TER General Board

And Best Actress Oscar® goes to....[drum roll]
newguyloveit 3003 reads
1 / 24

Well, I just had my first week of time with a few different ladies and I am in love! But, I have to ask,,,,(especially the ladies)

When a girl says things like
"wow we have a real connection".
"your a real special guy"
"we are going to have to be friends not just business"

Is saying these things just part of the act of GFE or is it possible they mean it? The weird thing is I feel like a guy waiting by the phone for a date which is good and bad. Good because i have not had this for over 20 years. Bad, because i kinda figure it was part of the performance. I could deal with the truth no matter which it is.

Ladies, can you give me your insight?

juneBUGs 718 reads
2 / 24

we really should have TER Awards®.

Sorry newguyloveit...

Nevertheless, ENJOY IT!

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 4:01:22 PM

White_Shadow 10 Reviews 394 reads
3 / 24

.... maybe you are

td-2 784 reads
4 / 24

Oh my god do not go there

Check out page 2 look for post -

Want an opinion on a situation? --- td-2

shadeelady 410 reads
5 / 24

I'm sure you are special, but if you weren't giving her any money do you think you would be?

Sorry to be so blunt and honest but I'm giving a newbie good advice.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 392 reads
6 / 24

on a 1st encounter... I doubt it.  While I've had my fair share of "connections" I recognize that we met cause of this hobby... and while HOW we met is no biggie to me... to ladies it is a lot....  Think about it... cause it sure ain't pretty woman- is it.

That does not mean that she did not enjoy your company... she probably did.  Many of the women in this hobby that I have met have made me fell "special..." IF by that - I was nice, interesting and was not too weird... ok so maybe I am Green... but that is a part of my "Speicalness"  

Sit back, if you enjoyed the time.... make her your ATF...   see where it goes... you will quick enough find out if you (or your money) is special... just seems to work that way...  good luck....  the answer will come naturally.

little phil 37 Reviews 566 reads
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The trick is...what do you do with it?

I've had a lady tell me that I was special (a few actually, so it MUST be true, hahaha) and even have gone as far as seeing me off the clock, inviting me into their homes, and giving me greatly discounted rates.  They've cancelled other appointments to see me.  I've heard "special" and even the "L" word a few times.

All of the ladies that I've been with know my personal story, and suffice it to say that I'm not available for a long-term relationship.  Realistically, neither are they.  We remain friends, and enjoy our time together.  And then they see another client, and I see another provider.  It's all good.

xc222ea 47 Reviews 392 reads
8 / 24

I really don't see this as much different. We like each other. We chat mostly about things going on in her life. We've become friends of sorts. But it's clearly a professional relationship. I pay her and she provides a wonderful service.

Of course, she doesn't go out of her way to flatter me. We just like each other. The excessive flattery from some of the folks you have met is probably a bit manipulative. After all, you are potentially worth a great deal of money.

KariPleases See my TER Reviews 770 reads
9 / 24

Did you hear all the above from one person or from several different ladies?  If it is the former, than I would think she meant it.  If you heard it from several ladies, while you probably are a great guy, it probably wasn't meant in the way you took it.  I am sure there are ladies out there who put on an act, but I haven't found one who doesn't mean what she says.  I have made some great friends in the hobby and I have to say, it makes my job MUCH more enjoyable when there is a connection.

My advice - stop thinking and enjoy the ride!


balathazar 1 Reviews 442 reads
10 / 24

She is saying these things to get you to come back to her. This is her business and to create a better business you need repeat customers. She is doing what she needs to do in order to get that repeat business. Plain and simple.

In any aspect of life I just find it impossible for 2 people to "fall in love" only knowing each other a few hours. Personally I don't think love exists, but for those of you that do, do you really think that 2-6 one hour appointments with a provider (known each other for a total of 2-6 hours) is enough time for both people to fall in love with each other?

She is smart and wants you to feel special with her so you will spend more time (money) with her.


Sinja 10 Reviews 861 reads
11 / 24

....with what Karizza said: "Enjoy the ride"!  

To everyone reading this who is "older and wiser" I say that you are having the last laugh amidst all the cynicism and that if you can enjoy a session with a lady THAT much then you BETTER keep enjoying it and not worry too much about it.

I would be cautious only to the level of keeping it on a professional basis, unless for some reason "we are going to have to be friends not just business" is really happening, but I think THAT part is very unlikely.

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 5:59:27 PM

wormwood 17 Reviews 551 reads
13 / 24

And you'll be fine. Think with the big head as much as possible.

