TER General Board

An interesting question, but I would say no
Fcuks2Mcuh 1292 reads
1 / 51

I think that this hobby can create an addiction to sex.  Beautiful, accessible women available for sure-thing sex almost any time.  The cost is the only thing that keeps it under control.

Do you think you're an addict and if cost were not the issue then you'd be seeing providers all the time?

GaGambler 416 reads
2 / 51

and yes I do see providers all the time. What's your point??? rofl

What's wrong with enjoying
"Beautiful, accessible women available for sure-thing sex almost any time"? Surely you are not trying to imply that living like a rock star is a bad thing, Are you???

I understand the situation. I just fail to see the problem. lol

Fcuks2Mcuh 255 reads
3 / 51

Addiction is not healthy but sex is!  As long as the addiction to providers doesn't hurt others then I don't see a problem.

It's the out-of-control spending that potentially can hurt others in a hobbyist's life that can cause problems.

Just starting a discussion and taking a poll, that's all.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 340 reads
4 / 51

The National Council on Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity has defined sexual addiction as:

“engaging in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behavior acted out despite increasing negative consequences to self and others.” In other words, a sex addict will continue to engage in certain sexual behaviors despite facing potential health risks, financial problems, shattered relationships or even arrest."

Thus, a person who compulsively engages in sexual activity that poses a risk to his marriage, poses a risk of arrest, or entails potential health risks is a sex addict. The fact that he can afford the habit (just as a rock star can afford heroin) doesn't change the other potential negative consequences.

Addictions are seldom net-positives for the addict.

GaGambler 261 reads
5 / 51

I am not married, I have never been arrested, and if I ever were it would only be an inconvenience, and I have never contracted an STD.

I guess I don't fit the definition, and I can't think of a single "negative consequences to self and others" Woo hoo, I can now go out and fuck to my hearts content. rofl Of course I was going to anyhow. lol

GaGambler 328 reads
6 / 51

out of control spending is just one of them.

I was just speaking for myself. I enjoy the hobby. It has become, while not my only hobby, by far my favorite one. lol

GaGambler 347 reads
8 / 51

I once saw forty different women over a ten day span. I don't think I ever want to do that again. lol

mrfisher 108 Reviews 247 reads
9 / 51

The difference between a hobby and an addiction is that you can afford the hobby.

Well, I know I need to cut back on the hobby owing to financial circumstances.

I'll know soon whether or not I have a hobby or an addiction.

As addictions go, however, it's a pretty fun one to have.

thebellasecret 228 reads
12 / 51

I love sex. Allot of times before i was a provider i couldnt have it enough . And now that i provide i want it even more!

FROOMIE 184 Reviews 141 reads
13 / 51

Absolutely.  I'm sure I'm a sex addict.  The amount of time and money spent on the "hobby" is enormous.  Not that I'm suffering financially, but the tens of thousands of dollars spend on sex providers over the years could have been wisely invested instead.  I peruse the websites on a daily basis.  I did attend a SA meeting a while back.  Everyone's predilections are different -- I don't engage in any lewd or harmful behavior, have never done anything as dangerous as some individuals I heard from -- but I can't deny the fact I do have an addiction.  

If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'm sure I'd blow a lot of money on hi-end providers I can't afford.

GaGambler 133 reads
14 / 51
HDDOC96 13 Reviews 178 reads
15 / 51

To many our behavior on TER is considered high risk.  Aren't we all paying for sex?  Don't we take a certain degree of risk both physical and with LE when we engage in these activities.  According to definition given above i guess a lot of are SA.  I personally won't worry till it causes another person problems or I knock over a liquor store to pay for my next appointment.  Being single helps; and I'm pretty sure I was addicted as soon as i discovered my right hand and penis.  TER has only improved the quality of my addiction.

tattooed_asian See my TER Reviews 226 reads
16 / 51

It was about a man and a woman, who do not know each other.  

I remember they both talked about getting a "high" from sex, seeking more sex, and engaging in any/all available sex behaviors with any/all available sex partners.

It actually seemed really tragic and... not much fun.  They truly were slaves to their compulsions.

But... there are definitely tons of pervs here on TER, including me!

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 151 reads
17 / 51

I used less than half of my allocated hobby budget in 2009.

Largely, this was due to the fact that my ability to schedule changed in Feb, so that I couldn't schedule the longer sessions I generally prefer -- and had to have shorter sessions. In early September, I stopped being able to book on weekends -- which especially affected my ability to see some of the more expensive non-local providers.

