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Ahhhh!!! Flies mating... perhaps along the St. Jo or in Big Hole, Montana...
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 2541 reads
1 / 24

I keep doing this... because....
Last night, late I contacted a provider to schedule a session...  she was, if anything, better looking than her pictures... and she was willing enough, but during the entire session, I could not help but think, she does not wish to be here... in this room - with me - or with anyone...

while most of the providers I have been with enjoy 'life' and all it has to offer - including sex... it seems that some providers enjoy neither life nor sex....  I tried to engage this lady in polite conversation... and at one point she even made a point of telling me "hey, i'm listening, really I am!"  I think she could tell that I was concerned.... (that she was not paying attention to me!)  and while this lady possessed the body and the natural good looks to be a top provider - the spirit was not there.... alas...  I just cannot have a good time if the lady is not into the session...

sadly - we both wasted an hour of our lives...

happily I have met great ladies in this 'hobby' - and would love it if any or all of them would move in with me... but the thought of yet another Hugh Hefner sickens me...... so maybe if they moved in next door?  hee hee... but that would mean relocation for some.

any hoo, ladies any thoughts as to the "right mental attitude?" to get into this from the business side so that 1) you enjoy the business 2) you do not convey this 'cloud' to your client and 3) you do not let the asswipes "get you down!?"  

note - I will pick the best answer and that person will receive a free massage from Bizzaro! lol!!! Bwahahahaha....  

Best sessions?  the ones where we both laugh!

WildwestKelly See my TER Reviews 670 reads
2 / 24

I try to enjoy life to the fullest and keep a positive outlook on life! I also try to surround myself with upbeat, positive people.

I love pushing the envelope with my sexual adventures almost as much as I do the mental stimulation from great conversations!  

I try to give 110% in my sessions, so if there is no chemistry I can't say that I didn't give it my best shot!

Laughter is the best medicine!

Now, can I get on your massage list...I have my oil heated and ready ;)

Have a Wonderful Day,

-- Modified on 2/5/2008 1:55:38 PM

ellysetaylor See my TER Reviews 1680 reads
3 / 24

Perhaps she was not having a good day or just needs to take a break or get out of the biz all together.
Too bad you had a not so fun session. :( Nothing worse than spending time & money for a waste of time.

You can't make someone enjoy what they do. It has to come from within, especially in this business.
I am a very happy person and love this line of work, for many reasons. My 'right mental attitude' comes easily and naturally to me even with someone I may not have 'chemistry' with.
I always do my best!

White_Shadow 10 Reviews 544 reads
4 / 24

Bizarro, you know, perhaps an experience like this just helps you appreciate even more those times when we get lucky and everything seems to really click, that time when you discover your ATF.  Were it not for experiences like you had last night, those incredible experiences may not mean as much to each of us.

SheerUtopia See my TER Reviews 524 reads
5 / 24

What about reviews, did this provider have any reviews and if so, were they consistent with  the meeting you experienced?

Could it just be she was having a bad day?

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 344 reads
6 / 24

But you are wrong about one thing. Only YOU wasted an hour of your life. She is selling sex for a living and she sold you an hour's worth. Not a waste of time for her at all...a very profitable hour in fact.

Not that I'm trying to be a smart-ass here but you basically ran in to a gal last night who is only in it for the money. Now, don't get me wrong, all providers are in it for the money it's just that the good ones do enjoy life and have a positive outlook on themselves and the job. What's the secret? I wager it's a bit different for every special lady out there.

I love the last line of your post. It's funny. I saw my ATF today after about a month and I told her that I missed the laughing as much as the great sex!

keystonekid 114 Reviews 523 reads
7 / 24

Ellyse is all she claims and more.  First class lady!

Cheyenna 440 reads
8 / 24

Coulda been an off day and maybe she was tired. I am sorry it was "blah".

I LOVE what I do and I hope it shows and I agree, laughing makes it even better.

It is hard to be into something when you
1. do not feel well
2. have your mind on other (stressful) things.

I feel like, if that is the case, it is better to cancel than go through the motions.

I am sure we have all had off days when we were not all we could be and to me, IT IS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY, like some seem to think we base everything on, it is about having an awesome time with someone. I know I am not alone when I say that. I have a reputation to uphold.

Jeeze, if it was all about the money, I'd go sell plasma and a kidney.

Better luck next time, I am sure you deserve better treatment.


-- Modified on 2/5/2008 9:19:50 PM

ShaneofPhilly See my TER Reviews 427 reads
9 / 24

First..if there is NO chemistry the session can/will be akward.
Second..we do get tired...that does happen.
Three- we have other things on our mind.
Four...you suck in bed.

Hope I win!!


AnyOneNormalAnymore 516 reads
10 / 24
pedal2the_metal 1 Reviews 408 reads
11 / 24

Providers are burned out because they have to put up with being:

1. fantasy girlfried act... acting is hard work, ask any actor..

2. mother figure for lost children whose parents didn't give them the emotional contact they needed..

3. amateur psychologist in general for guys with incredible intimacy problems...

4. ego booster for guys who want to show the world what hot chix will date them..

5. tolerant of very questionable personal habits like foul mouthed (both in the verbal and oral hygeine department), becoming excessively drunk and bursting into tears, having long fingernails with green-black oxidised grease under them, thinking they are God's gift to God knows what...

I've had 3 relationships of differing duration with one "world class" escort, one "local chick" and one rather plain but intensely intelligent erotic masseuse...

