Suggestion and Policy

When you “Search Reviews” you DON’T receive a List of Reviews…
Anon68826 72 Reviews 613 reads

You receive a list of providers.

So, my first suggestion is to relabel the “Search Reviews” function to “Search Providers”.

My second suggestion is for TER to develop a true “Search Reviews” function.  

To achieve that, the review submission form would need to be expanded to include all the various attributes, currently listed on a provider’s profile, under the General Information, Appearance, Services Offered and Cost of Service sections. So, when submitting a review, in addition to the info that we’ve been already entering, we would also need to provide these various addition attributes.

Most of the attributes can change over time, or can vary from review to review. Provider’s Appearance can change (hair color/length, weight, age…). Services Offered may significantly vary from one review to another. Same applies to the Cost of Service. Even the attributes in the General Information section of a provider’s profile could change, or vary from one review to another (agency or independent, contact…)

True, what I’m suggesting requires more effort on the reviewer’s part. To minimize this effort, perhaps, the additional attributes could be pre populated with the existing info from the provider’s profile, but could be changed/adjusted by the reviewer, prior to submitting a review.

It happened to me, many times, that I would search for providers that offers, say, Anal or Rimming, yet, not a single review, on their profile, would mention such services ever been offered.

Recognizing that the complexity of what I’m suggesting is extremely high and that in all likelihood it will never be developed, I still want to ask, what say you?

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