
Top-5, Best-Strategies for Long-Term Hobby Enjoyment... as a discussion starter, part ii
BRex 59 Reviews 628 reads

Well, I tried... but the Board has become very quiet... No Worries.  

Thanks DR901... some great additional pieces of Rookie Advice!  

But since I promised and since I had already edited it for public consumption, I’ll go ahead and drop Part 2: Top-5, Best-Strategies for Long-Term Hobby Enjoyment... hoping to inspire a little more dialogue... or maybe just personal catharsis.  

I absolutely will not be offended if you don’t agree with me; once again, I know for a fact that some Guys think I am too Pro-Provider... and I know for a fact that some Providers think I’m a selfish asshole, lmao!  

But that’s okay... we all Hobby/Work differently... Grace and Peace!  
I hope the following sparks some more dialogue... I don’t care if you Agree or Disagree!


1. My View Of Connection: Client to Provider and Man to Woman: My Client to Provider World-View & Vision Regarding Connection
** Fundamentally, the Connection is Transactional... a Business Relationship... Not a Romance; but none-the-less, I’ve learned this... She’s still a Woman, I’m still a Man and both of us are still human  
** Taking the time and putting in the effort to get to know special providers well enough to foster both a meaningful friendship and genuine passion is nothing short of life-giving!  
** Allowing friendships to blossom atop the business relationships is key to enjoying the Hobby over the long term

2. My Hobby Personality: Basics: My Most Basic Woman-Facing Personality
** Be Fun, Have Fun and Have a Sense of Humor  
** Be a Respectful Gentleman and Be a Confident Leader!  
** Providers want Direction... their job can be exhausting enough without us just staring at them
** Providers want Direction... but they don’t want a Pushy Asshole
** Lead with Clarity and a Winsome Spirit
** Don’t Be a Pushover: a pushover client will get hustled, lied to and stolen from... and have no fun  
** Be Adventurous and Offer To Take Her Along: this is different things for different providers; but be adventurous
** Practice Makes Perfect... I never stop listening to what the ladies have to teach me about women and I never stop practicing!

3. My Hobby Personality: Authentic but still a Persona... not quite really me... it's the hobby-version of me; opaque enough to be smart but transparent enough for the real me to make genuine connections with my Friends. I'm a kind, trustworthy, respectful, fun and funny guy; and I want that to get through... while still being smart and safe. But genuine connections are where it gets CRAZY FUN. Genuine Connections foster the trust that allows us to make love like college sweethearts or fuck like wild-animals or get into some crazy, kinky stuff... but you aren't ever getting to see what lies behind the curtain without genuine connection

4. My Hobby Personality: Balance: My Woman-Facing Character is Balanced
** I am the most cock-sure nice-guy anyone has ever met
** I am an alpha, but also full of kindness & empathy
** I am kind & empathetic, but also irrationally confident  
** I am gracious, but also not to be trifled with!
** I can lead and I can direct but I always want providers to feel safe
** I love a dynamic woman and sharing laughs as much as heat
** But I love sharing some fucking heat with a sweet girl!  
** I AM a super nice guy, with a lot of swagger!  
** I AM NOT a cocky, entitled douche-bag, providers HATE THAT! but just as importantly
** I am also not passive or submissive; providers disdain that, AND DISDAIN IS WORSE THAN HATE!  

5. My Hobby Strategy & Game:  
** I do genuinely treasure women, everything about them, and I have since the 1970s  
** Sure, my Game is full of lots of confident swagger; but truthfully, my Game is not much more than the Golden Rule... I DO want to be treated with kindness, respect, generosity and warmth; so, I DO bring those things to the Hobby table, and I’m not afraid to put them on the table first; because I know what reality is, reality is this... before it is all said and done, she is going to share with me more than I could ever give he. It is just the truth; and I don’t ever forget it  

There ya go... thoughts, comments?

I'm going to go fuck a sweet girl!

Eastbound and Down,

For long-term enjoyment of the Hobby, I should add a Bonus Rule for Dispute-Management & Conflict-Resolution: Always, Patiently, Take the High Road!

To be clear, I am talking about those most-common types of disputes and conflict that routinely occur in the Hobby; especially to newer Hobbyists and/or those kind-heated Providers willing to work with newer Hobbyists.  
Conflict-inciting Disputes like A). Simple Misunderstandings about Time or Date, B). Misunderstandings about Payment, C). Misunderstandings about Her Etiquette Requirements, D). Her Getting Annoyed with Your Personality or You Getting Annoyed with Her Personality or D). Any of The Above being Amplified because one of you is having Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day :)
I'm not talking about legitimate threats; that's a different discussion entirely, that I'm not having in the public-square. Sorry, DM me. But on to ENJOYMENT!

With those most-common disputes... BE PATIENT and TAKE THE HIGH ROAD! Specifically
1. Never write bad things about Providers in any public-square just because you’re ticked or annoyed  
2. Never write nasty texts or emails to the Provider just because you’re ticked or annoyed
3. Never respond to nasty or accusatory texts or emails with a nasty reply  
4. If you receive a nasty or accusatory text or email, let’s say about a timing misunderstanding
              a. Evaluate the situation, look closely at your actions and culpability, as much as hers, and respond as if she were genuinely a friend... with a spirit of patience, empathy and practicality  
               b. You may be the Customer, but she is a beautiful woman and her job can be very difficult and frustrating
5. If you were 100% or even 50/50 at fault, clearly acknowledge that, apologize and make it right
                a. If you missed the appointment and didn't give her adequate advance-notice, pay her cancellation fee... I pay 100%... but that's just me
                 b. If you misunderstood her Rates, pay her in full, and 10% for her troubles
6. If it was an etiquette misunderstanding, defer to her take... they are her rules. Even if she is more high-maintenance, or flaky, than 90% of the other ladies you visit, that isn’t the point; they are her rules
                  a. You may decide not to see her again, but apologize and take the high road; why not! You are looking for long-term Hobby enjoyment... not to make enemies; especially of a beautiful woman with a difficult and frustrating job
7. By the way... even if she doesn’t have posted etiquette, watch the over-texting... only text/email the necessary minimum when arranging and/or waiting for your first few appointments; and then, after that, don’t assume... ask

These things lead to greater long-term enjoyment of the Hobby and the establishment of far more AWESOME RELATIONSHIPS and MIND-BENDING SESSIONS!
I talk a lot about Networking and Heaven Opening Wide... this rule fosters lots of both!

One last thing, I'm no fucking shill or goddamn beta!  
** I, essentially, negotiate for a living... large, contentious deals that require a big-winging dick and the hard-ball.  
** I am an insatiable Hobbyist and womanizer; a scoundrel of epic proportions who loves fucking lots of different women and doing so multiple times a week, and yet...  
I swear by the empathy-oriented, conflict-resolution principles outlined above... especially if your goal is long-term Hobby enjoyment!  

A patient, high-road approach also foster wonderful re-connections, post-conflict.

Plus, we are talking Men, Women, Sex and sometimes feelings... you are going to make a few enemies even bending over backwards to be kind-hearted and empathetic, ask me how I know, lol!
So, the take the High Road my young padawans.

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

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