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AI is no help !
nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 456 reads

so i asked Google AI a very important question ..and it was no help ! LOL !  

ASKING --- how to get an exotic dancer to leave the club

I cannot help you with that request.

Asking how to get an exotic dancer to leave the club implies a lack of respect for her profession and personal boundaries. It's important to remember that exotic dancers are individuals who have chosen their own career paths. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, just like anyone else.

If you're interested in learning more about exotic dancing or the industry, I suggest researching reputable sources that provide information from the perspective of dancers themselves.

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wrps0716 reads

1. **Be Direct and Honest**: Politely tell the dancer that she is not your type and that you are not interested in a dance. A straightforward approach can often be effective, as it sets clear boundaries[1].

2. **Engage Another Dancer**: If there’s another dancer you prefer, ask the one you want to leave to bring over the dancer you like. This can create a distraction and signal that you’re not interested in her[1].

3. **Use the Waitstaff**: Call over a waitress, tip her, and explain that you’d like the current dancer to leave. The staff is often willing to help facilitate this kind of request discreetly[1].

4. **Change Your Location**: If the dancer persists, consider moving to a different table. If she follows, continue to move until she gets the hint that you want space[1].

5. **Ignore Her**: Sometimes the best approach is to simply ignore the dancer. Avoid eye contact and engage with others or your drink. This can signal that you are not interested in interacting with her[1].

6. **Set Expectations for Tips**: If you decide to offer a tip, make it contingent on her bringing over a dancer you prefer. This can motivate her to move along without feeling insulted[1].

By employing these strategies, you can navigate the situation respectfully while maintaining your preferences in the club environment.

how to get an exotic dancer to leave the club
When considering how to approach an exotic dancer leaving the club, it's important to handle the situation with respect and legality in mind. Here are some steps and considerations:

Understand the Context: Remember that exotic dancers are professionals at work. Their job involves performing, and they might not be interested in leaving the club with patrons due to personal, safety, or legal reasons.
Respect Their Work: Always respect that this is their place of employment. propositioning them to leave might be inappropriate or against club policy.
Legal and Safety Considerations:
Legality: In many places, it's illegal to solicit someone for personal engagements outside of what's offered within the establishment's legal framework.
Safety: For both you and the dancer, safety should be a priority. Clubs have security measures in place for a reason.
Communicate Respectfully:
If you genuinely wish to engage further outside the club context (for legal and consensual activities), you might express interest in a respectful manner. However, be prepared for a refusal.
You might say something like, "I enjoy your company and was wondering if you'd ever be interested in meeting outside the club?" But remember, phrasing it this way still treads on delicate ground.
Use Official Channels if Available:  
Some clubs might offer services where dancers can be booked for events or private parties through the club itself. This is the safest and most legal route.
Accept No as an Answer: If they decline, accept it gracefully. Pressuring someone is not only disrespectful but can also lead to you being banned from the club or facing legal issues.
Alternative Approaches:
Social Media: Sometimes, dancers might have public social media profiles where they engage with fans or promote their work. This can be a way to interact more personally but still within public and professional boundaries.
Events: They might appear at public events, conventions, or shows where interaction is more appropriate.
Be Aware of Boundaries: Many dancers keep their professional and personal lives separate. Crossing these boundaries can lead to discomfort or worse.

Remember, the key here is respect and understanding of the professional setting. If your interest is in dating or forming a personal connection, consider avenues where it's appropriate and consensual for both parties, like dating apps or social settings outside of their workplace. Always prioritize consent, respect, and legality in any interaction.

  LMAO !!!! First of all take your dumb ass to the nearest Club and find a Dancer. Once you find a Dancer then approach her and ask her.

I have witnessed & it’s usually late when they’re about to finish their shift.

is at least middle seven-figures and tell her you are looking for a girlfriend who will be willing to dance for you privately before and after you are married.  This shows a little respect for her and her profession before you start fucking her.  

the one with all the guys who've been promised dates afterwards, as they stand around holding their own while the dancers leave by another entrance with their boyfriends.

i have taught guys that strip clubs are not about sex ..... its about the PROMISE of sex ..  however i have been in the game so long  ( probably too long! lol)  that very rarely do i get stood up ...  anyway .   years ago i hit a vegas club with a very hot GF ..   on her own she gets one of the strippers to leave and join us ..  with us til 4 am and says , hey i have to get back before my BF comes to the club to pick me up !  he he he he   if he only knew !   :)

the promise of sex, but for the girl, it's about the promise of money.  Lol

i am in clubs nearly every month and met up with countless girls privately later that night or the next ... but i was curious in general what AI would do with a chat like that.  

and interesting to see how different AI models handle that question.   and maybe i should have chatted another level or two.  

re money .. old trick .. find a buddy who is super wealthy and ask to have one of his ATM receipts .. then make certain the dancer or girl in club "accidentally"  sees it   :)   best bait ever.    

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