TER General Board

What kind of Health Insurance do you have?
AZ Terri See my TER Reviews 7088 reads

A wealthy hospital benefactor was visiting the hospital when, during the tour, she passed a room where a male patient was masturbating.

"Oh My God!" screamed the woman "THAT'S DISGRACEFUL!  WHY IS HE DOING THAT?"

The Doctor that was leading the Tour explained. "I am very sorry but this man has a serious condition where the testicles rapidly fill with semen, if he doesn't do that five times a day, they'll explode and he'll die within minutes."

"Oh, well in that case, I guess it's OK," commented the woman

In the very next room they could see that a female nurse was performing oral sex on a different male patient.

Again the woman screamed "OH MY GOD! HOW CAN THAT BE JUSTIFIED?"


Modified due to capitalization...sorry if I offended anyone....it was just e-mailed to me that way and I was just being lazy....


-- Modified on 2/25/2006 3:42:08 PM

-- Modified on 2/25/2006 3:55:34 PM

I can get the oral treatment, but the co-pay is a bitch.

The doctor says "What seems to be the problem?"  "We would like you to watch us have sex." say the couple.  "Fine", says the doctor, "Proceed".  They do, have a wonderful time and the doctor pronounces them fit and hardy and sends them on their way.

Next week, the couple show up with the same request.  The doctor has them proceed and it all goes exactly the way it did the week before.  The doctor tells them that they are fit and that he sees nothing amiss that would require his services.

A week goes by and the couple show up again.  "Now wait a minute", says the doctor.  "What is going on here?"  The couple look at each other and the elderly man explains:

"You see doc, we are not married to one another, in fact we are both married to other people so we can not meet at our houses for our trysts.  A motel room is $100 and your fee is only $75, and medicare covers most of that!"

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