DC. 51 Reviews 763 reads
14 / 24

It's the last verse that ties it all together. :-)

I've seen the bright lights of Memphis
And the Commodore Hotel
And underneath a street lamp, I met a southern belle
Oh she took me to the river, where she cast her spell
And in that southern moonlight, she sang this song so well

If youll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

We made all the hotspots, my money flowed like wine
Then the low-down southern whiskey, yea, began to fog my mind
And i dont remember church bells, or the money I put down
On the white picket fence and boardwalk
On the house at the end of town
Oh but boy do i remember the strain of her refrain
And the nights we spent together
And the way she called my name

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland

Many years since she ran away
Yes that guitar player sure could play
She always liked to sing along
She always handy with a song
But then one night at the lobby of the Commodore Hotel
I chanced to meet a bartender who said he knew her well
And as he handed me a drink he began to hum a song
And ALL THE BOYS there, at the bar, began to sing along

If you'll be my Dixie chicken I'll be your Tenessee lamb
And we can walk together down in Dixieland
Down in Dixieland, Down in Dixieland

Little Feat

-- Modified on 2/19/2008 7:19:55 PM

OhmygodwhathaveIdone 791 reads
15 / 24

I sought great gfe's and came away confused and head spinning from the first couple.  The answer for me was seeing many quickly, helped me keep my head on straight.

I however eventually fell in love, seemingly mutually- and crossed the line with a provider- though warned by a couple of hobby friends that I may find that she like many can turn it on and off at will.

Well, two months later, found that although she did have feelings for me, she also had a boyfriend.  There was some vascillating back and forth by her, but guess who is out for the count and hurting!

Be careful and remember what you entered the hobby for- no strings attached sex.  If you are married, be particularly honest with yourself on what would happen if you did become involved- would you actually end the marriage and follow through or back out?  Sometimes thinking it through to the conclusion helps.  Wish I had!

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 462 reads
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Well I am a human being, not a robot..so yes I do have certain connections with certain people.  some clients I just really get along with, and am totally comfortable to be me around them.  I am always myself, meaning I dont put on a fake show with my clients, but there are some clients who I can REALLY be myself with.

 Now I wouldnt say a guy is special..at least not on the 1st "date". That would take getting to know him better..but I guess we are all special in our own way right? :)

 I have became friends with 1 or 2 clients, but once we aere friends..we are real friends..and the client/provider relationship ended.

 Some girls totally BS, some girls are honest.  Me I dont BS..I am real..and I treat my clients like real people. Theres ways to make people feel good without blowing smoke up their a$$.

 Kisses, Sidney Starr

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 269 reads
18 / 24

and thank you for better stating it.  I know that the women who have told me that they really enjoy my company mean it... and I mean it when I tell them likewise... I often wish I had the time and money to run off with a few of the ladies and just not worry about the world!  alas - I have neither.  so for the time that I can manage to get with them, I DO enjoy the relation we have.  and it is not a lie.

bubblesbubbles 383 reads
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Took me a few overnights with a couple of atf's before they said I was "special". Could be the business or the intimacies shared, but who cares. I'm just enjoying the experience and that is what this hobby is all about.

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 157 reads
20 / 24

you were a nice guy and they want you to keep coming back.. it doesnt matter what she thinks.. It matters what YOU think..

If there was a connection or chemistry.. You wouldnt have to be  questioning it here-

Only YOU would know if there is a connection or chemistry

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 693 reads
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ppe_chi 9 Reviews 325 reads
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Actions speak louder than words. When she calls you up and you hang out without a fee, that's when you can believe it.

But it is a rush to be complimented - does a lot for your confidence, doesn't it? It's all about making you feel good about yourself and your time spent together... but it's naive to think it's much more than that.

newguyloveit 196 reads
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Everyone, thank you for the great responses. One things for sure, a couple of these ladies truly are special.
Special new guy

SexyMadelineShaw 219 reads
24 / 24

Don't do it, Don't do it, DO NOT DO IT.
There is NO way for this to work for anyone.
Even if what she said was true and it probably was.
Still your a nice guy she is a nice girl.
bla bla blah leave it on the door mat dry your nuts off and go home.

If you want to see her again.
Just remember.  Your not the first and you won't be the last unless you both have more love in your hearts and the character of 10 jedi's.

It's just to darn hard.
I know.

This is a HOBBY.
You can visit DisneyLand but you cannot MOVE IN!!


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