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At the risk of being percieved as ignorant WTF does "Auld Lang Syne" mean?
caharmon 2 Reviews 3437 reads

Since this will be my last post for 2003, and since I have been unable to find out elswhere on the web, I ask this question.

What does this song have to do with celebrating the New Year?

I know the lyrics, but for the life of me I can't see how they are connected to this holiday. I mean what the hell does "Should auld aquaintance be forgot....", etc have to do with anything, especially celebrating the New Year?.

Sounds depressing to me.

Here is wishing all of you a happy and sucessfull 2004. 2003 was not the best year I have ever had. Oh please don't misunderstand me. I met alot of interesting people, a lot of unique people. Things could also have been a whole lot worse, and for these things I am truely grateful. But in truth things could have been better all the way around and I hope 2004 turns out the way you want it to.

Happy New Year.


Auld Lang Syne translates literally to Auld(Old) Lang(Long) Syne(Ago). Basically meaning to remember the past as the present and future are celebrated.

Robert Burns is credited with penning the poem, however he admitted(argueably) that he had merely put to pen(and added his own verses) a ballad that may have dated back to the 16th century. If you do a google search you will find numorous articles.

Happy New Year

-- Modified on 12/31/2003 8:27:48 PM

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