Suggestion and Policy

Reviews that are 40 - 50 sentences long without being broken...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 10227 reads

up into several paragraphs are almost impossible to read.  Your eyes start glazing over less than halfway through.  

Staff/Admin. of TER could break up the review into separate paragraphs without changing one word of the review.  

Of course, if guys would hit the "enter" key once it a while instead of writing in a "stream of consciousness" style, that would be a big help too.

-- Modified on 6/5/2009 11:19:41 PM

I agree BP, if I see a review like that, I tend to not read it.  This topic has been discussed before, and I have no idea why some guys insist on writing like that.  It makes me wonder if they really went to school.

Also, I don't know if the TER staff can alter the reviews, but it would help if they would do that before approving the review.  If they can't do that, they could disapprove the review, and tell the reviewer to break it up, that would help.


Actually I would prefer that TER reject the review for punctuation and have the reviewer fix it. and separate it into several paragraphs when you're re-living the experience in your mind with one hand on your keyboard and the other on your joystick.

I think that some of these one paragraph posts are system translation issues, cut-and-paste deals that result in the paragraph break being lost.  There is not excuse for not using a "Preview" function, but 99.9% of the reviews are being posted by guys, so there you go. :)

anabangbang6523 reads

ive never posted a review so im not familiar with the structure of the form but im guessing they have 1 large text box with unlimited amount of space.

they could put several text boxes with a maximum word count on each one except the bottom one for the novelists.

anabangbang5585 reads

not only would it require them to hire at least a couple of full time staff members to do this, you'll opening up a can of worms you dont want to open.


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