their time........any takers? (can't blame a guy for trying!)

SexyCurvesDC2190 reads

Would give this numbskull money... and I am an animal lover. Now I'd happily swoop in, smack this guy upside the head, and perform a little bunny snatching. But let him blackmail me? What a scumbag!!!!

Hugs to you though Lass, hope you're doing well :)


... About 30-odd years ago, National Lampoon Magazine ran a cover with a photo of an adorable mutt looking sideways at a hand that held a gun to his head.  The cover line was: "BUY THIS MAGAZINE OR WE'LL SHOOT THE DOG."  It was a joke, and everybody knew it and laughed.
The difference is that I think maybe people are sending this guy money because they actually believe he'll kill the bunny.  Nobody who bought the magazine thought the editors were really going to shoot the dog.

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