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macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 27 reads

I do see some correlation and intertwining of the idiosyncrasies and eccentricities involved in this hobby..but i usually like to get hard..

I am always impressed how unique they all read. No two seem alike. What is more impressive is how they describe the same thing in such different language.

On the same topic, do you see strong correlation between how they write and how they are in real life? I try and sense the personality from the writing. Sometimes it can be hard.

I do see some correlation and intertwining of the idiosyncrasies and eccentricities involved in this hobby..but i usually like to get hard..


Personally I love writing my ads, I prefer gentlemen have an idea of who I am by my writing style in my profile. Sometimes girls can get inspired by other providers, or hire someone to write ads for them, or worst, copy/paste from another provider (we ALL hate that!)


But I have to admit that I have been put off seeing someone when the way they expressed themselves with the written word made them look either unintelligent or uneducated.  At that point, no matter how appealing the photos look, its not going to get me to book.  

I know a lot of people here think I'm way too serious in my posting, but in person, I'm kind of the jokester, and I love a playful and light-hearted atmosphere with an intelligent lady that can keep up with a skilled raconteur.  I don't mind switching to straight man with a woman who is witty and funny.  

Modified to correct typos

-- Modified on 8/10/2017 11:19:33 PM

Most hookers hire a web developer to design and write the content.    

IOW, the bios are written by professional copywriters not the hookers in most cases.

I do. I've written ads for other women as well. I've also had my ad copy stolen too.

One in particular really has the humor and tease that she writes into her ads.  
The other writes so matter of fact ads. And she is that way until the sheets are pulled back. And then she is matter of factly wild and sexy.  

My point is that there are only great surprises with them.  
Not surprisingly they are both business and sales  world trained.

harbinger of how well I will mesh with that person.  

Good writing displays intelligence and attitude, among other things. Attention to details is another important trait.

He never reads what's on her web site except for rates and booking instructions.  As for conversation, Conan cares vastly more about other oral skills.  He find it becomes irrelevant what she has to say when his Barbarian Bone is buried deep in her mouth.

Everything I write is my own unless of course it's s quite and marked as such...

Honestly I don't  I'm a terrible writer and  speller at least I'm honest I do post my real photos though

generous mature gentlemen, gorgeous, right curves, love what I do, etc.  

It's Sexy,  it's Flirty,  it's Fun...  just like me !
 My intention while creating my website was to simulate… Both of your heads ! Ha!
 I often get comments from gentleman that my written words made them smile and actually tipped their decision  to spend time with me.
 I'm quite proud of it :)

I've repeatedly considered hiring someone to write new material for me, but being the micro-manager I am, I know this just wouldn't work.  

Why?  Because it can be soooooo frustrating to come up with new material (especially if we feel it's particularly witty or clever) only to receive dozens of messages from people who didn't bother to read ANY of it.   They look at the photos and rates, that's it.  

Hell, I've had guys who've claimed not to have even seen my photos!  They allegedly decided to see me based on my reviews and profile alone.  So naturally, they have no idea where I am when they're making their request, let alone any other pertinent details.  
Personally, I don't believe they didn't at least click one of the links to see my pics..... they just ignored everything else.  

This sort of thing really makes me feel like trying to keep my site & ads "fresh" by changing/updating my dialog is largely pointless.  

Clients who truly want to learn more about ME (not just what I offer) prior to meeting will often read my blogs, follow me on Twitter, or search my posts.    
So nowadays, depending on which ad site or venue,  I just keep the ad text the same (only updating necessary details) or pare it down to the basics.  ;-)

souls_harbor44 reads

That reminds me of a story told to me long ago in my high school psychology class.  Supposedly a company was measuring productivity.   They happened to change office lighting and productivity went up.  Then they changed the lighting back to the way it was and... productivity went up again.  The explanation was the they employees thought the company was concerned about them -- didn't really matter what they did, just that they did something.

For websites, it doesn't really matter what you do to change it, just that you change it occasionally because people will think you care about them more than if you create a website and leave it unchanged for the next 15 years.

And I should tell you  that I actually LIKE updating my site and keeping it fresh.  

While I might not be changing most of the text anymore, I do play with my site from time to time, changing other things here and there.  ;-)

Trying to describe myself as a luxury VIP companion who provides an elite upscale experience is just . . . Bleh.  

Writing ads takes a lot of creativity and a lot of time. For the most part, guys don't even seem to read through the whole thing.

Why bother?

-- Modified on 8/12/2017 11:28:47 AM

I write all my own ads, Everytime I write a new one I post them on multiple sites and I put energy into them and the providers that do, usually put a decent amount of effort into them.

I write all of my own material using song lyrics as my tag lines.  I used to change it up every ad and realized no one read it anyway.  So now I just copy and past my ads over and over.  

I have always written my own info. Keeping them to the point and detailed, leaving no stone unturned. Even set up all my own websites.

-- Modified on 8/20/2017 12:37:45 AM

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