So for 2010, I'll just use the remainder of what's left of the 2009 budget; which should be more than sufficient unless my scheduling issues ease up.

Admittedly, over 2009 I ended up having 4 more total sessions than I had planned -- but they were well-motivated.

I really don't book the women I see for just the sex -- though that's an important part of it. I book them because I find them to be interesting and worthwhile people. If this latter element were missing, I wouldn't see them. I'd see someone else I found interesting.

So, no, I don't see myself as a sex addict; especially as I often go a couple of months without sex even though I have the funds and plenty of providers are available.

Greg_H 7 Reviews 153 reads
18 / 51

I've never paid for sex in my life. I pay for companionship.

GaGambler 184 reads
19 / 51

I actually went three days without sex once this year. Three days in a row no less. roflmfao

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 177 reads
20 / 51

The definition above is just for reference; and it should be understood that it comes from the perspective of people who would find the behavior of paying for sex at all to be deviant. Such definitions, IMO, tend to serve the interests of overdiagnosis of ailments; though I won't deny that sexual addiction exists.

We can contrast this with civie sex.

What are the odds of getting an STD with a lady you pick up in a bar? Are they zero? Oops -- then it is "risky" and therefore meets the definition.

Anyone ever heard of guys who had done nothing wrong getting slapped with restraining orders? That risk always exists in the civie world.

Then, of course, there is the civie lady who deliberately gets pregnant in order to grab a share of your income. Ouch!  What a financial hurt. That risk exists too.

In fact, there is NO risk within the P4P hobby that doesn't exist to at least some degree in civie sex.

In fact, ALL sex carries these risks to some degree.

So, personally, I think the definition is garbage and needs to be re-worked.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 161 reads
21 / 51
upncummin52 28 Reviews 142 reads
22 / 51

but not to the point where I'll be knocking off gas stations any time soon to pay for it!
The cost is the limiting factor for me.  I've been thinking about following GaG's car around for a while and grabbing what flies out of the windows and exhaust pipes!  LOL

takingmytime 72 Reviews 175 reads
23 / 51

Addicted to sex itself, NOPE!  Addicted to the idea that I can have sex with as many different woman as I want and not be judged YES!

I love the idea of being able to have as many ladies as I want to and be able to go back to those I really enjoy without them looking at me as socially wierd or unacceptable behavior.

Whos next, back to my have done...to do and wanna do again and again list! :-)

Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 196 reads
24 / 51

This question is very timely. VH-1 just finished it's Celebrity Sex Addict's show with Dr. Drew. The participants spent 3 weeks in detox rehab for sex addiction. In the end they all realized that they had just scraped the surface and that much more therapy is needed. It was another high drama silly reality show but I got sucked in and watched all 7 or so episodes. It was very sad to see how the participants lives were falling apart. Most of them had other addictions that they were either in recovery for or had recovered from.
I think that it is clear that you can enjoy certain taboos in life with out being an addict. We can drink alcohol and eat chocolate cake and this does not make us an alcoholic or binge eater. We can also enjoy the many aspects of human touch and connection with out being a sex addict. One clue if you really are concerned that you may be addicted to sex is this; Do you find that it is becoming less satisfying over time and that you are needing to amp it up each time to try and get the same satisfaction? It is the same "chasing the dragon" that is refereed to in the drug culture. Let's say that straight sex with one girl used to bring you joy but then one at a time wasn't any fun so you went to two and then that got boring so you brought in a guy to the mix but that only held you over for a short time before you had to bring in some bondage, then violence, then pain. After a while you had an entire barnyard circus act trying to please you and you still went out looking for more. This is what an addict goes through. He is never happy with the sex that he is getting. He is always looking forward to find a way to make it more stimulating.  It is a very sad way to live.

HDDOC96 13 Reviews 144 reads
25 / 51
OSP 26 Reviews 174 reads
26 / 51

coupled with a lack of females within my workplace,leaves me void of contact with women.

My trysts help me to satisfy that need in my life. I guess i should be referring to my recent past as opposed to the present. With a full-time s/o now that void is more than filled.

Money is always an issue regardless of it's avail. Frugality is a nasty habit of mine. I prioritize my spending. Not much for frivolities i can add. Human contact is in no form or fashion, a frivolity.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 139 reads
27 / 51

Since you still have half your 2009 budget, and mine is running over by about 50%, why not send me the half you haven't used, and I'll send you half of mine some day if I only use half.