Guess what... they all tell me the same complaints... didn't matter the price range or the advertised serivce...

Conclusion: a percentage of the men, and a percentage of the women in this hobby are in dire need of professional help, as in Psychiatrist... combination talk therapy and medicine...

Comes with the territory.... accept it as the reality of the situation, and be thankful to the skies when you find gold...

ShaneofPhilly See my TER Reviews 382 reads
12 / 24

He did say he would pick the best response...I thought mine was best~

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 575 reads
13 / 24

Ah, yes. The tough and sometimes misunderstood question: Why is she not having a good time or care about me?

There could be so many different answers. I truly feel (and I don't know her age) she might have been very young, possibly tired from school and maybe not the most patient listener. There are some guys (not saying you) who continually talk about themselves and their lives and/or work and it could become boring to some ladies. Some people just like to hear themselves talk and it's not necessarily interesting to other people.

I, personally, find something interesting about everyone. However, I have to admit that there have been a few men whose conversations are about as interesting as watching flys mate. However, when you look into their eyes and see how important the topic is to them, then there is a certain amount of sentimentality you can feel for them. I guess it can be a bit painful at times but certainly not horrific, but that is part of our date: to make the person feel cared about. There is always something good about a person. You just have to imagine and find it.


-- Modified on 2/6/2008 11:01:03 AM

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 851 reads
14 / 24

and ho hum experiences with some ladies who have good reviews... YMMV is key in most encounters.  I should add, that while this lady did NOTHING wrong, it was just not fun....

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 236 reads
15 / 24

but that is another and very long story!!! hee hee!!  Key  is, I liked the lady - but was sad that she did not seem to enjoy.

Marissa May See my TER Reviews 856 reads
17 / 24

I  do apologize for your " not up to par " experience BizarroSD.

First id like to say " expectations " are such a buzz kill....

Not every provider you are going to come across will be blessed with the ability to provide you with the ultimate " GFE  Experience " or even meet all your expectations, which to you may be so little yet to that certain provider may be the one reason as to why they are in this hobby and not a relationship.
( yes i know this is the job of a provider but how many of us truly deliever what we are expected to in our jobs, deception its a terrible thing, but hey so it the world we live in, let accept truth all ))

" gfe " is defined in so many different ways, two not every provider has what it takes to be the " ultimate GFE " hence the reason why they are in the biz and not a relationship, as a hobbyist there is most likely one thing or another that you may or may not be lacking in your current relationship or maybe you dont have one at all either way, whatever it is you are lacking is what you seek to find in choosing a provider whether is be someone to listen attentively, with someone to show care and affection, someone to give you the time of your life in bed, some one to laugh with you... etc.

being a provider is definitely  mentally & physically challenging (( believe it or not ))  we must be able to maintain a happy persona smile and laugh, no matter what is going on in our head or our lives, not only that to create the ultimate experience we MUST  be able to make the stress and blah of your everyday stresses  go away.... basically create  a FATASY WORLD for two.

We all need to accept truth and see the reality and stop stressing over the inevitable things that we can not change and start focusing on the wonderful opportunities in front of us, ( for us providers, at least myself... it is meeting wonderful gentlemen such as yourselves and being able to bring a smile and some laughter to your life. )share some great moments in a world of fantasy by and for just the two of you... take a deep breathe relax .... and wAA laaa PURE BLISS and two happy people.

As for myself i love to be able to create a time with no stress incredible sex, relaxing massages, and well anything you want.
how am i able to do this.... DUH by joining you in the fun, just relax and enjoy the moment.... smile and laughter... lifes medicines.

Marissa May

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 560 reads
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and dude, I'm not commin over to your place with massage oil and candles... (not that there is anything wrong with that!) but I do like the answer.

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 908 reads
19 / 24

Where the trout practically jump into the frying pan... with sweet pure conifer breezes and incredible vistas that dwarf any human problem or complaint.... yea, those kinda flies mating... with Mr. Trout keeping them to a manageble level.

Sitting there by a warm fire, about to snuggle into a sleeping bag... with a nice lady to warm my backside...!  Hey sexy lady!  I'd invite you but I suspect that my snoring would keep you awake! lol!!!  and in the morning?!  well, no grand slams as the nearest Dennys is about 1400 miles to the south.

but there is nothing like eggs and bacon over a capfire - that is if you caught no trout the night before...  

And for all....  the lady did talk to me... and we did talk of her life... (and for the record what she shared is personal) I just had the feeling that hers was not a happy life.  Were I to have a superpower - it would be the ability to grant happiness to all who need it.

-- Modified on 2/6/2008 12:49:49 PM

CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 456 reads
20 / 24

I didn't get it from your post that she was conversing with you. In that case, what made you two not connect? Did she have a bored look on her face? What was it exactly that you were unsure of or unhappy about? Inquiring minds want to know. :)


BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 879 reads
21 / 24

and not just with me... I honestly think that she was, in her way, connecting but not effectively...if that makes sense... it was almost as if to "enjoy" the session was wrong!  if that makes anysense... I would not rate her badly (6-7 in performance and a 9 in looks).... but she was just not into the session...

I should also add that I was not rushed by her... but I was (within myself) wanting to leave...  And as I say, I don't think it was me, but rather her approach to the business...  

Hey!  on a good day I really like my job... and am very happy to be paid to do it...

Chi_Guy 2 Reviews 635 reads
22 / 24

that might have stirred something in her to get into the session.  Or put her to sleep, one or the other.

mminanton 3 Reviews 252 reads
24 / 24
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