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All breasts are good...regular_smile
MasterZen 33 Reviews 89 reads

but much more than a handful doesn't flip my switch. A nice, full B- or C-cup gets the job done quite well. Now, I'll never complain if I'm with a more gifted woman (I'll never complain about boobs at all, really), but if you ask for preference...

I am wealthy. I don't "prefer" small breasts. Actually, I'm not a breast man at all. Don't get me wrong, I like boobs fine. I'm just more into asses and legs.

a nice full C-cup.  I half-agree.  For me, the most attractive aspect of a women is her legs.  I love a pair of long, lean legs that extend all the way to the floor.  Lol

I'm a face guy. I love beautiful faces, beautiful eyes, sexy lips, ...  
I also differ from you regarding legs. When I see a nice set of gams, I follow them UP to make sure they extend all the way to a beautiful ass.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: That's me, too.  I prefer . . . .
a nice full C-cup.  I half-agree.  For me, the most attractive aspect of a women is her legs.  I love a pair of long, lean legs that extend all the way to the floor.  Lol

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: That's me, too.  I prefer . . . .  
 a nice full C-cup.  I half-agree.  For me, the most attractive aspect of a women is her legs.  I love a pair of long, lean legs that extend all the way to the floor.  Lol
What's so special about legs?  I have legs.  And an ass.  I'm into body parts I don't have, like breasts and a pussy.

I agree. Long, athletic legs, and the taller the better (I'm 6'4"). As to her tits, the size is less important than the feel. I'd prefer not to feel hard implants and/or see visible scars, but I don't care if they're Bs, Cs or Ds.

Black--Panther89 reads

LOL, I think most legs extend to the floor, even for midgets. :)

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: That's me, too.  I prefer . . . .
a nice full C-cup.  I half-agree.  For me, the most attractive aspect of a women is her legs.  I love a pair of long, lean legs that extend all the way to the floor.  Lol

How did they define wealthy? My net worth is 8 figures but I don't consider myself anything more than "comfortable" even though I might be considered " wealthy" by the low standards of the Midwest.

Psychology is the "science" that makes astrology look respectable.

Big Boobs Forever!

there is a reason i selected NeverTooLarge as my screen handle !!   perhaps though if i preferred smaller breasts i would be richer today !  large breasted women are expensive .......... like my wife !  :)   LOL  

Rich guys cheat more. we've got the money to throw around and we don't give a fuck. Rich guys can drop 1k on a quick 1 hr hooker and not look back. Guys with dinero know what it's like to walk into a room and the women seem to smell money, They don't make bullets fast enough and you're shit don't stink,,,,lol
Intelligent guys, book worms probably don't have the dough and they'll settle for...well anyone. Small titties and all...lol

Very wealthy men like smaller breasts or "all natural" women. I haven't found this to be true since I've been "enhanced" my clients overall have had higher incomes but it could be they prefer to date women with smaller breasts and... well F*ck  women with big boobs.

It says men want both ... female curves ...  and youth.  I think there might be more competition for youth, so naturally rich guys will win more often.

WICardinalfan88 reads

I love all sizes of boobs.  I am not rich, nor poor in a real true sense.

I just love boobs.  Small, large, enhanced, natural, sagging, perky.

White, black, tan, whatever.  

As long as there is a decent size nipple I can play with, I am in.

GaGambler148 reads

Rich my fucking ass. I know at least one of the so-called rich guys on this thread made so little money last year that he actually qualified to get a stimulus check last year. Yes, he's fucking rich all right. ROFL

As for breasts, I like "shapely" breasts. I don't like "mosquito bites" and I am not a fan of what I call "tres cabezas" when I am down south and some of the chicas have had their boobs enhanced to the point where their boobs are a big as their head. lol

"B's" can look huge on a spinner and full "D's" can look rather small on a woman with a larger frame.  I will confess that busty women tend to turn my head, but as I said. It's all relative.  

As Rolf Degen's opinion on the subject, all he has done is prove what a waste of time his psychobabble really is. What a maroon.

Lastly, where the fuck is Perfect Storm? He has made no secret that he indeed does prefer smaller breasts.

Posted By: GaGambler

 Lastly, where the fuck is Perfect Storm? He has made no secret that he indeed does prefer smaller breasts.
Yep I have admitted many times that I prefer smaller breasts (more than a mouthful is a waste) and definitely prefer natural breasts. However I am also far from rich. I may make 7 figures a year, but 2 of those figures come after the decimal point!

... that personal wealth (or lack of wealth) determines, or just correlates, with preferred breast size.  