That's a win/win.

(If you like that idea, there a bridge down in New York City that belongs to the estate of a Mr. Brooklyn that you might be interested in.)


GaGambler 186 reads
28 / 51

I can find plenty of "companionship" for free. I pay for sex with hott women, and I don't care about the disclaimer. lol

I also pay for the right to ask them to leave without any hurt feelings.

Loves2Dine 18 Reviews 176 reads
29 / 51

sex is life-enhancing, at least in my case.  The year has been a great reminder of how much I missed a good sex life.  I don't see it as sport as GTM likes to put it.  But I do believe that when you find a good fit, it multiplies the rest of the joys in your life.  It's absence leaves some voids.

I personally think you have sex addiction (or not) going in.  I think the hobby can just make us all lazy about it.  It can be too easy a solution and I do have some concern over young guys getting into it.

But then I have been cooped up for a few days and over-thinking again.  LOL

Greg_H 7 Reviews 156 reads
30 / 51
mattradd 40 Reviews 125 reads
32 / 51

I don't experience any diminishing turns regarding pleasure, it does not effect my relationships, and the money I spend does not effect my ability to live up to my financial obligations.

MSON123 44 Reviews 158 reads
33 / 51

Sex is good and a primal instinct! If I could have unlimited ladies it would be fun for a while but then like anything you will get board. Kind of like masturbation its good but you do not do it every 5 minutes. Actually the hobby has slowed my desire for sex. Now I only want an erotic adventure not a quicky. It is far more fun to plan and experience an adventure than to just have sex because you can. So no not an addict.

JustAGal See my TER Reviews 138 reads
34 / 51

Find your own real estate to sell!



Tucker Max 138 reads
35 / 51

And the known only cure is to indulge in it more often.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 196 reads
36 / 51

I am NOT addicted to it..like I need an intervention, and someone to talk too LOL. But I LOVE it, its awesome, it feels great and its FUN!!!! I am sooooo glad to be able to do it, and GOD thank the LORD for it! I love enjoying things and having fun!

Shopping, movies, concerts laughing with girlfriends and having sex! Yeah baby..life is good!

This business is pretty cool in my eyes. I have alot of fun with it, and I love seeing regulars and meeting new people. I love it when I have some people that are really cool and I can just kick back with and laugh with and act silly with and its all still erotic.

One of my wishes for 2010!!! Have more sex!!!!!

Happy Holidays, Sidney Starr

LuxuryTaste 23 Reviews 182 reads
37 / 51

I do not think I am an addict.. I see couple of ladies a month regardless of cost.

a9b8c7 108 reads
38 / 51
Little Phil 122 reads
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I've been in that car, and he can be tough to keep up with.

GaGambler 128 reads
40 / 51

besides I throw very little out of my windows. I just put the top down, who needs windows? lol

Little Phil 151 reads
41 / 51

Oh wait, that rule only applies when I'm sleeping.  Next time we drive with the top down, could you please check the weather forecast.  You didn't drive soooo fast that the rain didn't come in.

GaGambler 117 reads
42 / 51

or that we don't drink enough? lol

Or should we wait until I am sleeping as well? rofl

MP67 11 Reviews 132 reads
43 / 51

Though, I do write this from my tent that my mom let me put up in the backyard because she won't let my dogs in her house.

Missed a house payment or two. And it's fucking cold out here!!!

MP67 11 Reviews 119 reads
44 / 51

Would you rather go any other way?!!! ;)

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 181 reads
46 / 51

Just an altered line from an old song.  I disagree that the hobby can create an addiction to sex.  The seeds for that are there way before that.  When I was a teenager, I read about guys that became workaholics.  Those that were happily married, or took time out to play had a tendency to continue succeeding, those that didn't, tended to burn out, or had life blow up in various different ways.  At the time, I thought that abandoning sexual pleasures was incomprehensible...and I am happy to say nearing 50...I was right!    

Me, I long ago decided I would let myself go after I turned 45, and do the things I wanted, within the parameters of maintaining my investment and professional goals.  This requires a balancing act, but so far, so good!

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 101 reads
48 / 51

Because if my schedule constraints clear up; it will come in VERY HANDY. LOL

BewareOfTrickyDick 166 reads
50 / 51

my forearm is too tired...

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