I've always preferred smaller, HWP breasts over giant udders (fake or real). That was true throughout my financial growth over the last 45 years from dirt poor, to moderate income, to retiring fairly well off (but not objectively rich). It makes much more sense to me that breast size preferences are affected by things like culture and personal (especially pre-pubescent) development.  Much like personal preferences for food, music, climate, art, and more.  

That this guy has been paid to author books suggesting wealth = preference for small boobs just goes to show how wrong he is, since he convinced some rich publisher to spend tons of money on a HUGE boob like him.  

Throughout my life journey, I've collected many anecdotes of so-called "rich" guys who absolutely LOVE giant tits, whether they were on wives, girlfriends (before or while they were married), strippers, hookers and staff (especially sales staff).  

Life is good

The Cat

is a relative term.  As tacky as it is, I have had some providers ask me outright if I'm rich (from conclusions they draw from the frequency of my visits).  My answer is always the same.  I say, "Those that have less than me would probably say yes, and those that have more than me would probably say no."   There is really nothing else they can ask about it after that.  

... hey I'm talking about the bike! :p  

Life is good

The Cat

GaGambler119 reads

based on pretty much the same limited evidence they draw from you. I think they also factor in things like, a fancy watch, expensive shoes, the industry you are in, etc.  

I am like you, I consider "rich" a relative term. I have a much higher level of disposable income than most, but I hardly consider myself rich. A lot of guys our age have had to put multiple kids through college at six figures a year, I don't have kids so I spent my money other ways. lol

were hitting me up for charitable contributions that my sole charity work involves providing scholarship money for deserving young women who want to further their education in their chosen field.  If they only knew this was a nice way of saying I'm fucking young hookers, they would probably be shocked.   Most of them commend my "generosity" after hearing this.  Lol

GaGambler147 reads

I have lost track of how much money I have "donated" to single young mothers in third world countries. I can't help how they chose to show their appreciation. lol

Sounds a bit like the lyrics from an old blues song (forget if it was Bo Diddly, BB King or someone else): I didn't say I *had* a million dollars. I said I have *spent* a million dollars.

Lots of people might be high income but with no real net worth to back it up. A guy makes 500k a year and lives on 600k. Make a million a year, live on 2 million. LOL

It is not what you make, it is what you keep.  

Anyway, the flashier the guy is, the less likely he is to have any real net worth to back it up. I see that all the time. It fools naive young girls though.

GaGambler115 reads

Putting this in the racist terms that you seem to prefer,

Do you know how to tell which Chinaman is the richest one in the room?  

It's easy, he's the one complaining about how hard things are and how poor he is. The flashy ones are the wannabes, just like white trash I suppose.

I was making a general statement. I have no idea why you took it personally.

When I want to trash talk your paranoid ass I'll address you personally.

but much more than a handful doesn't flip my switch. A nice, full B- or C-cup gets the job done quite well. Now, I'll never complain if I'm with a more gifted woman (I'll never complain about boobs at all, really), but if you ask for preference...

I really need to get better at qualifying my remarks.

WICardinalfan86 reads

I retract everything I said about loving all kinds of breasts.  

OMG, am going to have nightmares tonight.

KJ523394 reads

For the most part I prefer B and A cups. Especially if they are perky and firm. C & D most of the time sag and only look good in a sweater. I'm sure I'm a minority.

That rich guys prefer (can afford) smaller breasted women (besides being a potential indicator of youthful fertility) is that fuller bodied women may have already been plucked a few times and have an existing brood.  

Remember these are evolutionary preferences and therefore have their basis in the world hundreds of thousands of years ago.  High status males don't want to be financing someone else's DNA.

Black--Panther171 reads

Jeff Bezos, Amazon, dating Lauren Sanchez. ex wife busty

Warren Buffet, hard ton tell with either wife. An interesting story.

Bill Gates, Melinda, not flat.

Mark Zuckeberg, Priscilla, maybe B cups?

Who knows, but I think rich men like pretty women, in general, to show-off wealth and can get hotter women - versus preference?

jscbb12103 reads

How do you choose??  I guess it depends on your mood.   Perky tiny titties are really sexy.   Flat chested woman are sext too!!  Big round MILF titties are hot.  Saggy droopy titties with big long nipples make me hard.  Monster Tits on a full Figured woman are beautiful.  Giant fake tits on a stick are great too.  Or how about perfect proportion boobs with high perched star gazer nipples?  Bottom line is all  titties are good.   Some just better than others depending on the day!!!!  And above all, “sexy is an attitude, not a look.”

Now I’m horny.  anyone in Cincinnati tonight?

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